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A number one funding source for Russian basic science

Alexander Khlunov, Director of the Russian Science Foundation (RSF) gives an overview of how the Foundation supports research throughout the country The Russian Science Foundation (RSF) was launched in November 2013; its operation is governed by a special federal law. Incorporated as a foundation, RSF proves a more flexible and...

The climate’s beating heart: Myths and maths

It stores heat, greenhouse gases and gives back at a measured rate. It is the World’s Ocean. As a player in our understanding and predicting the climate on Earth, it has had a supporting role to the atmosphere. But things have changed and it is moving to center-stage. To a...

The power of basic research

Rebecca Keiser, Head of the National Science Foundation’s Office of International Science & Engineering sheds light on why basic research is integral to the progress of science The touchscreen on your cell phone. The bar code scanner in a grocery store check-out line. Doppler radar for weather prediction and GPS –...

The Impact of engineering in biology and medicine: the biomedical engineer (BME)

In 2014, WHO stated: “trained and qualified biomedical engineering professionals are required to design, evaluate, regulate, maintain and manage medical devices, and train on their safe use in health systems around the world”1. In response, the European Economic and Social Committee stated: “Biomedical Engineering is not simply a subset of...

China to the UK: Tackling cancer across borders

The China-United Kingdom Cancer (CUKC) Conference 2015 welcomed approximately 200 experts, including senior medics, scientists and scholars from world leading, international institutions to discuss strategies to fight cancer. The two-day event invited presentations from leading scientists and clinicians on effective cancer prevention, early diagnosis, aggressive treatment and rehabilitation recovery...

Flying the flag for cancer research

OAG highlights the efforts made by the Welsh Government to improve cancer care and research throughout the country Due to an ageing population, the demand for cancer care is ever increasing. In Wales, cancer is one of the two biggest causes of premature death, which is why tackling the disease...

Gynaecological cancers –prevention and early detection

Murat Gultekin, Vice-President of the European Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO) highlights the importance of early detection of gynaecological cancers for prevention According to World Cancer Report 2014 (IARC), at least one third of cancers are preventable. This is true for gynaecological cancers, especially cervical cancer. However, less than 5%...

Improved cancer care: Integrating palliative care and oncology

Norwegian cancer researchers launch a project to improve care for cancer patients with a limited life expectancy Europe has about 3.5 million new cancer cases per year, and the number is rising. Advances in treatment options have led to more patients getting cured and prolonged survival for those with incurable...

Reducing the burden of cancer

AG highlights the work of the National Cancer Institute (NCI), to reduce and treat cancer. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is the U.S. Federal government’s primary agency for cancer research and training. As part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) they coordinate with the National Cancer Programme, which conducts...
mental health

Connecting the dots between physical and mental health

Ophelie Martin, Communications Officer at Mental Health Europe shares insights on the link between physical and mental health, illustrating facts with her own personal story. According to the World Health Organization, “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or...

Drug development for Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a major problem of health and a national priority in developed countries. Despite enormous efforts by governments, the scientific community and the pharmaceutical industry over the past 50 years, no therapeutic breakthroughs have yet been achieved, and the drugs available for the treatment of AD...
acute medicine

Research opportunities in Acute Medicine

Dinesen L1, 2, Poots AJ1, Bell D1, 2. 1.NIHR CLAHRC NW London, Imperial College London 2.Dept. Acute Medicine, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital What is Acute Medicine? Acute medicine is the part of internal medicine concerned with the immediate and early specialist management of adult patients who present to, or from within,...

Improving healthcare in Belgium

AG outlines key priorities of the Belgian Minister for Public Health, Maggie De Block. Ensuring citizens lead a healthy lifestyle is a cornerstone of policy for governments worldwide. Throughout Europe, Ministers and MPs are bringing the issue to the forefront with proposals for healthy eating strategies and taxes on sugary food...

Are we standing in our own way on the path to a cure for...

Although there are many reasons to celebrate the life-extending benefits from antiretroviral therapeutics (ART) for HIV/AIDS and the ability to chronically manage patients’ disease for decades, the majority of people around the world living with the virus do not have access to ART and those that do, have over...

How Europe should act on childhood obesity

Nikolai Pushkarev, Policy Officer at the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA), outlines the importance of tackling obesity in children. We are drowning in declarations, strategies and action plans dedicated to tackling the problem of obesity.  But today, about 40 years after the start of obesity’s spectacular ascent, the World Health Organisation...
global climate

Drought, Food, and Trees

As we consider the challenges that global climate change poses for food security, it is insightful to look at past episodes of food insecurity for possible solutions that can be adapted to current situations or for any mistakes made and lessons learned. Historically, one of the major causes of...
processed meat

WHO says processed meat is carcinogenic

A new report published by the World Health Organization has classified processed meat as carcinogenic to humans. To the discerning meat eater there is nothing better than a bacon or sausage butty to start the day. However, a new report released today will classify these types of processed meats as...

International Association for Practice Doctorates

Education, Philosophy, Research: Opening space for moves towards social justice in research Given the complex inter-relationship of social/educational research with, on the one-side global capitalist systems and technology1, and on the other, governmental institutions concerned with security, including, as Foucault2 saw more than three decades earlier, education, health and welfare. Given the...

Is nuclear energy the answer to climate change?

Dr Jonathan Cobb, Senior Communications Manager at the World Nuclear Association details why nuclear power could be part of the solution to tackling climate change. From 30th November, for 2 weeks, thousands of negotiators will meet in Paris for the COP21 climate change conference. They will be joined by tens...

Are teachers under too much pressure?

Unions warn teachers are under so much pressure they are being “reduced to tears”, highlighting yet another difficulty facing the sector. It certainly seems as if the education sector is in disarray lately. Last week it reported difficulties retaining staff, with teachers leaving in droves. In a leaked letter, it...

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