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How will Brexit affect the UK’s shale gas industry?

Claire Brook, Partner at law firm Bond Dickinson, asks how the UK’s regulatory regime for unconventional hydrocarbon development might be impacted post-Brexit… We are in interesting and uncertain times. Attempting to predict the future for the shale gas industry in the current economic and political climate is not easy. In...

A European response to terrorism

Ard van der Steur, Minister of Security and Justice in the Netherlands outlines how Member States are coming together to work as one, in order to prevent terrorist attacks... The ISIS-attacks in Paris (November 2015) and Brussels (March 2016) show the vulnerability of European countries to relatively large scale terrorist attacks...

Self-service: making it happen

Bob Theobald, Managing Director, Power On Connections talks about making self-service happen... It has been just over a year since the new Electricity Market Competition in Connections Code of Practice was formally approved by Ofgem. Customers and ICPs are now starting to reap the benefits brought about by the Code. The Code mandates...

Digging into data for research

Canada is proud to co-lead efforts to internationalise social sciences and humanities research across the Atlantic – and back again. Here Ted Hewitt, President of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada explains why to Open Access Government The social sciences and humanities research environment in Canada has...

Interception therapies for neurodegeneration

Duncan McHale, Vice President, Head of Global Early Development at UCB highlights new therapies for neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease… Neurodegenerative diseases are a growing global challenge as medical advances ensures more individuals live longer.  By 2020 there will be more than 40 million individuals in the world with...

Diverse and open innovation

Martin Kern, Interim Director at the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) highlights the importance of open innovation… When I am asked how the EIT Community managed to develop more than 900 business ideas, 200 innovative start-ups and 150 new products and services within only 5 years, my answer...

Internet of trains

Marcel Van Velthoven, CEO at Znapz talks about how the internet of things can bring value to the rail industry... I borrowed the title to this piece from Hessel Dikkers, Chief Information Officer of NS (Dutch Rail), who gave a very interesting presentation at the beginning of the European Rail...

Climate change and its impact on the ocean

Dr Michael A. Ellis, Science Director of Land, Soil, and Coast at the British Geological Survey outlines the impacts of global warming on the ocean, drawing from both its present state to lessons learned from the past… The oceans play a major role in climate change. That role goes both...

Councils threaten Scottish government after being left out of funding talks

A group of councils have threatened to take the Scottish government to court if they continue to leave them out of funding talks… A group of Scottish councils that broke away from the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (Cosla) last year have threatened to take the government to court. The Scottish...

Innovation in Sweden

AG highlights how Sweden is strengthening innovation in the country through programs run by VINNOVA – the Swedish innovation agency… Sweden is seen today as a World leader in innovation. Innovation is closely linked with research and development (R&D) and Sweden is one of Europe’s top 3 countries which spends...

The future of quantum technologies in the UK

In an interview with Editor Laura Evans, Richard Murray, Lead Technologist in Emerging Technologies and Industries at Innovate UK, highlights quantum technologies and the impact they hope to make in the UK… Quantum technologies is a new industry aiming to make a big impact in the UK. The UK government has...

New IoT courses launched by EIT Digital

Three new online courses into the Internet of Things have been launched by EIT Digital… European digital education organisation EIT Digital has launched a series of new online courses on the Internet of Things (IoT). The organisation (which contributes to the objectives of Horizon 2020 by addressing societal changes alongside other...

Understanding Parkinson’s disease

The European Parkinson’s Disease Association (EPDA) sheds light on the challenges of the disease and the My PD Journey project which focuses on ways to improve accessibility and treatment… Parkinson’s disease is a progressive, chronic and complex neurodegenerative disease (NDD) that affects all aspects of daily living; it is the...

Identifying climate change hotspots

Dr Daniela Jacob from the Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) outlines how climate change hotspots can be located… There is a rising awareness that apart from the mitigation of climate change, also activities in the areas of adaptation to the potential climate change related impacts are becoming necessary. The COP21...

Imaging the future

Professor Miles Padgett, Principal Investigator of QuantIC, the UK Quantum Technology Hub in Quantum Enhanced Imaging explains how quantum science is leading to new technological applications in imaging across the industrial, scientific, security, healthcare and environmental sectors.. Quantum physics is the science of the very small and is often thought...

Why monitor water quality?

Donna N. Myers, Chief of the Office of Water Quality at the U.S. Geological Survey highlights the importance of monitoring water quality to better protect human health and the environment… Water quality is defined as a measure of the physical, chemical, biological, and microbiological characteristics of water. As shown in...

Embracing Horizon 2020

The French National Research Agency explain their investment in Horizon 2020 in order to tackle societal challenges, such as climate change and food security… As a funding agency, one of the greatest challenges of The French National Research Agency (ANR) lies in coordinating the different funding instruments that exist at...

Oxfordshire councils shake-up scrapped despite £113m savings

Plans to reform local government across Oxfordshire have been scrapped, despite the potential of major savings… Plans to reform Oxfordshire councils will not go ahead, it has emerged. Officials said there was no point discussing the findings of two reports costing £200,000 that examined how to cut the number of...

The silent progression of Parkinson’s disease

Ramón Cacabelos, President, EuroEspes Biomedical Research Center says it is time to rethink the causes and treatments for Parkinson's disease... It is highly unlikely that James Parkinson (1755-1824), who first described the “paralysis agitans” in his ‘An Essay on the Shaking Palsy’ in 1817 (years later rebadged by Jean-Martin Charcot as Parkinson’s...

The future of agriculture and sustainable development

Phil Hogan, EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development looks at how the Commission is supporting Europe’s farmers to succeed and be resilient… The Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) was originally designed to feed the starving populations of Europe in the post-war era, and it has met that challenge with resounding...

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