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job coaches, mental health, NHS

NHS rolls out mental health job coaches

NHS England has announced a major expansion of a scheme designed to provide tens of thousands of mental health patients with job coaches to help find employment.
manufacturing careers, gender gap, Women in Manufacturing, WiM

Plugging the gender gap in manufacturing careers

A survey carried out by Women in Manufacturing (WiM) has found that almost three-quarters of women would not consider manufacturing careers as a viable option.
work-related stress

44% of work-related stress is caused by high workload

According to HSE, around 15.4 million working days we lost in 12 months due to work-related stress or anxiety last year, with 23% of full-time employees admitting to feeling burned out at work all the time.
Voyeurism act 2019, upskirting

Voyeurism Act 2019: ‘Upskirting’ is made a crime in UK

The Voyeurism Offences Act 2019 has been made into UK law: Read on for an analysis of the changes to your rights, and the legal loopholes that existed before today.
smart working

Smart Working: Preparing for a digital future

In this ebook, Alison White from PLACEmaking lifts the lid on Smart Working practices and reveals her thoughts on preparing both people and places for the digital future.
approach to mental health, societal expectations men

Should employers take a gendered approach to mental health?

The 'masculinity' of men infringes on their access to psychological help: Read this to hear a helpful approach to mental health.
coding and digital skills, prisoners in the uk

Prisoners in the UK will be taught coding and digital skills

£1.2 million is being given to a pilot scheme that will enable prisoners to learn digital skills so that they can enter non-criminal professions on their release into society.
increase to national living, national living wage UK

UK unveils increase to National Living Wage

1.8 million workers will receive an additional £690 over the year from today: Read about the Increase to National Living Wage in the UK.
stress awareness month

Stress awareness month: Almost half of managers not trained on mental health

To promote stress awareness month, instant offices is encouraging businesses to support their workforce to speak about and prioritise mental health and promote a healthy work-life balance.
new data on gender, NHS gender

New data on gender pay gap in medicine

New data on the gender pay gap in Medicine Review shows that in the NHS, 2 in 3 consultants are men and that men earn £1.17 for every £1 earned by women.
Smart Working

Opportunities and challenges associated with Smart Working

Alison White of PLACEmaking asks: Are organisations focusing on the opportunities and challenges associated with Smart Working or too focused on the practical technology and property related aspects?
climate change research centre

UK gets new £5 million climate change research centre

Cardiff University has been selected as the main hub for a £5 million climate change research centre to explore how we can live differently to achieve the rapid and far-reaching emissions cuts required to address climate change.
UK's most stressed cities, affected by stress

The UK’s most stressed cities, ages and professions

In 2018 it was reported that 74% of the UK felt too overwhelmed or stressed to cope, but a year on: Which city, age and professions are the most affected by stress?
women in fintech, Kene partners

Women in FinTech: Fresh perspectives

As Rosie Silk, R&D Tax Manager at Kene Partners, explains, with the right working policies and role models, concerns about women in Fintech that should be rapidly consigned to history.
New UK pension scheme, collective defined contribution

New UK pension scheme: “Could deliver improved returns for millions”

Amber Rudd backed plans for the first Collective Defined Contribution (CDC) in the UK, a new UK pension scheme which is currently in development.

The impact of apprenticeships on individuals, employers and the economy

Keith Smith, Director of Apprenticeships, Education & Skills Funding Agency in the UK explores the impact apprenticeships have on individuals, employers and the economy.

Are you getting enough sleep?

We all know how difficult it is to work when we're tired but are you aware of the effects from lack of sleep on others? Maddy Keating from MHR explores
bridge the gender pay gap

Six ways to help bridge the gender pay gap in the UK

Lucinda Pullinger, Global Head of HR at Instant Offices investigates what forward-thinking steps businesses can take to help bridge the gender pay gap further.
offshore wind sector

Offshore wind sector set to increase female workforce

New offshore wind sector skills package will see jobs triple to 27,000 by 2030 and aims to achieve 33% women in the total offshore wind workforce.
digital transformation success, public sector digital

Collaborating for digital transformation success

Digital transformation: it’s a phrase uttered frequently and with much fervour among senior government figures, heads of public sector and tech innovators in the UK

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