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Shropshire town councils given more time to find funding

Town councils in Shropshire have been given an extra 12 months to find ways of funding services such as libraries and leisure centres… Shropshire Council leader Malcolm Pate has granted town councils a reprieve by offering 12 months longer to find funding alternatives for services such as libraries and leisure...
climate change

Climate changes suffers major blow after DECC cut

The department that tackles climate change was cut in yesterday’s cabinet reshuffle, leading to criticism… When David Cameron first got into power he pledged his government would be the greenest ever. This, sadly, did not transpire, with numerous green energy and building initiatives scrapped during his tenure as Prime Minister....

MicroRNA and its role in preventing psychiatric disease

Hermona Soreq, Ph.D., Professor of Molecular Neuroscience, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem discusses how MicroRNA guardians prevent psychiatric disease by controlling brain-expressed non-coding ‘pseudogenes’... Psychiatric diseases such as schizophrenia or manic-depressive disorder present an increasingly heavy burden on patients, caretakers and society. These diseases may reflect combined inherited and personal experience-related causes, and currently used psychiatric...

UK-France Data Innovation Taskforce explores innovative use of data

A number of recommendations have been published outlining how the UK and France can work together to use data for the good of society… The UK-France Data Innovation Taskforce has published a report on how data can stimulate economic growth while improving society. The recommendations, which outline how both nations can...
downing street

Theresa May reshuffles cabinet as she takes office

In the past 24 hours new Prime Minister Theresa May has been making ministerial appointments. AG looks at who is in and who is out… As Theresa May settles into her new position as Prime Minister she undoubtedly has a monumental task ahead of her. Negotiating Britain’s exit from the...

Post-referendum: A view from terra incognito

Dr Julian Francis discusses the aftermath of the vote and the legal basis under which the UK must consider the ramifications of the EU Referendum results... As fallout from the recent referendum has begun to settle, I now find myself in a strange land trying desperately to look for some familiar land...

Tackling AMR – the Danish way

Esben Lunde Larsen, Danish Minister of Environment and Food explains why a united Europe is needed to lead the fight against AMR… In Europe 25,000 deaths are annually estimated to be related to antimicrobial resistance (AMR). But towards 2050 this number is predicted to increase drastically, and AMR is announced...

Nanotherapy and its role in multiple myeloma treatment

A new class of nanotherapy blockades the genetic drive for multiple myeloma progression. Gregory M. Lanza and Michael H Tomasson, of Department of Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine explain... Multiple myeloma is malignancy of plasma cells that reside in the bone marrow and normally function as part of our immune defence...

Is your workforce mentally healthy?

Liz Skelton, Vice-President of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH), provides advice for employers on ensuring that workers are mentally healthy… Having a mentally healthy workforce is a key component of any successful organisation. Positive feelings about work have been linked with higher productivity, profitability and customer and...
downing street

Theresa May vows to put working people first

Theresa May to put the Conservatives “at the service” of working people as she becomes the last woman standing in the race for Tory leader and PM… The shock stepdown of David Cameron in the aftermath of the EU referendum has left an opening for the most coveted role in...

New concept of flame retardant coatings

Dr. Jimenez Maude, Associate Professor at Lille University outlines how flame retardant coatings can give better protection to major structures such as buildings… Fire is undoubtedly an emotive subject, especially when it comes to scenarios occurring in a “closed system” (e.g. ship, aircraft or skyscrapers) i.e. where the possibilities to...

IUSS launches the International Decade of Soils (2015-2024)

Following the International Year of Soils 2015, the International Union of Soil Sciences has proclaimed the International Decade of Soils to increase the momentum of raising awareness of the importance of soil for life... The International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) is the global union of soil scientists and the...
Uni of Greenwich

University of Greenwich: The ESRC HIVE-PED Seminar Series

The ESRC funded Higher Vocational Education and Pedagogy (HIVE-PED) research seminar series has organised and delivered nine expert seminars and two conferences during 2013-16, with a focus on research findings on parity, progression and social mobility in England, but including also comparative international perspectives.

£57.5m funding for biomedical and quantum technology

The government has announced £57.5m funding will be made available for the UK’s energy and infrastructure, biomedical, and quantum technology sectors… A new funding boost has been given to help develop the UK’s energy and infrastructure, biomedical, and quantum technology sectors. The £57.5m fund was announced by Business Secretary Sajid Javid during...

EU cities and regions meet to invest and connect

The leaders of EU cities and regions come together this weekend to discuss investment and unveil the Bratislava Declaration...  Leaders of EU cities and regions are assembling in Bratislava this weekend to adopt a declaration - the aim of which is to ensure that the voices of local cities and...

EC Commissioner Hogan provides clarity to UK farmers after Brexit

European Agriculture Commissioner Phil Hogan has provided farmers clarity in the wake of the Brexit vote… Farmers have been offered clarity regarding their circumstances in the wake of the vote to leave the EU. European Agriculture Commissioner Phil Hogan wrote to National Farmers’ Union President Meurig Raymond to assure farmers that...

Harnessing new technologies for the defence sector

Professor Neil Stansfield, Quantum Programme Strategic Lead at the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, explains how new technologies such as cryogenics are making game-changing impacts in the defence sector… Traditional cryogenics has long had an important role in defence and security. A wide range of instruments for remote sensing require...

Smart cities are not a priority for councils

New research has revealed smart cities are not deemed a strategic priority for the majority of local authorities across the UK… Leading designer and manufacturer of streetlighting equipment Lucy Zodion has released new research highlighting how many councils are not pushing a smart city agenda. The research showed there are barriers...

Research Councils UK sets out its stance post Brexit vote

The UK research sector must retain its relationships with the EU, irrespective of the vote, to maintain its global position in the future… Research Councils UK (RCUK) has said it will continue to develop relationships and collaborate with research partners both in the EU and globally in the wake of...

Council house building needs renaissance

The Local Government Association has called for action to help meet the future demand of council housing… Research published by the Local Government Association (LGA) has revealed some four million people will need access to affordable housing in the future. This will be the case even if the country achieves...

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