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New research reveals the most stressful London borough to work in

According to a recent survey, 59% of workers, in London specifically, said that working in the capital is stressful and causes anxiety
flexible working

Employees still feel uncomfortable requesting flexible working

New research from Addeco Group has revealed that 13% of employees still feel uncomfortable requesting flexible working
skills employees

UK sector vacancies outweigh student enrolments

With continuous demand for skilled employees in some of the country’s highest growth sectors, the UK skills gap is a major and well-publicised crisis that, according to a report by Open University, costs the country more than £2bn a year
wellbeing at work

Mental capital and wellbeing at work

Professor Sir Cary Cooper, 50th Anniversary Professor of Organizational Psychology & Health at the University of Manchester, provides a fascinating overview of mental capital and wellbeing at work from the UK and European angle
mental health training

Businesses step up mental health training

The number of employees sent on mental health training courses is set to double next year as more bosses wake up to the scale of stress and depression among workforces, says St John Ambulance
pay gap

NHS pledges action to eliminate ethnicity pay gap

The NHS will work towards eliminating the gender pay gap and ensuring top managers are as diverse as the staff they represent
cost of retirement

Most Brits massively underestimate cost of retirement

The UK’s future pensioners look set to be cash-strapped as most Brits either have no idea or are wildly underestimating the cost of retirement

Theresa May launches UK’s first loneliness strategy

The prime minister has announced that all GPs in England will be able to refer patients suffering from loneliness to community activities by 2023.
ergonomic furniture

The benefits of ergonomic furniture on both physical and mental wellbeing

A recent report by Digby Brown Solicitors revealed that a large proportion of the 600,000 or so workplace injuries recorded every year in the UK, can be rooted back to outdated and unsafe office furniture
attention spans

UK worker’s attention spans are suffering due to tech multi-tasking

The attention spans of time-poor UK workers are suffering as a result of multi-screening across their devices at work when they should be concentrating
rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases

‘Don’t Delay, Connect Today’ educates on the importance of early diagnosis of rheumatic and...

The European League Against Rheumatism, EULAR, calls for people to come together on World Arthritis Day (12th October) to raise awareness of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs)
skills gap

UK faces employability skills gap as nearly 60% of adults lack the full set...

The UK is facing a significant skills gap as the public fail to demonstrate core employability skills, such as leadership and creativity, a major new study from Barclays LifeSkills can reveal
mental ill-health

A managers guide to supporting staff with mental ill-health

We all have mental health and sometimes, like our physical health, it can become unwell. Mental health is just as important as physical health – and tending to our invisible ailments needs the same level of intentionality as a visible illness. But what should managers do to make sure their employees' mental health is taken care of?
mental health symptoms

How employees can effectively address their mental health symptoms

World Mental Health Day, celebrated every year on the 10th of October, gives us the opportunity to pause and reflect on the widespread prevalence of mental-ill health within the workplace – and recognise what steps can be taken to support mental wellbeing
skills shortages

Dyslexic employees could help to solve the skills shortages of the future

The unique way dyslexic people view and interact with the world could help companies meet the challenges of business in the 21st century, according to a ground-breaking new report, by EY and the charity Made by Dyslexia 
ageing workforce

Exploring the impact of an ageing workforce

The population of the UK is getting larger, with a figure of 65.6 million released by the Office for National Statistics in 2016. But it's not just increasing - the population is getting older too, with 18% of the UK being 65+ and 2.4% being 85+
world mental health

World Mental Health Day: Discussing mental health with your employees

Emma Bullen from MHR provides practical advice on how managers can initiate conversations about mental health with employees and create a positive culture around mental wellbeing in the workplace on World Mental Health Day 
digital transformation

How independent software vendors can help drive the dream of digital transformation

Andrew Cowling, Channel Marketing Services at Fujitsu Scanners explains how independent software vendors can help drive digital transformation
digital transformation journey

Accelerate the digital transformation journey

Mark Hastings of Rainmaker Solutions offers public sector leaders some thoughts on how to accelerate their digital transformation journeys.
diabetes and mental health

The link between diabetes and mental health

Open Access Government investigates the link between diabetes and mental health.

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