North America Analysis
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Musculoskeletal disorders in the working population

Vern Putz Anderson from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) details the risk factors, symptoms and prevention of musculoskeletal disorders in the workplace Aches and pains are a part of life, but musculoskeletal disorders, or MSDs, such as back...

Why European health systems must overcome the big challenge

Seemingly unaffected by recent financial crisis and austerity measures, European healthcare keeps improving. Performance, in key terms such as infant mortality, the survival of severe conditions, access to services, patient empowerment and the rational use of pharmaceuticals, all show improvement. The dire economic situation in a few countries hit...
young people

Engaging young people in Kent

Kevin Mullins, Community Youth Tutor at Kent County Council details how they are helping to engage young people into the community I have been very fortunate in being involved in the delivery of one of the trial projects for social action opportunities for young people. The aim is to evaluate the...

Implementing road safety management

Tim Sparey BSI Tutor Delivery Manager and Janine Behrens Senior Global Portfolio Manager, Risk at BSI discuss the benefits of implementing road traffic safety management systems and reducing road risk Road safety management is a concern not just for businesses and organisations who need to ensure that it is part...
nothern ireland

Going for growth for agriculture in Northern Ireland

Michelle O’Neill, Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development in the north of Ireland gives an overview of her priorities for 2015 including tackling rural isolation and progressing the ‘Going for Growth’ strategy A difficult budget for 2015/16 means we will face a challenging year ahead. This is why I remain...

Bristol – UK’s first European Green Capital

Mayor of Bristol, George Ferguson discusses how the City will build on its new international status as 2015 European Green Capital, leading the way in the UK for environmental change The year 2015 marks a new chapter in Bristol’s history as it becomes the first European Green Capital in the UK....
© Michel Bussieres flooding

A future flood resilient built environment

One in 6 homes is now under threat of flooding from rivers, sea and surface water. BRE’s Centre for Resilience is calling for a new approach to dealing with the risks along with investment and the development of innovative technologies to improve flood resilience. Director of the Centre, Dr...

The United Nations University Fisheries Training Programme

Your partner for capacity development in fisheries projects For 17 years the United Nations University Fisheries Training Programme has promoted the sustainable use of living aquatic resources in partner countries. Through the work with partners in 50 countries and with our partner institutions in Iceland, the UNU-FTP has identified key...

AG: Health Supplement

Due to the success of the Health & Social Care section within the AG publication, Adjacent Digital Politics Ltd will be producing a health analysis supplement to co-inside with the publication. Within the supplement due to be distributed at the end of March, we will include a number of feature...

Climate cooperation in Europe’s first macro-region

Maxi Nachtigall, Adviser Sustainable Development, Council of the Baltic Sea States, CBSS sheds light on how the Baltic Sea Region is taking action to limit the impact from climate change The Baltic Sea region (BSR) is Europe’s first macro region. Since 2009, the European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea region...
climate change

Climate change: An unimaginable calamity

We stride confidently toward a vast catastrophe. Willingly blind to the consequences of our profligate burning of fossil fuels, we speak in hushed tones, if we speak at all, of the accelerating changes in the world’s climate that will wreak havoc for humanity and many other species for centuries....
© Artjazz

Promoting fair and sustainable growth

Karmenu Vella, Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries at the European Commission gives an overview of his priorities for the coming year The overall aim of the new European Commission, in office since November 2014, is to help improve the everyday lives of people across the continent. Creating and investing...

Extreme events in deterministic systems

Prof Dr Henk W Broer and Dr Alef E Sterk from the University of Groningen discuss how mathematical modelling offers a fruitful approach towards understanding climatic extremes Dynamical systems are mathematical models for everything that evolves in time. For example springs and pendulum clocks. More complicated examples are the atmosphere...

Geothermal energy: a renewable, low carbon resource for the UK

Jon Busby, Team Leader Renewables, Energy Storage and Clean Coal at the British Geological Survey details the benefits of deep geothermal heat sources in the UK In simple terms ‘geothermal energy is the energy stored in the form of heat beneath the earth’s surface’. Most people will associate it with...

Volcanoes and geothermal energy

Taking advantage of the power of the Earth interior Prof. Joan Martí is the leader of the Group of Volcanology at the Institute of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera, CSIC, of Barcelona, Spain. The research of his group addresses different aspects of the volcanological science, including dynamics of volcanic systems, hazard...

Auto-consumption and energy self-sufficiency

Auto-consumption and energy self-sufficiency are now within reach for social housing Solar power provides an opportunity for social housing associations and landlords to improve the long term energy prospects of tenants by alleviating fuel poverty and greatly reducing their carbon emissions. And, whatever the outcome of 2015's general election and...
© Chris Dorney

The Disintegration of the Housing Debate

In addressing the urgent need for more housing, Professor of Environment and Spatial Planning, Alister Scott believes that key participants in the housing question need to embrace the economic, social and environmental drivers of development in a more joined-up discussion As we move inexorably towards the general election in 2015,...
Concerns raised about voting age in Scotland

Concerns raised about voting age in Scotland

A House of Lords Committee has raised concerns about plans to transfer power from Westminster to Holyrood in a bid to give 16- and 17-year-olds the vote... The proposal to give 16- and 17-year-olds the vote in Scotland was met with concern by the House of Lords Constitution Committee, despite...
UCD Charles Institute for Dermatology

UCD Charles Institute for Translational Dermatology

Launched with an investment of €18 million, the UCD Charles Institute for Translational Dermatology is the first academic institute devoted to translational dermatology in Ireland and Europe. The Institute’s vision is to become a world leader in translational dermatology research, supporting optimal patient care in Ireland, and to establish...

CDM2015: Construction (Design and Management Regulations) 2015

Are we ready? On 29th January 2015, CDM2015 gained parliamentary approval, and will therefore come into force on 6th April 2015. As the final version of the regulations have only just been published and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) only issued the draft Guidances for CDM2015 on 9th January...

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