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our carbon footprint

The importance of reducing our carbon footprint and increasing our renewables workforce

Renewable energy is becoming a priority for governments all around the world in order to reduce our carbon footprint, but the skills shortage is slowing progression down.
fight climate change, climate change in new york

New York takes action to fight climate change

In this article, author Bruce Nagy discusses the recent innovations to fight climate change in New York, with a focus on clean energy.
stressful jobs

Professionals vs Tradesmen: Who has the most stressful jobs?

Research from Workwear Giant indicates that the more you earn, the more you seem to suffer from stress, with the professional category most affected compared to those in trade.
renewable marine energy, dutch marine energy centre

A call to implement marine renewable energy across Europe

Peter Scheijgrond, M.Eng, M.Phil from the Dutch Marine Energy Centre calls for smart support schemes to implement marine renewable energy across Europe.
inclusive economies

New and green and fair? Feeling our way towards greener and more inclusive economies

Steven Stone, Chief, Resources and Markets Branch, UN Environment asks if we are making progress towards greener and more inclusive economies.
UK jobs at risk, No deal brexit

‘No deal’ Brexit could put 20% of UK jobs at risk

The Government needs to avoid a hard Brexit to protect UK jobs at risk and ensure that leaving the EU does not disproportionately hurt weaker regions of the UK, experts have warned.
make dangerous jobs safer, deep sea diving

Has technology made dangerous jobs safer?

Certain jobs, like deep sea diving, bring an element of risk with them: in what sectors has technology made dangerous jobs safer?
full-time UK employees

Three in ten full-time UK employees plan to change jobs in 2019

Two-fifths of full-time UK employees feel undervalued and believe they are better than their boss – particularly high earners and those in large firms.
apprenticeships and graduate schemes

Concerns over specialist jobs despite rise in apprenticeships and graduate schemes

Brexit is not impacting the number of apprenticeships and graduate schemes available this year, but employers are concerned about filling specialist and technical jobs, reports Institute of Student Employers.
pregnant women and new parents

Further job protection given to pregnant women and new parents

Pregnant women and new parents returning to work are to be further protected from unfairly losing their jobs under new proposals set out by the government.
health and safety technology, businesses

New health and safety technology for businesses in 2019

TRUE Solicitors have identified the latest health and safety technology that businesses should look out for in 2019.
employment figures

Employment Minister welcomes new record employment figures

New employment figures confirmed 2018 had the UK’s strongest jobs market on record with latest figures showing more people in work than ever before.
reliant of renewable energy

Hungary plans to ditch coal by 2030 and become fully reliant on renewable energy

Following yet another hike in the European Union’s emissions trading system (ETS) in its fight against climate change, Hungary has announced that it aims to phase out its use of coal and be fully reliant on renewable energy sources by 2030
UK and Japan, Pioneering collaboration

UK and Japan to forge new pioneering collaboration

Japanese PM Shinzo Abe will meet Prime Minister Theresa May and agree pioneering collaboration on medical research, robotics and use of data.
eu and japan

New free trade agreement approved between EU and Japan

The EU - Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) will create an increase in job opportunities and more choice of goods at lower prices.
new year

The key to preventing new year staff departures

One4all Rewards survey reveals the secret to avoiding resignations in the new year rush for jobs 
clean energy jobs

Spanish government invests in re-skilling miners for clean energy jobs

The Sánchez government has set a model for Europe by dedicating EUR 250m to re-skilling miners for clean energy jobs as Spain pivots away from coal
jobs climate

Jobs climate continues to slow down by perpetual Brexit disarray

It's a very challenging jobs climate due to Brexit, spectre of trade wars in multiple regions, paired with a political climate that rewards antagonism over collaboration and the promise of rising interest rates plus the IR35 rulings
high-tech jobs

359 high-tech jobs to be created from £109 million investment

Hundreds of high-tech jobs are expected to be created from overseas investment into the UK’s thriving FinTech, information technology and advanced engineering sectors
changing jobs

Why 98% of employees are changing jobs every 5 years

An increasing number of workers are placing more importance on job satisfaction and happiness rather than money and ‘a job for life’ with more of us changing jobs due to workplace unhappiness 

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