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girl at night suffering depression

Blue Monday: ADHD can be predictive of poor mental health outcomes in adults

Adults with high levels of ADHD are more likely to experience poor mental health than adults with high levels of autistic traits.

Mental Health Europe

"Mental Health Europe, with the collaboration of Mental Health Ireland, are very pleased to have contributed an article to Open Access Government (January 2023 issue).  We are very grateful to the editor and thank you once again for keeping the spotlight on mental health!"

Perceptions of the ‘Short Guide to Personal Recovery in Mental Health’

Jackie Mellese, Communication Manager at Mental Health Europe, with Mental Health Ireland (MHI), explain how the ‘Short Guide to Personal Recovery in Mental Health’ is perceived.
father and toddler son reading book together

Education responsive to children’s brain development can improve mental health

Is an education that responds to children’s ongoing brain development, supporting social and emotional development, the key to addressing the youth mental health crisis?

Reassessing our knowledge about mental health and LGBTQ+ practice

Dr. Shanéa Thomas, a training Specialist and Assistant Clinical Professor, argues that trainers are the key to inclusivity regarding mental health and LGBTQ+ practice.
Crowd of people walking on city street to work

A current analysis of mental health in the workplace

Dr Florence Baingana, Regional Advisor, Mental, Neurological, and Substance Use Disorders, World Health Organization (WHO) African Region, provides an update on mental health in the workplace.
A female teacher sits consoling a young student in the corridor

Why we need to treat mental health like physical health in schools

Ben Levinson, OBE, headteacher at Kensington Primary School, shares his thoughts on why mental health should have a positive focus the way physical health does, not a negative one.
Heavily pregnant woman looking out the window

How pregnancy changes the brain: 70% of women experience mental health issues

Pregnancy changes the brain in profound and long-lasting ways, affecting brain physiology, mood and behaviour.
Woman at work sitting at laptop looking stressed/anxious/depressed as she puts a hand to her face in despair

Mental health at work during the most stressful months of the year

What does mental health at work look like as we enter some of the most stressful months of the year for small businesses?
The word 'SUGAR' spelled out in sugar

Physical and mental health benefits of a sugar-free diet

Deciding to embark on a sugar-free diet can be a complicated challenge, especially as sugar comes in many forms - but here we list the many benefits of not consuming the substance.
Senior white woman suffering with dementia and depression/anxiety receiving talk therapy

Talk therapy to improve mental health in dementia patients

Could talk therapy help dementia patients improve their mental health? Research suggests that it is beneficial for anxiety and depression.
mental health imagery

The Act-Belong-Commit ‘ABCs of Mental Health’ campaign for mental health promotion

A simple research-based model for mental health promotion in practice could improve mental health and wellbeing in the whole population.
mental health support with a therapist

Mental Health First Aid: Rural residents procure skills to access professional and self-care resources

Lakshmi Mahadevan, Ph.D., an Associate Professor and Extension Specialist empowers Mental Health First Aiders.
The toll of climate change on mental health

The toll of climate change on mental health

Although its health impacts vary between regions depending on geography, socio- economic status of affected communities, and political policies, climate change is the single greatest threat to human health.

Mental Health Europe

“It has been an absolute pleasure working with the editor of Open Access Government. Grateful for the editorial guidance and the opportunity to contribute to the publication.”
young person suffering depression and bad mental illness

Time to proactively prioritize mental health

Jackie Mellese, Communication Manager at Mental Health Europe, argues that within the current context of a VUCA world (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous), we must prioritize mental health and make it everybody’s business.
Jackie Mellese

Jackie Mellese – Mental Health Europe

Jackie Mellese is responsible for Mental Health Europe’s internal and external communication, including the flagship European Mental Health Week. She has wide-ranging experience in B2B marketing communication in healthcare (oncology and mental health sectors). She holds a BA from Vesalius College, VUB (Belgium) and an MBA from The Open...
Woman stretching whilst sat at office desk, plants next to table, light coming in from window, supporting employee mental health and well-being

15 ways to provide employee mental health & well-being support

Since we spend the majority of our adult lives at work, it is vital that employers provide sufficient employee mental health & well-being support - here's how.
mental health services

Is a hybrid approach the answer to supply chain issues for mental health services?

Dr Chuk Anyaegbuna, clinical service lead at Koa Health, and clinical psychologist, Dr Tania Johnston discuss how technology can support the current delivery system and improve access to mental health services.
Older black man sitting on park bench with fingers intertwined, feeling pensive

Veterans of colour reluctant to seek mental health support

American military veterans of colour are unwilling to seek mental health support due to past discrimination.

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