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Father home schools son with ADHD

Managing children with ADHD

Children with ADHD less able to multitask as brain works differently to those without, but medication can help.
Woman taking her blood pressure

Potassium rich diets to lower blood pressure

Women with high salt intake should eat a potassium rich diet to lower blood pressure and protect against cardiovascular events, according to study.
Antivaxxers holding sign at protest reading 'GOVERNMENT IS LYING TO YOU SAY NO TO THE VACCINE SAVE THE CHILDREN'

Overconfidence lends itself to anti-scientific views

Overconfidence bolsters anti-scientific views as the further an individual strays from science, the stronger their opinions become.
a needle injected into an insulin bottle

Type 1 diabetes treatment finds new target

A new route to the regeneration of insulin in the pancreatic stem cells indicates a major breakthrough for Types 1 and 2 Diabetes therapies.
black woman looking sad and depressed

Racial discrimination worsens physical and mental health

Experiences of racial discrimination increase the risk of physical and mental illnesses and health disorders for people of colour.
NHS pay equality protest strike

The 4.5% NHS pay rise works out at a loss for workers

More than one million staff are to receive the NHS pay rise of at least £1,400 – with the lowest earners getting up to 9.3% in England.
Vitamin B6 tablets forming the word 'B6' on a blue background

Vitamin B6 supplements help reduce anxiety and depression

Taking high-dose vitamin B6 tablets can reduce feelings of anxiety and depression, new research reveals.
Scientific laboratory growing Arabidopsis plants in individual tubs

Plants produce aspirin to cope in heatwaves

With heatwaves across the globe, many are concerned about agriculture and dehydrated plants - it turns out plants produce their own aspirin.
a picture of the sky with the sun in the centre, illustrating the heatwave

Maintaining your sodium levels in a heatwave

Most of the time, we are told to cut down on the amount of salt in our diet, as this increases blood pressure and is a significant risk factor for heart disease and stroke, however, in a heatwave, things are rather different.
Floating globe art on the water on September 5, 2012 in Amsterdam. The art was made from plastic bottles and other junk collected around the city by Peter Singer.

Horizon Europe: Six European cities piloting solutions for circular waste

European cities are moving towards becoming fully circular – not only recycling all their waste but also changing their production modes to fit circular waste models.
EU flag with nutritious food representing a brexit policy deal

How will Brexit policy affect your diet?

Brexit policy is to affect micronutrient food supplies in the UK, where foods imports will become harder to access due to trade deals.
Badger in forest, animal nature habitat, Germany, Europe

Europe’s Nature Restoration Law to repair damaged ecosystems by 2050

The Nature Restoration Law aims to restore damaged ecosystems and bring nature back across Europe, as well as reduce the use and risk of chemical pesticides by 50% by 2030.

New biobattery: using bacterial interactions to generate power

The new “plug-and-play” biobattery developed by researchers at Binghamton University State University of New York, has proven its worth – with the team revealing it can last for weeks at a time.
sustainable farming

Testing actions for sustainable farming: preparing for future agriculture policy

The Scottish Government has offered £50 as an incentive for every farmer and crofter to complete the ‘Testing Actions for Sustainable Farming’ survey in an attempt to prepare farmers for future agricultural policy.
rajapaksa, economic crisis, Sri Lanka protests

Sri Lanka protests prompt a state of emergency following an economic crisis

Sri Lanka protests have ousted President Rajapaksa over disputes of the worst economic crisis the country has faced since gaining independence.
Woman picking up migraine drug in supermarket in order to try lose weight

Migraine drug can boost weight loss by suppressing appetite

Triptans, a commonly prescribed class of migraine drugs, can help with weight loss and treating obesity by suppressing appetite.
cost of living, expensive cities

5 most expensive cities to live in the world

Ever wondered where the most expensive cities to live in the world are? Open Access Government looks into price comparisons of basic goods and utilities in 5 of the priciest cities around the globe.
people with obesity, high-fat diet

People with obesity have a 55% increased risk of developing depression

Long-term, high-fat diets both expand the waistline and shrink the brain, heightening the chances of mental illness for people with obesity.
fly tipping

Joined-up refuse planning and education key to reducing fly-tipping

Fly-tipping is a blight on society and incurs a huge cost for both local authorities and land owners: we need a joined-up, consistent strategy.
The many routes to an optimal leisure lifestyle

The many routes to an optimal leisure lifestyle

An optimal leisure lifestyle (OLL) consists, in its most agreeable form, of deeply fulfilling participation during free time in one or more substantial, absorbing activities known as serious leisure.

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