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council services

Manchester residents demand smart council services

New research from KCOM reveals that Mancunians view smart technology – such as smart watches and meters – as an essential part of council services.
team building

Five reasons why the New Year is the ideal time for team building

Crown Workforce Management provides insight into why the New Year is an ideal time for businesses to focus on team building in the workplace.
health concerns

Men admit health concerns would need to be ‘severe’ before they sought help

A poll of adults aged 18-40 found 64% of men often bury their heads in the sand until they really have to seek help for any health concerns.
Nightingale Health

Nightingale Health to receive €20 million EU-financing

Nightingale Health, Finnish innovator of an internationally recognized blood analysis technology for chronic disease prevention, will receive €20 million.
four day working week, four day week

The feasibility of the four day working week

The idea of a four day working week has been a large talking point for months, following high profile studies and trials from companies around the world expressing the benefits for employee wellbeing and improved work/life balance.
workspaces happier

The case for businesses to make their workspaces happier

A new study warns that workers do not feel valued or fulfilled in their offices and presents the case for businesses to make their workspaces happier.
healthy ingredients, tea

Spotlight on tea’s top healthy ingredients

Tea is the nation’s favourite drink and for good reason: it not only tastes great, but it’s good for our wellbeing as it is full of healthy ingredients.
anxiety among millennials

Anxiety among millennials is on the rise

Anxiety and often depression experienced by young adults lies in uncertainty. Fresh Student Living looked at what is to blame for anxiety among millennials.
high street botox, mental health

NHS suggests stronger mental health safeguards on high street botox

Superdrug will introduce new mental health checks for customers who want to undergo cosmetic procedures, like high street botox.
career blues

Eight ways to crush the career blues in 2019

As Blue Monday hits, Instant Offices have provided top tips on how UK workers can crush the career blues and boost their work-life balance.
staff retention crisis, NHS

How can the NHS address the current staff retention crisis?

Margo Leftly details a number of effective ways to address the staff retention crisis in the NHS that aren’t being taken advantage of.
workplace features, employee satisfaction

The workplace features impacting employee satisfaction

Today’s workers are becoming increasingly savvy and are expecting much more from workplace features to fulfil employee satisfaction.
teachers' mental health, wellbeing, managerialism

Managerialism in UK schools erodes teachers’ mental health and well-being

Performance targets, increased workload, curriculum changes and other bureaucratic changes are eroding teachers’ mental health and professional identity.
stress management methods

How to improve stress management methods in 2019

Darren Hockley, managing director DeltaNet International, provides some top tips on how to boost your stress management methods.
world of business

What impact will AI have on the world of business?

The use of Artificial intelligence (AI) is almost normal within our personal lives, but it has not successfully infiltrated the world of business.
asylum-seeking children

Meeting the complex needs of asylum-seeking children

Sue Ross explains how her team provided an environment in which unaccompanied asylum-seeking children can achieve their full potential.
digital skills, smart homes, disabled, elderly

‘Smart homes’ to equip elderly and disabled people with digital skills

A new 'smart homes' scheme will aim to help elderly and disabled people develop digital skills to tackle loneliness in rural areas.
South Karelia Social and Health Care District, Cornerstone

Integration: Eksote’s customer-oriented service development

Merja Tepponen South Karelia Social and Health Care District (Eksote) explains why integration is a cornerstone of the organisation’s customer-oriented service development.
pet-friendly rented accommodation

Addressing the lack of pet-friendly rental accommodation

The first ever think tank of its kind, a think tank for pets, has been formed to address the severe lack of pet-friendly rented accommodation across the UK
Christmas season

Helping out the elderly during the Christmas season

This time of year can be lonely for those without a family, so Brits have been urged to help out the elderly during the Christmas season

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