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calming properties, green tea

Does green tea have calming properties?

A new study in the Journal of Medicinal Food has investigated whether the contents of a cup of green tea could have specific calming properties after a stressful experience.
peru fossil discovery, whales walked on land

Peru fossil discovery shows that whales walked on land

42.6 million years ago, whales walked on land and swam in the sea: Scientists unearthed an unusual fossil of the amphibious whale along the Coast of Peru.
Acute promyelocytic leukemia

Opportunities and solutions for acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APL)

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision Group gives an overall perspective on the challenges and concerns around acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APL), a type of blood cancer.
Common Agricultural Policy

The future of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in Europe

Commissioner Phil Hogan details what the future has in store for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in Europe, in an address to Plenary session of the EESC: “Future of CAP” on 20th February 2019.
Europe in space defence, US space force, space policy directive 4

The U.S. Space Force: Rising stakes for Europe in space defence

In this article, an oncoming U.S. weaponisation of space via Trumps' Space Policy Directive 4 is examined in context of Europe in space defence.
high street crisis

High street crisis – Is it possible to avoid the demise of retailers?

RBR Advisory highlight how retailers can avoid closing down their business as empty shop windows become a regular occurrence during the high street crisis.
age in polar science

A new and exciting age in polar science

Kelly K. Falkner, Director of the Office of Polar Programs (OPP), National Science Foundation, shares her thoughts on a new and exciting age in the field of polar science.
OGEL IT, digital services

Helping government bring IT back in-house

OGEL IT discuss the services they provide to help the government bring IT back in-house, in this report.
digital transformation projects

Five reasons why your digital transformation projects could be failing

Natasha Bougourd, Lead Applications Writer, TSG, highlights the five most common reasons as to why digital transformation projects fail, in this report
creative sector and government, erica wolfe-murray

Creative Sector and UK government: A question of mutual support?

In this article, Erica Wolfe-Murray discusses the underexplored relationship between the Creative Sector and the UK government, urging the UK to focus on an often-ignored, increasingly powerful industry.
bridge to the future, digital transformation

Digital transformation: The bridge to the future

Sneha Mishra, Quality Assurance Manager at InterActive Pro and explains why digital transformation is the bridge to the future when it comes to how an organisation delivers value to its customers.
blockchain based identity, global innovation

Blockchain-based identity: A tool for global innovation

Following a year of widespread data breaches and the ongoing threat to online data, it’s no surprise that digital identity has evolved as one of the most important issues facing organisations and consumers on a global scale.
offshore wind sector

Offshore wind sector set to increase female workforce

New offshore wind sector skills package will see jobs triple to 27,000 by 2030 and aims to achieve 33% women in the total offshore wind workforce.
blockchain-based identity

Blockchain-based identity: An effective tool to support global innovation

Eric Swedersky, SVP Delivery and Public Sector, SecureKey Technologies discusses the potential benefits that blockchain-based identity has as an effective tool to support global innovation and the economy.
women in the tech world, fintech

Women in the tech world: We need you

In this article, Stacey Wilkinson talks about how her experiences whilst travelling the world as a recruiter led her to believe that economies need more women in the tech world.
learn about mental health, UK sex education

All UK children will learn about mental health

Three new subjects will be universal from 2020 to ensure school prepares pupils for the world and all children will learn about mental health - health education, relationships education and RSE.
parking technology

Staying street smart: Parking technology in UK cities

Paul Moorby, CEO Chipside, discusses how parking technology will help streamline transport digitisation in the next steps towards smart city adoption.
disabled access, UK railways

Disabled access: What can be done to power UK railways forward?

Hilary Stephenson, Managing Director of Sigma explains what can be done to power UK railways forward when it comes to the issue of disabled access.
chatbots the future, AI in 2019

AI in 2019: Are chatbots the future?

From devices in our homes, such as Google Home and Amazon Echo, to mobile apps like Cortana, AI have already made its way into our daily lives: are chatbots the future?
digital transformation in NHS, NHSX

NHSX: joint organisation for digital transformation in NHS

The unit will take forward digital transformation in the NHS, allowing patients and staff to benefit from the latest digital systems and technology.

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