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Long term health complications for young diabetics

Long term complications for young diabetics

 A new report has warned that a significant number of children with type 1 diabetes are at risk of long term health complications... The future health of children with type 1 diabetes is of great concern, according to a new report. A “worryingly high” number of young people are showing...
Review calls for Welsh teacher training reforms

Review calls for Welsh teacher training reforms

A new report has said teacher training reforms are critical in Wales as the system has deteriorated significantly over the last decade... An independent review undertaken on behalf of the Welsh government has called for a radical overhaul of the system for training teachers. Professor John Furlong, who was appointed by...

Care in the home

Dominic Carter, Policy Officer at United Kingdom Homecare Association (UKHCA) details how homecare can be more flexible and beneficial to the patient’s needs… Homecare is a growing and varied service, focused on providing care and support in people’s own homes, ranging from shorter visits to remind an older person to take...


Safe behaviour in a workplace is critical in order for an organisation to run effectible and efficiently. Research by the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) has shown that up to 80% of work related accidents are caused by employees’ behaviour.  Behavioural safety is a tool that aims...

The Green Deal – a simple and robust idea?

Steve Cole, Policy Leader at the National Housing Federation discusses whether the Green Deal has helped to improve energy efficiency in UK housing stock… Green Deal, the government’s flagship policy to improve the energy efficiency of the UK’s housing stock, has been much debated over the last few years. With...

Unused public sector land released for new homes

Over 103,000 new homes could be built on unused public sector land that has been released, Communities Secretary Eric Pickles announced today… The amount of land sold by the government surpasses the original commitment set by the Prime Minister, and is expected to rise again by the end of March. Following...

Govt reach agreement to sell stake in Eurostar

The government has today announced an agreement has been reached for the sale of its entire interest in Eurostar International Limited (“Eurostar”)… The Chancellor George Osborne, and the Chief Secretary, Danny Alexander announced the sale, which would be for £757.1m for the government’s 40 per cent stake. A consortium comprising Caisse...

Promoting fair and sustainable growth

Karmenu Vella, Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries at the European Commission gives an overview of his priorities for the coming year… The overall aim of the new European Commission, in office since November 2014, is to help improve the everyday lives of people across the continent. Creating and investing...

BRE puts consumers at the heart of homebuilding

A new quality mark for new houses has been launched that will transform the way consumers choose their homes to buy and rent… Leading building science centre, BRE has introduced a new national 5 star rating system – Home Quality Mark – that will give home buyers a clear indication...

Innovating growth in Ireland

Deirdre Glenn, Manufacturing, Engineering and Energy Research Commercialisation Manager at Enterprise Ireland speaks to AG about how the organisation is supporting innovation throughout the country… Ireland is one of, if not the, leading Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) countries in Europe, offering key commercial environments for companies to develop their research...

Shropshire and Telford super-council ‘could save ÂŁ14m’

Merging Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin Councils could save taxpayers £14 million a year, an MP has claimed... Daniel Kawczynski, Conservative MP for Shrewsbury, has called for a referendum on the issue, saying the money could be spent on libraries and other leisure services. He claims that a single “super...

Wheelchair-user won claim after being grounded by lack of lift

Most people will be aware that they must never use a lift to move around a building in the event of a fire. Some people don’t like lifts anyway, and others have no choice but to use them – unless there isn’t a lift in the first place. That last...
ÂŁ22m will be cut from South Tyneside's budget

ÂŁ22m will be cut from South Tyneside’s budget

Council bosses at South Tyneside have agreed to cut ÂŁ22m from the budget during the coming year... The borough, which has faced some of the toughest cuts in the country during the 2015/16 financial year, has criticised the unfairness of the government grant system. Bosses at South Tyneside Council have...
Leukaemia mutations are almost inevitable

Leukaemia mutations are almost inevitable

A new study has revealed that it is “almost inevitable” that ageing will take the first steps towards the blood-based cancer leukaemia... The research, which was published in the journal Cell Reports, found that leukaemia, a cancer generally associated with children, can become more common with age. According to the findings,...
Calls for energy drinks to be banned for under-16s

Calls for energy drinks to be banned for under-16s

A campaign and research group has called for energy drinks to be banned for children under 16 in a bid to reduce the amount of sugar consumed... Action on Sugar carried out a survey on the nutritional labels of 197 drinks found in supermarkets and online. The research found that...
Coastal fund will create jobs and bring businessCoastal fund will create jobs and bring business

Coastal fund will create jobs and bring business

The New Coastal Revival Fund will help to kick-start the development of businesses and creation of new jobs in seaside towns... The ÂŁ3m fund will help to revive at risk coastal areas, creating opportunities for new businesses and jobs. Communities looking to unlock the economic potential of facilities such as piers,...
ÂŁ43m funding for plug-in vehicle research

ÂŁ43m funding for plug-in vehicle research

The government has announced ÂŁ43m funding for infrastructure and research development for plug-in vehicles... The government has set out plans to develop plug-in vehicle infrastructure across the UK. This will see ÂŁ32m funding to support the development of chargepoints across the nation. Places such as homes, hospitals, train stations, and...
AG is now live!

AG is now live!

In the February edition of AG, Editor Laura Evans brings together experts to examine the latest issues at the forefront of government... As Jean-Claude Juncker and his Commission start to settle into their role, and David Cameron and Ed Miliband prepare to go head to head in the general election...
Essex council chief steps down

Essex council chief steps down

The chief executive of Essex County Council has announced she will leave the authority for a new role at KPMG... Joanna Killian, chief executive of Essex County Council, will leave her position for a new role at KPMG, it has emerged. Killian, who has been with the authority for nine years,...

Supporting the data agenda

Iain Rolfe, Assistant Director with the Public Data Group (PDG), at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills gives an overview of how the PDG brings together public sector bodies The Public Data Group (PDG) was born out of the government’s aim to make real meaningful progress on the open data...

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