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multiple sclerosis facts & trends

Multiple sclerosis facts & trends

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechCasting Group, walks us through multiple sclerosis facts & trends.
nhs data, uk government, national healthcare

The UK government to improve national healthcare through NHS data

After using NHS data to fight COVID-19, the UK government now looks toward removing restrictions and returning to normal life through data reforms in national healthcare.
beating lung cancer, ai

Beating lung cancer with the AI edge

Prashant Warier, CEO and Founder,, explains beating lung cancer with the AI edge.
sustainable development, innovative technologies

IRODDI: New strategies for a sustainable development

Olga Gómez de Miranda, Scientific researcher from TECNALIA illustrates the innovative technologies and strategies in place to improve sustainable development.
breast cancer screening

Using AI to deliver high quality, personalised breast cancer screening 

Ralph Highnam, PhD, Chief Science & Innovation Officer at Volpara Health, looks at the future of breast cancer screening and the use of AI.
digital cytology

Digital cytology and the future of cervical cancer screening

Cervical cancer is a disease affecting thousands of women in the UK with around 3,200 new cases diagnosed every year, can developments in cervical screening and digital cytology help?

The 3 Truths About AP Audit Software

Rockford Associates discuss audit software and why recovery software is not a complete solution for accounting teams.
children in custodial settings

The impact and recovery from COVID-19 for children in custodial settings

Dr Charlotte Lennox from the University of Manchester illustrates the health challenges for children in custodial settings and highlights a research project designed to develop health improvements and policy recommendations for future major incidents/pandemics.
Dr Xiuquan (Xander) Wang

Dr Xiuquan (Xander) Wang, P.Eng. – University of Prince Edward Island

Dr. Xiuquan (Xander) Wang is an Associate Professor in the School of Climate Change and Adaptation at the University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI).
decarbonising the NHS, net-zero

The path to net-zero: Decarbonising the NHS estate

Cameron Hawkins, Head of Energy and Environment at NHS Property Services (NHSPS), describes the path to net-zero when it comes to decarbonising the NHS estate.
new procurement bill, business

UK’s New Procurement Bill to replace 350 EU laws for business growth

A more flexible and simple New Procurement Bill is to replace 350 of the EU’s laws to drive economic growth and open business for SMEs.
cyber incidents, local schools

How to prevent future cyber incidents in local schools

Despite local schools going online following the pandemic, the cybersecurity threat prevails - here's how to prevent future cyber incidents.
preclinical alzheimer's disease, novel marker

Searching for a novel marker of preclinical Alzheimer’s disease

Research suggests that multisensory integration could be used as a novel marker for preclinical Alzheimer’s disease given reported associations between magnitude of visual-somatosensory integration and important cognitive and motor outcomes.
network infrastructure

6 steps for a successful transformation of your network infrastructure

The public and private sectors are now facing a common issue: how do you maintain legacy technology while embracing new opportunities? Simona Mazza, Head of Digital Advisory, UBDS discusses six steps to transforming your network infrastructure.
sustainability and social value

Five ways to bring sustainability and social value to your supply chain

Dave Emsley explores how the world can be greener, outlining five key ways to bring sustainability and social value to your supply chain.
sunburn & skin cancer

Part 3: Scientific sunburn & skin cancer

Chanda Siddoo-Atwal, President and Primary Biochemist of Moondust Cosmetics Ltd. continues her discussion on sunburn & skin cancer science.
fish oil benefits, men's health

The link between fish oil benefits and men’s health

Dr Deborah Lee, Dr Fox Online Pharmacy, explores and examines fish oil benefits when it comes to the health of men.
weed strain, indica

Do labels efficiently tell you what’s in your weed strain?

Research finds that labels on weed often fail to adequately reflect products' chemical make-up and components of the weed strain.
urban greening, death

More urban greening could prevent over 34,000 US deaths

Between 34,000-38,000 deaths could have been reduced with local increases in urban greening in US city areas – as greenery may substantially reduce mortality.
long COVID symptoms, covid patients

30% of Long COVID patients had no existing illnesses

According to a US review of Long COVID patients, 30.7% of these people had no existing comorbidities that could explain their susceptibility to the virus.

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