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cleaving proteins

Health research: The challenge of cleaving proteins in the membrane

Regina Fluhrer from the LMU & DZNE in Munich explains an aspect of health research that concerns how proteases embedded in cellular membranes hydrolyse other proteins and the challenges they must overcome.
Rett syndrome

Rett syndrome: Research on severe neurodevelopmental disorders

Jennifer J. McComas from the University of Minnesota discusses the current evidence for communication intervention for individuals with Rett syndrome

Lack of exercise, an unhealthy diet – costing the EU billions of euros and...

Professor Joep Perk, Former President of the European Association of Preventive Cardiology (part of the European Society of Cardiology, ESC) and member of the ESC Advocacy Committee shares his views on the growing problem of cardiovascular disease and why public health measures are needed to tackle it effectively

How can healthcare systems boost innovation and facilitate the adoption of digital interventions?

Yinka Makinde, Programme Director at DigitalHealth.London outlines an example of a UK based regional model created to drive the adoption of digital innovation in health care.
digitisation fund

New health secretary pledges £475 million digitisation fund in first speech

Matt Hancock, the new health secretary, has unveiled a £475 million digitisation fund to help the NHS invest in technology

Health experts warn of the dangers caused by lack of hygiene while camping

Thousands of people across the UK risk damage to their health and sight this summer by lack of hygiene while on camping holidays this summer, warn health experts at Optical Express
education plans

Education Secretary publishes new compulsory health and relationship education plans

All schools will teach children about good physical and mental health, how to stay safe on and offline, and the importance of healthy relationships under bold new plans published today by Education Secretary Damian Hinds
Workplace technology

Workplace technology – How has it impacted health and safety?

Employers have a duty of care to ensure that employees are not at risk when at work in businesses and organisations across Britain —so how are employers using technology to stay within the law and protect their team?  

Diabetes: A paradigm case for rewarding innovation in value-based healthcare

Prof Dr Freimut Schliess, Director of Science & Innovation at Profil Institut für Stoffwechselforschung GmbH explains the important role of innovation when it comes to healthy living and active ageing, including his thoughts on the diabetes paradigm
environmental toxicology

Environmental Toxicology: How chemicals interact with environmental species and human physiology

The European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals (ECETOC) give a detailed perspective on environmental toxicology, a life science discipline that seeks to understand how chemicals, both natural and man-made, can interact with environmental species and human physiology to cause harm

Diabetes: A Global Health Challenge

Professor Nam H. Cho, President of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) shares his expert views on the rise of diabetes across the globe 
health data

Turning health data into knowledge to improve lives

Amanda White, Director of Communications and Marketing at Health Data Research UK, reflects on the opportunities to harness the UK’s strengths in data science to transform health 
developmental biology

How developmental biology changes our lives

Shyh-Jye Lee (Jeff), Ph. D, President of the Taiwanese Society of Developmental Biology (TSDB) explains the way in which developmental biology impacts upon our lives

Developmental neurotoxicity testing – the need for a new approach

Professor Lein discusses developmental neurotoxicity and the critical need for a new approach to identifying and regulating chemicals that interfere with normal brain development.
happy healthcare workplaces

Study finds happy healthcare workplaces are more successful

Employee morale doesn’t just promote loyalty but it can actually improve how effective and productive employees are in their role, according to new research
rough sleeping

Mayor of Greater Manchester demands housing should be a ‘human right like health or...

Andy Burnham, mayor of Greater Manchester has urged the government to tackle the homeless crisis on UK streets by granting local leaders with new freedoms to build more properties for social rent.
universal health

Universal health coverage (UHC)

The World Health Organization’s universal health coverage (UHC) initiative, plus the expansion of health insurance in Africa are explored here by Open Access Government
NHS England

Tackling the healthcare challenge of diabetes in England

The work of NHS England in tackling one of the biggest healthcare challenges of our time, diabetes, is examined here by Open Access Government

Protecting human health and the environment

The work of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Office of Environmental Information, to protect human health and the environment, is unveiled by Open Access Government
Toxicology program

The health effects of exposure to chemicals and other substances

Open Access Government details the work of the National Toxicology Program, a world leader in providing scientific information to help evaluate and better understand the potential health effects of exposure to chemicals and other substances

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