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Fujitsu PFU

Smart devices and mobile working – The integrated future

Fujitsu discuss the rise in mobile working, cloud based technology and decentralisation - changing the way we run our businesses.
agricultural research

Advancing food and agricultural research in the U.S

The USDA’s Agricultural Research Services and National Institute of Food & Agriculture both play key roles in advancing food and agricultural research, effective resource management and economic opportunities for rural communities, as Open Access Government learns

Preparing your Source-to-Pay (S2P) for Brexit

The brexit negotiations are becoming murkier and murkier, and what was once a distant, faraway event, is now fast becoming a near reality. As the topic of trade becomes increasingly hot, Sabine Adotevi discusses how the supply chains are dealing with this pressure and what they can do to prepare their S2P
smart boroughs

The rise of smart boroughs – London’s connected future

Findings from London and Partners found that the capital’s tech firms raised a staggering £2.45 billion and accounted for almost 80% of all UK venture capital tech spending in 2017
distributed business networks

Distributed business networks can enhance public-private collaboration

Markus Hautala, Head of Blockchain solutions at Tieto argues that blockchain technology allows us to create more democratically governed distributed platforms and avoid vendor lock-in
UK government departments

Digital transformation done right for UK government departments

Peter Miller explains how Visionist helped the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and the Department for International Trade (DIT) transform their digital capabilities, processes and people.

Blockchain: Potential to help the music industry

We spoke to singer, songwriter, record producer and audio engineer, Imogen Heap about the potential blockchain has to help musicians and the wider industry

How can healthcare systems boost innovation and facilitate the adoption of digital interventions?

Yinka Makinde, Programme Director at DigitalHealth.London outlines an example of a UK based regional model created to drive the adoption of digital innovation in health care.

Cloud printing is key to digital transformation

Technology has come a long way toward making IT processes more streamlined, but organisations can further reduce infrastructure costs by utilising the cloud, according to Y Soft
integrated security

Do we need to rethink how we design public spaces, with smarter integrated security?

Ian Robinson, Director of Business Development at RWS Ltd, has managed and installed key security projects for the national infrastructure and government agencies worldwide. He asks if we need to rethink how we design public spaces, with smarter integrated security in mind.
healthcare organisations

Are healthcare organisations finally making a move to the cloud?

Sam Woodcock, Director Solutions Architect EMEA and APAC at iland, looks at the future of cloud adoption in healthcare organisations, throughout this article 
specialised housing

£76m to build specalised housing for vulnerable people to live independently

Government have announced a plans to build thousands of extra homes, specially designed for people with disabilities, mental health issues and older people who need extra support, over the next three years which will be funded by an additional £76 million a year.
digital transformation

Public sector digital transformation is critical in light of cyber-attack threat

When introduced efficiently, digital transformation undoubtedly has a positive impact on the quality and accessibility of public services in the UK, with investment in digital tools becoming a key element of the government’s future planning strategies
transport industry

How blockchain is set to transform the transport industry

Blockchain has been said to have the power to change the financial world, offering efficiency, transparency and security, however, it also has its many other uses to industries outside of finance, for example, the transport industry
Blue Badge scheme

Blue Badge Scheme to cover people with hidden disabilities

The Blue Badge scheme has now been extended to cover people with hidden disabilities and is the biggest change to the system in the last 40 years.
teacher workload

Education secretary announces new online resources to reduce teacher workload

Head teachers will receive more support to reduce teacher workload from unnecessary and time-consuming tasks, under plans set out by Education Secretary Damian Hinds 
local governments

How cloud can help local governments to improve services

Anwen Robinson, UK Operating Officer at TechnologyOne looks at how cloud technology can help local governments to improve its services, in this article
international research, education and innovation

Diabetes: A commitment to growing international research, education and innovation

Janet Jarvis from Leicester Diabetes Centre tells us about their international research, education and innovation in the field of diabetes

The governance of emerging nano-risk in the semiconductor industry

Dr Dimiter Prodanov from IMEC sheds light on the governance of emerging nano-risk in the semiconductor industry in this summary workshop report.

WiFi connectivity enhancing the patient hospital experience during the NHS’s 70th anniversary

Innovative, state-of-the-art WiFi is the key to ensuring patients have the best hospital experience

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