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How lighting-as-a-service can transform patient care and free up £3bn in resources

Harvey Sinclair, CEO, eEnergy, discusses how adopting a lighting-as-a-service model can transform the NHS’ patient care, front line worker well-being and free up £3 billion in resources.
European citizens

Europeans consider climate change as the single most serious problem facing the world

A recent Eurobarometer survey has found that European citizens believe that climate change is the single most serious problem facing the world.
people and innovation

Europe invests in people and innovation

Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, illustrates how education, research and innovation are essential for transformations that can lead us to a sustainable economy.
summertime arctic ocean, arctic ocean

Study finds summertime Arctic Ocean “more vulnerable to climate change”

Scientists reveal that the summertime Arctic Ocean is becoming increasingly vulnerable to climate change, putting certain animals at risk of losing habitat.

Agricultural short-term usage leads to peatland degradation with millennia-lasting consequences!

Bernd Lennartz, Haojie Liu and Franziska Tanneberger from the University of Rostock and the Greifswald Mire Centre report on the long-lasting effects of peatland drainage.

Why do customers still mistrust smart meters?

Keith Bastian, CEO of Fischer Future Heat and Outfox the Market, explores why some customers still mistrust smart meters and the effect this has on making the nation carbon neutral.
european commission BATT4EU, batt4EU

BEPA and European Commission launch BATT4EU

The Batteries European Partnership Association (BEPA) and the European Commission signed the document that launches BATT4EU, which aims for sustainability with an investment of €925 million.
accelerating innovation, circular economy

Accelerating innovation for the benefit of society

Open Access Government highlights the priorities of The New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), as it works to advance innovation and combat global environmental issues.
green targets, sustainability plan

Hitting your sustainable targets need not cost the earth

Nigel Penny, Video Collaboration Specialist at Logitech UK & IRL offers some advice on how UK public sector organisations can meet their increasing government set green targets much more efficiently.
atmospheric and geospace sciences

A look at Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences

Open Access Government places the spotlight on Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences from the perspective of the U.S. National Science Foundation.
oil and gas industry, UN decade of action

The climate case and the UN’s Decade of Action

Professor Cees van Dam, International Business and Human Rights at the Rotterdam School of Management, explains why Wednesday 26 May 2021 will go down in history as ‘Black Wednesday’ for the oil and gas industry.
electric car battery safety, battery calorimeter

Increasing electric car battery safety using calorimeters

Dr Carlos Ziebert, head of IAM-AWP’s Calorimeter Center, KIT, explains how the safety of batteries for electric cars can be increased by research using battery calorimeters.
europes organic action plan, agriculture

Europe’s Organic Action Plan: The development of organic production

Commissioner for Agriculture Janusz Wojciechowski outlines Europe’s Organic Action Plan in his speech presenting it as one of the major initiatives in the Commission Work Programme for 2021.
G7 climate change, carbon emissions

G7 countries agree to existing climate change policies

Alongside discussions on vaccine equality, the G7 summit raised the potential of new environment goals - but the countries largely stuck to established climate change policies, by confirming their ongoing commitment.
HFO refrigerants, alternative refrigerants

Environmental impact of HFO refrigerants & alternatives for the future

Michael Kauffeld – a refrigeration technology expert & Mihaela Dudita - a chemist - assess the environmental impact of HFO refrigerants & present environmental benign alternatives for the future.

Sustainable battery production in Europe

European Commission Spokesperson for Internal Market, Defence Industry, Space, Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, Sonya Gospodinova, tells us what we need to know about sustainable battery production in Europe.
age of the battery

The age of the battery

Dr Alistair Davidson, Director of Consortium for Battery Innovation, states that now is truly the age of the battery.
net-zero economy, climate

Commission strikes €820 million partnership with Bill Gates on net-zero economy

The European Commission has created a collaboration with Breakthrough Energy, founded by Bill Gates, to invest roughly €820 million from 2022-26 to create green tech that can be used commercially.
disease, school

What is a bacterium?

Ann G. Matthysse, from the University of North Carolina’s Department of Biology, delves into an exploration of harmful and useful bacteria for elementary school students.
local economic growth, property

Property: An enabler to kick-start local economic growth

Dr Janet Young, Government Chief Property Officer for the UK government and a Director General in the Cabinet Office, explains why property is seen as an enabler to kick-start local economic growth.

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