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innovation agriculture

EU agriculture industry needs greater innovation

Leading agriculture and food organisations have reiterated the call for a greater push to increase innovation within the sector… Innovation should be considered during every stage of the legislative process, said leading EU agriculture and food organisations during the 7th European Innovation Summit. The Knowledge4Innovation event was hosted at the European...

Councils gain £700m parking charges profit

New research has revealed English councils saw an increase in profit from parking charges and penalty notices this year… Motoring research charity the RAC Foundation found councils across England are making significant profits off parking charges and penalty notices. According to the data, councils made a record £693m profit during 2014-15,...
Esbjerg Kommune

Esbjerg Kommune

In the municipality of Esbjerg there are 2,000-3,000 people with a physical, social, mental or sensory impairment which impacts on their everyday life. Under the Danish Act on Social Services, the municipality must provide support and assistance to these individuals to enable them to lead fulfilling lives alongside their...

Ofsted warn of north-south divide in English schools

There is a growing divide between the results seen in northern schools and those in the south, it has emerged… Education watchdog Ofsted has warned there is a significant divide between standards in the north and south of England. According to the watchdog’s latest annual report on education standards around a...

Practice, experience and research-philosophy-education: A personal profile

Setting up and running the professional doctorate programme at Nottingham Trent brought together dimensions of my experience in education, research, philosophy, rock-climbing/mountaineering, so constituting the basis for rethinking the practice of research. The professional doctorate programme at Nottingham Trent in 2008 I set up working with two colleagues from Social...

98 per cent of doctors vote for strike action

Junior doctors have voted in favour of taking action against ministers in a row over contracts and pay… In what is certain to be a controversial and divisive decision, junior doctors have voted overwhelmingly in favour of taking strike action. With some 98 per cent voting in favour of a full...

The real cost of healthcare fraud

Jim Gee, Partner and Head of Forensic and Counter Fraud Services at PKF Littlejohn sheds light on the impact of fraud on the healthcare sector… Fraud is a challenging problem no matter what sector it impacts on. Its economic effects are clear – worse public services, less financially stable and...
mental health

Fit-for-work tests takes toll on mental health

A new study has revealed the impact of tougher fit-for-work tests on mental health… Research published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health shows the serious toll of fit-for-work tests on mental health. The study, which was carried out by scientists at Liverpool University’s public health department, was able to...

Cameron criticised for complaining about local cuts

David Cameron has raised concerns about cuts being made by his local council, despite the fact his government is responsible for budget slashes... In what can only be described as a bizarre story, Prime Minister David Cameron has complained about cuts being made in his local constituency, despite being responsible for...

A quarter of NI head teachers are “overworked”

Head teachers union warns more than a quarter of school leaders have unmanageable stress levels and do not receive sufficient support… Last month, teachers reported feeling the strain of workloads. This month, it is the turn of school leaders. In a survey carried out by the National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT)...

Colour changing dressing detects infections

A new dressing that changes colour when an infection is present could reduce the amount of antibiotics used unnecessarily… Researchers have created a bandage that changes colour when toxins are present in a wound. Using fluorescent dye the dressing is able to detect bacteria and gives doctors an indication that...
mark britnell

Are we prepared for an ageing society?

Dr Mark Britnell, Chairman and Partner of the Global Health Practice at KPMG answers AG’s questions about the impact of an ageing society on the economy and NHS services…  As populations grow and get older and more complex, there is an ever growing pressure on healthcare budgets and services. In the...
cyber security

£6.5m cyber security research project launched

The UK government has launched a cyber security research project, which will involve 18 companies… Eighteen companies have pledged to invest £6.5m in a new cyber security research project. CyberInvest will bring together academics, private sector researchers, civil servants from the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), and the Department for Culture,...

Defining, designing and delivering digital

Can digital services reap rewards for councils and taxpayers?  Alan Mo, Research Director at Kable discusses how digital infrastructure is helping local authorities... A recent local newspaper article reported that more than £800,000 has been committed to transforming the digital infrastructure of two councils. It went on to ask: will...

Gynaecological cancers – prevention and early detection

Murat Gultekin, Vice-President of the European Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO) highlights the importance of early detection of gynaecological cancers for prevention…  According to World Cancer Report 2014 (IARC), at least one third of cancers are preventable. This is true for gynaecological cancers, especially cervical cancer. However, less than 5%...
© Wrightstudio cyber

Cyber Security Top 10

Elaine Munro, BSI’s Head of Portfolio Management outlines the cybersecurity must-dos for business success The impact on business for larger organisations has been well documented in recent times, and a greater understanding of information security has been reached. This is a matter of concern for businesses of all sizes and...
© Valerii Brozhinskii cloud

Becoming a digital services hub

Richard Godfrey, Assistant Director of Digital Peterborough details how Peterborough City Council is addressing key challenges through better use of cloud technology solutions As the UK’s local authorities continue to battle the ever-present financial, productivity, and modernisation challenges of governing today, many have turned to IT – and cloud computing in...

Change management

Why is it difficult to make it part of business as usual? Change Management is not well understood amongst business leaders plus the skills to perform it do not occur in many businesses as a norm. Sometimes people expect IT solutions to provide the silver bullet to cure this but...

Winning Support for Continuous Improvement Projects

Your quick step-by-step guide Gaining support to implement and sustain a continuous improvement program is an oft-voiced concern within organisations. These concerns reflect frustration in both senses of the term – feeling frustrated personally and encountering attitudes that frustrate the effectiveness of the program. Three sets of skills and methods have...

Tackling our productivity gap requires a shift in thinking

Mark Beatson, Chief Economist at CIPD (the professional body for HR and people development) outlines what needs to be done in order to boost productivity in the UK The UK’s poor productivity was highlighted by the Chancellor as perhaps the biggest economic problem facing the government during its term of...

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