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cloud computing

London council IT teams urged to build cloud services

London local authority IT teams have been called upon to design and implement their digital services through the ‘SuperCloud’… London Grid for Learning (LGfL) Chief Executive John Jackson has called on IT teams at London councils to help build and implement digital services through the London ‘SuperCloud’. The SuperCloud is a...
child refugee

Councils call for more funding to care for child refugees

Councils are calling for more funding to help with the cost of caring for children who have been displaced from their homes… The UK is set to receive more child refugees, which will place pressure on councils or see services scaled back unless more funding is provided. The Local Government Association,...
eu open door immigration

EU Referendum: immigration, security and beer mats

For the past few weeks the focus has been on getting the student population to vote. Now, attention has turn another part of society: expats. The Electoral Commission has urged this group to ensure they are registered to vote in the referendum before the upcoming 7 June deadline. The Leave...

COP21 and the Paris Agreement

Dr Daniela Jacob, of the Climate Service Center talks about COP21 and the role of climate services... After the dust has settled on COP21 – and now that the Paris Agreement is open for signature – it remains the case that the agreement represents a very important step forward in relation to...

Shared chief digital officer plan receives support of Scottish councils

Some 26 out of Scotland’s 32 local authorities have joined a strategy that will bring digital services under a single chief digital officer role… Under new plans, Scotland’s local authorities could see their digital services brought under one key figure. A total of 26 out of 32 elected local councils...

IAPD: Beyond the violence of being a brick in the wall

Dr Kevin Flint from the IAPD discusses modern education. In my last paper presented to this website I was concerned about the style of educational practices in the context of moving into a space for education that may be found in the plus ultra, beyond our current practices. In the...
grammar school

Kent CC to improve social mobility through grammar school access

Recommendations have been put forward to help improve social mobility across Kent by ensuring children from all backgrounds have access to grammar school education A report containing 16 recommendations to improve social mobility has been put together. Nine cross-party Kent County Council members made up a select committee that aims...
pupils character

Schools to receive funding boost to help develop pupils character

A £6 million funding boost aimed at improving pupils character traits such as resilience and respect is now welcoming applications Children and Families Minister Edward Timpson has announced a £6 million fund aimed at developing pupils’ character is now accepting applications. Schools that are using a range of activities aimed at...
cycling path

£20.6m green transport fund announced by the government

The government has revealed £20.6m green transport funding for cycling and walking projects across the country… A £20.6m green transport fund will help to develop cycling and walking projects, it has been announced. The money will act as a stop gap, covering the end of the Local Sustainable Transport Fund...
eu referendum medicine

EU Referendum: could it damage the health service?

This time next month the EU referendum vote will be over and the UK will be dealing with the fallout. Whether you are for or against staying the vote is undoubtedly a momentous event, one that has the potential to significantly change our nation. It is also an issue...

Transport experts warn HS2 rail link is over-priced and will fail

Controversial HS2 will fail to achieve its objectives and is overpriced, warn transport experts… A group of transport experts have warned plans to create a high speed rail link between London and the cities of Birmingham, Manchester, and Leeds is over-priced. HS2, as the link is known, has been a flagship...
tablet phone

Digitalising services to strengthen communities

Dave Langhorn, Head of Regional Business and Regional Public Sector at Vodafone UK discusses how communities can be strengthened by digitalising services... What makes a strong community? A recent Perspectives report by Vodafone UK, which surveyed local government, health and social care leaders, found that there are three essential components:...
digital health

Our daily digital health – is everyone ready?

Marc Lange, Secretary-General and Diane Whitehouse, Member of the Secretariat at European Health Telematics Association (EHTEL) outlines how digital technologies are helping to transform health service delivery… Our daily life is becoming increasingly digital, and people are considering this move as the way to go for more and more activities. Digital...

Tom Brake: why remaining in the EU is the right choice

Tom Brake MP, Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs tells AG why he thinks the UK should stay in the EU... The request by AG to write a short commentary on why I think we are better off in the EU was more challenging than you might think. It's nearly impossible...
North Yorkshire

North Yorkshire fracking gets green light

North Yorkshire fracking proposals were given the go-ahead by the county council yesterday evening, in the face of fierce opposition… The County Council planning committee has given the go-ahead for North Yorkshire fracking proposals put forward by Third Energy, with a vote of seven to four. The planning committee sat for...

Accessing 5G mobile networks

The University of Kent outlines how it is leading research focused on the radio access network of future mobile communications... The next, 5th generation of mobile communication networks is expected to support ultra-high-bit-rate services, such as for high-definition video, low-latency, for gaming, self-driving vehicles, tele-surgery, etc., and the vast interconnection...

Treasury report warns Brexit would cause recession

A new analysis from the Treasury claims Britain would enter a recession, with some 500,000 jobs lost if the UK votes to leave the EU… At least 500,000 jobs will be lost as a result of a Brexit, with GDP dropping by 3.6 per cent. The claims were made in...
teenager arrested

Children in care should not be prosecuted for minor offences

A review has called for the government to protect children in the care system from criminalisation… A review for the Prison Reform Trust has called for the government to cut the number of prosecutions for minor offences aimed at children in care. The report, ‘In care, out of trouble’, highlights how...

Kent County Council “declares war on potholes”

Kent County Council has revealed it is declaring war on potholes and will invest some £4m to fix the county’s roads… Potholes are undoubtedly a bane for motorists, but now one council has declared war on them. Kent County Council has revealed plans to invest £4m to tackle the issue,...
plane de-icing

De-Icing sewage treatment – a clever combination

Ms. Caterina Talerico and Mr. Dirk Kauffeld from Zurich Airport Ltd details how the airport is using new methods to treat the sewage from the de-icing of planes… Aircraft operating areas and aircraft itself have to be kept free of ice and snow for safe flight operations also during winter-time....

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