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Environmental research: A future for advanced marine LTER data

Ilaria Nardello from European Marine Biological Resource Centre details the future for advanced marine LTER.
disabled access

How the UK’s airports should navigate disabled access

Hilary Stephenson, Managing Director of Sigma explains how the UK’s airports should navigate disabled access.
accessibility for students

Music industry must embrace digital innovation to boost accessibility for students

With music services under greater strain and tuition levels dropping across the UK, the industry must embrace digital innovation to boost accessibility for students
train stations

Future-gazing: what train stations will offer by 2030

Dave Ashton, CEO of Loco2, discusses what train stations will offer by 2030 thanks to technology and innovation
digital transformation in government

Approaching digital transformation in government: The Internet is OK 

Peter Miller from Visionist Ltd explains his perspective on approaching digital transformation in government and the move toward cloud-based solutions.
digital transformation

Digital transformation helps central and local government make resilience a reality

Sungard Availability Services Ltd explores the pressure central government departments and local authorities are under to achieve more with less and how digital transformation can help to achieve their business outcomes With spending cuts and population growth a reality, central government departments and local authorities alike are under pressure to...
business challenge

The future of digital transformation: Is it an IT or a business challenge?

In an interview with Rob Bamforth, Industry Analyst and Marketing Consultant at Timefort Limited, following a OneLogin’s ‘Identity IS the new perimeter’ roundtable in London in late 2018, we find out his thoughts on digital transformation and where he sees it heading in the future

Multi-million pound funding boosts life-enhancing medicines

Companies in Northumberland, Oxford and London will adopt new digital technologies, such as artificial intelligence, to support the manufacture of next-generation medicines and treatments

Healthcare expert comments on the Health Secretary’s tech vision

Neil Laycock, Managing Director of healthcare at Servelec, comments on the issues raised by Matt Hancock and joining together for digital care.
remote working

The rise of remote working: Top global industries leading the way

Instant Offices investigates what industries are leading the way for remote working and how to overcome the typical challenges of managing a remote team
human potential

Digitalisation: The key to maximising human potential

Ildar Uysumbayev, Head of the Department of Public Services of the Agency for Civil Service and Anti-Corruption of the Republic of Kazakhstan argues that digitalisation is the key to maximising human potential as we journey towards 2050
smart cities

Data expert discusses interconnected smart cities and cities of the future

Russell Poole, Managing Director, at global interconnection and data centre company Equinix shares his vision for cities of the future.
public benefit

The advancement of cancer research for the public benefit

The mission of the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR) to advance cancer research for the public benefit is placed under the spotlight here by Open Access Government

New research reveals the most stressful London borough to work in

According to a recent survey, 59% of workers, in London specifically, said that working in the capital is stressful and causes anxiety
smart cities

Smart cities. Is it wise to get smarter?

Keiron Shepherd, Senior Security Specialist at F5 Networks, discusses how the threat landscape will change as smart cities become more of a reality and the security considerations we need to make before we begin reaping the benefits of connected devices
digital public services

Levelling the playing field in digital public services

Peter Ford, Public Sector Industry Principal, Pegasystems, looks at which areas of the public sector have successfully implemented online digital services, and which are failing to deliver
public sector

Challenges faced by the public sector: Shared ambitions lead to shared success

Paul Bradbury, Group Business Development Director, Civica explains how shared ambitions lead to shared success when it comes to the challenges faced by the public sector
tackle hate crime

Home Office reopens fund to help communities tackle hate crime

The Hate Crime Community Projects Fund has been launched for the third year so organisations in England and Wales could secure up to £75, 000 to tackle hate crime
utility companies

Why utility companies need to look at agile mobile applications in order to increase...

The public utility space is a competitive one, and as this competition continues to increase, Power and Utilities providers are increasingly investing sizeable amounts in infrastructure projects designed to expand their offering
blockchain in manufacturing

Blockchain in manufacturing: The perfect match

The expertise of a thought leader on blockchain in the enterprise, Sadiq Quasim, Director from Loyakk Ltd is profiled here, as well as the important role of blockchain in manufacturing today

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