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Coastal seas & their role towards Net-Zero 2050

Experts from GERICS explain what we need to know about coastal seas and their role towards the Net-Zero 2050 target. First, we learn how GERICS encourages a better understanding of future coasts and their role in Net-Zero pathways COP26 in Glasgow once again highlighted the pressure on the global community...
renewable energy transition

Local & regional governments: Driving the renewable energy transition

Rohit Sen & Kanak Gokarn from ICLEI, argue that local and regional governments can play a powerful role in driving the renewable energy transition
asia's renewable energy

Solar: Vital to Asia’s renewable energy success

Filippo Carzaniga, Executive Chairman at FIMER, argues that solar will play a vital role in Asia’s renewable energy success
circular plastic model

Transforming plastic use with a circular model

New research provides a model of the global scale of plastic development, tracing where it’s produced, where it ends up, and its environmental impact.
antarctic fish

Behavioural adaptations in fish may help them adapt to Ocean warming

Virginia Tech scientists are showing the resilient nature of cold-water fish in the face of climate change and rising ocean temperatures
planting trees funding

£12 million funding for planting trees across England

Over a quarter of a million trees are to be planted across England in an urban greening project towards natural regeneration awarded as part of National Tree Week.
distillery decarbonisation

The £11.3 million investment toasting to distillery decarbonisation

To decarbonise UK distilleries, the government has granted £11.3 million in funding to cut emissions from alcohol production.
mental health climate change

Eco-anxiety: the mental health challenges of climate change

A report focusing on tackling the mental health challenges associated with the worsening climate advocates for better policy for emotional wellbeing.
NHS digital net zero

NHS Digital pledges to becoming net zero

As part of the Greener NHS programme, NHS Digital has set out its sustainability pledges to help drive the organisation down to net zero.
hydrogen storage project

Glasgow’s £10 million hydrogen storage project for clean energy

A new hydrogen storage project in Glasgow with nearly £10 million in UK government funding to provide zero-carbon fuel for clean energy storage.
inclusion crisis

Fashion industry must prioritise its inclusion crisis over sustainability

Joanna Pritchard, CEO, The Valuable 500, discusses why the fashion industry will never be able to address its sustainability crisis without addressing its inclusion crisis.
EU Annual Budget,

EU Annual Budget 2022: Provisional deal pledges €170.6 billion investment

A political agreement has been made amongst institutions of the European Union as its EU Annual Budget for 2022 is proposed by the Commission.
farming productivity

£27 million investment for farming productivity equipment

An investment for £27 million will go to productivity-boosting equipment in the farming industry, helping the UK farm more sustainably and move toward net zero strategies.
global water crisis

Avoiding ‘Day Zero’: A global water crisis

Darío Soto-Abril and Johannes Cullmann, state the world is facing a global water crisis and share their views on what we can do to avoid ‘Day Zero’.
low carbon locomotive

The new locomotive contributing to net-zero carbon

A new low carbon locomotive design launched by Nuclear Transport Solutions’ (NTS) rail division is to be presented at this year’s Low Carbon Logistics event in Mossend, Scotland.
decarbonising technology

The decarbonising technology transforming net-zero transport

STFC, IP Group, and Reaction Engines are joining forces to create a decarbonisation technology company to lead the transport sector to net-zero emissions.
The imminent possibility of electric vehicles (EV)

All electric vehicles by 2030

Wilke Reints looks at how electric vehicles can be implemented before 2030 – especially when it comes to infrastructural necessities.
ASEAN climate change, ASEAN

ASEAN risks losing 35% GDP by 2050 from climate change

A COP26 report outlining the economic threat of climate hazards at ASEAN, highlighting the impact of weather extremes in the region.
deforestation 2030, sustainable

World leaders agree to reverse deforestation by 2030

World leaders, including Brazil and China, have agreed to stop and reverse deforestation by 2030.
illegal cattle farming, deforestation

How can local authorities achieve net-zero targets by 2030?

Niall Gibson, building performance expert at IES, discusses how technology such as the Virtual Environment and Digital Twins can help local authorities achieve net-zero targets by 2030.

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