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Brock University

The Road to Reconciliation: How will Canada address its responsibilities to indigenous students

There are significant funding gaps between Indigenous students and non-Indigenous students within Ontario. Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) is responsible for providing education to Indigenous students however, it is outside of federal jurisdiction to deliver education as under the Canadian Constitution education is within individual provincial and territorial...

EU Referendum: How AG readers voted

AG reveals the outcome of our EU referendum poll and how our readers voted... On 23 June voting for the EU referendum will be underway and the UK will have forge ahead on whatever path is picked by the public. It has been a long campaign, although at times it felt...
hospital corridor

Analytics on the frontline of saving lives

David Downing, Director of Health, SAS UK examines how the NHS can embrace digitalisation, overcoming some of its biggest challenges, and outlines the findings of the Carter Review... Since its creation in 1948, the National Health Service (NHS) has grown to become the world's largest publicly funded health service. Made up of...

EU Referendum: Farage on the Thames and the economy

With a week to go until the vote, the pressure is really on both sides to make a final push to get supporters on board. Vote Leave tried to alleviate some concerns regarding the fate of EU grants, providing assurances these would continue to be paid out in the...

8 ways the referendum vote could affect your business costs

Phil Foster, Managing Director of Love Energy Savings outlines what impact the EU referendum vote could have on businesses... British history is about to be made, and despite the 23rd June Referendum being on the horizon, we have no clue as to which way the public will be voting. This uncertainty extends...

EU Referendum: the economy and immigration

As the referendum vote draws nearer, AG’s Sean Heath discusses why remaining is good for the economy and why leaving won't fix concerns about immigration... The economy and immigration. These seem to be the major battlegrounds of the Brexit debate. Yet having done a little research on both areas, concrete facts about what...

Vote Leave say EU grants will be protected following Brexit

Ministers involved in the leave campaign have said recipients of EU grants would still receive the same funding in the event of a Brexit… What will happen to EU funding has been a key concern during the referendum campaign, particularly for the science and farming sectors, both of which receive...

Keeping Canadians healthy

AG highlights how the Canadian Minister for Health is committed to preventing chronic diseases and how it supported World Health Day… Cardiovascular diseases (CVD’s) are one of the biggest causes of death globally. In 2012 alone an estimated 17.5 million people died from CVD’s, which represents 31% of all global...
radiator thermostat

Oxford City Council investigates city-wide heat network

A study into how buildings in Oxford use heat and electricity is being conducted by the city council and its partners… A new study examining how buildings that use a lot of heat and electricity can reduce their carbon foot print is being undertaken by Oxford City Council and its...
digital skills

MPs warn the UK is heading towards a digital skills crisis

MPs have warned urgent action is needed to tackle a digital skills crisis in the UK, which costs the UK some £63bn a year in lost income… MPs on the Commons Science and Technology Committee have called for urgent action to tackle the digital skills crisis. The committee said the...

European rail supply industry

Natasha Marie Levanti, Association for Consultancy and Engineering discusses the European rail supply industry and outlines what the new EU resolution means for the sector...  On 9 June the EU Parliament has adopted the Resolution on the competitiveness of the European rail supply industry (2015/2887(RSP)), which will serve to...

PETRAS – Cybersecurity of the Internet of Things

Jeremy Watson, Professor of Engineering Systems at UCL and Emil Lupu from Imperial College London outline how the new PETRAS research hub aims to fill knowledge gaps and promote safe and secure use of the Internet of Things… The PETRAS Hub, with £9.8m funding recently awarded by the Engineering and...
UCB Pharma

Enabling research into Neurodegenerative disease through sharing of data

Professor Duncan McHale discusses neurodegenerative disease research... Neurodegenerative diseases are a growing global challenge as medical advances ensures more individuals live longer.  By 2020 there will be > 40 million individuals in the world with Alzheimer’s disease and by 2040 without the development of truly disease modifying drugs this will...

EU Referendum: votes, property, and fish and chips

With the vote now only two weeks away, the EU Referendum campaigns are hotting up. In the week where the deadline to register to vote was extended by a day, due to website issues, we also saw a Tory MP change sides from Leave to Remain. Over the last few...

Plus Ultra: What’s this got to do with modern education?

Dr Kevin Flint of IAPD discusses education. Over the last few months my articles presented on the AG website have been variously concerned with the complex relationship of practice, research and education. Here I wish to concentrate upon education. In reading a multiplicity of historical accounts of it one cannot help...

Health Care: Using lean to transform a hospital into a rehabilitation centre

South Karelia Social and Health Care District (Eksote) provides publicly funded social and health care to 133 000 citizens of South Karelia in South-Eastern Finland. Eksote’s strategy includes reducing the use of institutional care and emphasizes providing rehabilitation to those who need support services and institutionalised housing to strengthen...

Official website to register to vote crashes before deadline

A deluge of people trying to register to vote before last night’s deadline caused the official website to crash… The government have said that the problems were caused by “unprecedented demand” and that half a million people tried to register to vote yesterday. According to data from the government, 525,000 people...

Ofsted issues warning about low education standards in East Midlands

Education standards in the East Midlands are distinctly second division, warns Ofsted chief inspector Sir Michael Wilshaw highlighted figures showing the East Midlands as the worst performing region in the country on a range of key indicators. He warned that the low standards are expositing the educational fault line dividing the...

A national approach to supporting STEM in Ireland

Niamh Lyons, Interim Director of communications, Education and Public Engagement at Science Foundation Ireland highlights the importance of STEM in Ireland, and how the funding agency is supporting projects in this arena A St. Patrick’s Day card I received this year told that the Intel Quark chip which is powering...

Fight Zika virus before it gets out of control

European Parliament MEP Annie -Schreijer-Pierik (NL, EPP Group) and co-author of the resolution on Zika Virus, sheds light on what more could be done in Europe to help prevent the deadly disease… Europe should step up efforts to fight the Zika virus. More research, more money more awareness is needed....

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