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Council tax on second homes doubled by Lib Dems

Lib Dems to double second home council tax

The Liberal Democrats will give local authorities the power to charge more council tax on second homes A spokesperson for the Liberal Democrats insisted a new policy that would give local authorities the right to charge more council tax on second homes is not aimed at attacking holiday property owners. The...
SNP lays out its manifesto

SNP lays out its election manifesto

Launching the SNP's general election manifesto, Nicola Sturgeon says her party will represent the interest of voters across the UK... Today, the Scottish National Party (SNP) launched its manifesto. The party has pledged to represent the whole of the UK, not just Scotland, if they are brought in to help...
SNP and Labour clash in the debate

SNP and Labour clash in the debate

SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon warned she would only support Ed Miliband as PM if he can show his party is “better than the Tories”... Last night saw the third debate of the election campaign take place. Unlike previous broadcasts, it was lacking representatives of the Coalition government and instead hosted...
MEPs urged to reject biofuel law

MEPs urged to reject biofuel law

The National Farmers' Union is calling for UK MEPs to reject a draft law that will impact the production of biofuels... A new draft law that would limit the amount of crops involved in biofuel production is set to be presented to the European Parliament at the end of the...
No new roads under the Green Party

No new roads under the Green Party

Green Party leader Natalie Bennett has said no new major roads should be built and plans for a major road building scheme should be scrapped... The Green Party has revealed plans to scrap programmes aimed at developing new roads across Britain. Leader Natalie Bennett said the £15bn programme aimed at extending the...
Why we need an Energy Union

Why we need an Energy Union

Miguel Arias Canete, European Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy gives an overview of why an Energy Union is integral to the EU… Divide et impera. Divide and rule. As simple as it may sound, this maxim summarises the key strategic approach of the most eminent leaders and statesmen throughout history....

Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015: Training

Training Effective training should enable all of the dutyholders to achieve compliance with the regulations in an efficient and cost-effective way, achieving the objectives of not hurting people without reducing, and sometimes enhancing, the efficiencies on the project and for future maintenance, cleaning, etc. The courses available from Callsafe Services Limited...
GP retirement crisis looming

GP retirement crisis looming

A third of GPs are expected to retire in the next five years, which will leave the service facing a significant crisis... A survey conducted by the British Medical Association has revealed a looming crisis in GP services. The survey of more than 15,000 UK GPs found that a third...
Greens launch election manifesto

The Green Party launches election manifesto

The Green Party is set to launch its election manifesto, which will include a call to “take back” the NHS from the private sector Party leader Natalie Bennett and MP Caroline Lucas are set to unveil their party's election manifesto today. It will focus on issues such as stopping the...
Action needed to boost nurse numbers

Action needed to boost nurse numbers

The Royal College of Nursing has called for immediate action from the next government to boost the number of NHS nurses... A new report from the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has highlighted there are fewer nurses now than in 2010. The results, which do not include midwives, health visitors,...
Being overweight reduces the risk of dementia

Being overweight reduces the risk of dementia

According to a new study being overweight can reduce the risk of getting dementia by 18 per cent Researchers from Oxon Epidemiology and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine found that people who were overweight had less risk of getting dementia in later life. The study analysed the health...
Osborne makes funding pledge for Wales

Osborne makes funding pledge for Wales

If the Conservatives remain in power funding in Wales would remain higher than it is in England, according to the Chancellor George Osborne... On the campaign trail in Wales, Chancellor George Osborne reiterated his pledge to negotiate a funding deal for the nation if his party wins the election. The issue...
Tories pledge paid volunteering leave

Tories pledge paid volunteering leave

David Cameron has promised to deliver a programme that would enable some UK employees to undertake paid volunteering leave If the Conservative government stays in power they would offer up to 15 million workers three days paid leave a year to undertake voluntary work. According to the Tories volunteering has...

The Kielanowski Institute of Animal Physiology & Nutrition

Studies related to animal nutrition encompasses the metabolism and utilisation of nutrients and biologically active substances from feeds, the improvement of the health-promoting qualities of poultry, pork, and lamb meat, as well as the symbiotic microorganisms colonising various sections of the digestive tract.
Horizon 2020 will address major societal challenges

Horizon 2020 addresses societal challenges

Sarah Collen-Godman, Senior Policy Manager – NHS European Office at the NHS Confederation discusses how the Horizon 2020 programme will help to address major societal challenges… Horizon 2020, Europe’s research and innovation programme, was launched at the beginning of 2014 and will run until 2020. It is the EU’s overarching, multi-disciplinary...
Labour announces Yorkshire devolution deal

Labour announces Yorkshire devolution deal

Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls has announced his party will commit to a multi-billion pound devolution deal for Yorkshire if Labour wins the upcoming General Election... Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls has put forward a plan to rival George Osborne's 'northern powerhouse'. Speaking earlier this week, he committed to giving Leeds, Sheffield,...
A fuel poverty crises – why only infrastructure will do

The facts behind fuel poverty

Bryn Kewley, Campaigner at the Energy Bill Revolution explores the facts behind our fuel poverty crises and calls on the next government to make home energy efficiency a national infrastructure spending priority… Shortly after the 7th May one man will hold the keys to No.10 Downing Street. The question is...
SNP will help Ed Miliband become prime minister

SNP will help Ed Miliband become prime minister

First Minister and leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP) Nicola Sturgeon has said she will help make Ed Miliband PM if the Conservatives do not win a majority... Despite Labour leader Ed Miliband emphatically declaring during his TV appearance with Jeremy Paxman that he had no plans to ally...
Community service orders double in Edinburgh

Community service orders double in Edinburgh

New figures reveal the number of community service orders given out by courts in Edinburgh has doubled during the last two years... Almost 84,000 hours of unpaid work was carried out in Edinburgh last year through community service orders. This was the equivalent of nine and a half years. Community payback...
Clegg rules out multiparty government

Clegg rules out multiparty government

As the first week of campaigning draws to an end, leader of the Liberal Democrats Nick Clegg has revealed he would not want to form a multiparty government... A rainbow coalition would be a “recipe for insomnia”, said Nick Clegg, the leader of the Liberal Democrats. Current polls suggest a coalition...

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