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Chemical biology and drug discovery

The power of flexible teamwork is the key to successful research in chemical biology and drug discovery in the work of Professor Colin Suckling at the Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. Over the past 10 years, research has challenged major problems of...
OKI Systems

Managed Print Services from OKI Systems

OKI is one of the leading business-to-business printer brands and continuously strives to improve the quality of products, applications and services to help increase the efficiency and reduce the carbon footprint of businesses and other organisations As a result, OKI printers and multifunction devices are fast, high performance machines with...
Unlocking SME trade competitiveness

Unlocking SME trade competitiveness

Rajesh Aggarwal, Acting Director in the Division of Business and Institutional Support at the International Trade Centre (ITC) provides insight into the role of SMEs in integrating successful international markets. SMEs play an important role in every economy, more so in developing and the least developed countries, in terms of...

Weather extremes

Extreme weather events may cause severe damage to our society. Examples include hurricane Sandy in 2012 (the second-costliest hurricane in United States history), European windstorms Lothar and Martin in 1999, and, more recently, the exceptional sequence of floods in southern England in the winter of 2014. Insurance companies need...
Empowering the public sector

Empowering the public sector

Louise Tibbert, President of the PPMA explains the importance of understanding the true costs of providing a good service, and how performance should be managed… The perception of the public sector is that we do not focus on performance in the same way that perhaps the private sector does. Whilst...
The growing need for innovation in biobanking

The growing need for innovation in biobanking

Senior Research Analyst for Frost & Sullivan Divyaa Ravishankar discusses the growing need for innovative products in the realm of bio-storage applications. The concept of biobanking has triggered massive interest in the area of long-term sample storage conditions but with a key challenge of maintaining sample integrity. In order to...

Kidney transplants – the gold standard treatment

Adnan Sharif, Consultant Nephrologist at University Hospitals Birmingham discusses kidney transplants and the impact it has on the patient and their quality of life. Chronic kidney disease affects over 10% of the UK population and can progress to end-.stage kidney disease, requiring renal replacement therapy in the form of either...
research UK

New cancer research hub launched in Manchester

Cancer Research UK have today launched a new Lung Cancer Centre of Excellence that will bring together leading researchers from The University of Manchester and London. Cancer Research UK announced that a new centre to tackle lung cancer will open today in Manchester. The centre will be dedicated to the research...

How the zebrafish is driving regeneration research

Christopher L Antos, Group Leader at the DFG-Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden explains how Zebrafish research is a vital tool to help understand organ and appendage regeneration. Injuries from trauma, ischemia and amputation can result in the permanent loss of an organ and limb function. The regeneration of many vital...
Calls for CO detectors on marine vessels

NFFO calls for CO detectors on marine vessels

A leading fishing organisation has called for carbon monoxide (CO) detectors to be fitted to all vessels following the death of two fishermen earlier this year. The National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations (NFFO) has called for carbon monoxide detectors (CO) to be installed on all vessels following the death of...

500 council staff take voluntary redundancy

More than 500 staff working at Wolverhampton City Council have been granted voluntary redundancy. Wolverhampton City Council has announced that more than 500 people working for the authority have been approved for voluntary redundancy. The council plans to cut 2,000 jobs—a third of its workforce—over the next two years as...
Wirral libraries under threat from closure

Wirral libraries are under threat

Wirral Council will consider plans to seek help from volunteers to prevent the closure of library sites throughout the borough. Wirral Borough Council's cabinet is being asked to approve plans to seek outside help from volunteers to maintain library sites throughout the borough. The council has been forced to cut...
A stem cell solution for Parkinson’s?

A stem cell solution for Parkinson’s?

Claire Bale, Communications Manager for Parkinson’s UK, highlights the latest thinking in stem cell research for the potential treatment of Parkinson’s. Stem cells can develop into almost any cell in the body. They are the original cells from which we are made, and are responsible for repairing our tissues and...

Thousands of children missing from council care

5,000 children have disappeared from council care over the past two years, according to figures. Figures revealed under the Freedom of Information Act show that between January 2012 and December 2013 there were 24,320 missing children reported. The majority were teenagers, however, dozens were much younger. The figures included a...
FE teachers find graded lessons stressful

FE teachers find graded lessons ‘stressful’

Further Education (FE) teachers said graded lesson observations caused significant stress and anxiety, according to a University and College Union survey. Over 3,500 Further Education (FE) teachers responded to an online survey commissioned by the University and College Union (UCU). Numerous respondents said that graded lesson observations were nothing more...
Extreme weather

The impact of climate change on the weather

Dr Peter Stott, Head of Climate Monitoring and Attribution at the Met Office Hadley Centre details how climate change has affected extreme weather worldwide. There has been no shortage of extreme weather in recent years. For example, last year Australia recorded its hottest year on record. Early this year, many parts...
Regenerative medicine and cell therapy

The role of regenerative medicine in healthcare

Regenerative medicine and cell therapy can revolutionise healthcare. Kath Mackay and Michael Sullivan, Lead Technologists in Regenerative Medicine at the Technology Strategy Board outline the importance of the field. Innovation is essential in developing the next generation of medical treatments. As the global population grows and ages, healthcare providers will need...
Sustainable cities

Denmark focuses on sustainable cities

Sustainable cities are a key focus for Denmark, says Danish Minister for the Environment Kirsten Brosbøl The world is changing and we have to change along with it. Cities need to be sustainable and adapted to a future with scarce resources. We have to change the way we live, the way we...

Energy efficiency will reduce public service costs

Gregor Paterson-Jones, Managing Director for energy efficiency at the UK Green Investment Bank explains why energy efficiency is key to reducing costs for public services. With budgets under continuous pressure and demand for savings across the public sector constantly at the forefront of the news agenda, it can be hard to...
Research finds tanning salons likely to cause skin cancer even without sunburn

Research finds ‘base’ tanning skin cancer link

Research produced by the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis has found that building a tan before spending time in the sun does not protect against skin cancer. Visiting a tanning salon to build a base tan prior to spending time in the sun may protect against sunburn, but it will...

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