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protecting women MPs, twitter and FB

Twitter and FB are not protecting women MPs from abuse

The Joint Human Rights Committee accused Facebook and Twitter of failing to do enough to protect female MPs and other public figures from online abuse during an evidence session yesterday (1 May).
old drivers

Should older drivers be banned from the roads?

A and YouGov survey has revealed that 49% of Brits want older drivers banned from the roads completely.
use of data, police stop county

How can the use of data help police stop county lines crime?

The police in the UK are using technology to fight crime: Read on to find out how use of data is becoming a key strategy for how the police tackle cross-county crime.
women in custody, sanitary products

Women in custody will have access to sanitary products

The UK government are planning to change the law: Police will have to ask women in custody whether they will require sanitary products, according to the Home Office.

E-Cigarettes: Safer But Not Safe

Professor Pamela Lein discusses e-cigarettes, their rise in use and the misconception that they are safe as little is still known about the health effects.
Risk analysis of toxicants

Chemistry focus: Uncertainties, a current hotspot in the risk analysis of toxicants

An aspect of chemistry, uncertainties, is a current hotspot in the risk analysis of toxicants, writes Alberto Mantovani, Research Director at Istituto Superiore di Sanità – Roma, Italy.
Endocrine Disrupters: A network of knowledge

Endocrine Disrupters: A network of knowledge

Alberto Mantovani, Research Director at Italy’s Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) explores the benefits of endocrine disrupting chemicals.
ethics of AI use, european commission

European Commission works on ethics of AI use

The Commission presents the next steps for building trust in artificial intelligence by taking forward the work of the High-Level Expert Group aka the ethics of AI use.
improved vaccines, Q fever

Q fever: An emerging problem in LMIC and the need for improved vaccines

Q fever is an emerging problem in low and middle-income countries (LMIC) and, therefore, there is a need for improved vaccines, in the view of Head of Disease Control at Moredun Research Institute.
agricultural issues

Agricultural issues: Protecting the United States from harmful invasive plant pests and diseases

The work of the Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) in the United States covers a wide range of agricultural issues, including protecting the U.S. from harmful invasive plant pests and diseases, as this article uncovers.
UK gas industry, no deal brexit

No deal and the UK gas industry: What are the implications?

With absolutely nothing currently clear about Brexit, all scenarios are still possible – including leaving the EU with a no deal: But just what might this mean for the UK gas industry?
Safer batteries

Safer batteries by using calorimeters

Dr Carlos Ziebert, head of IAM-AWP’s Calorimeter Centre, KIT, outlines how research and testing in calorimeters paves the way for safer batteries.
access to medical cannabis, medical drug

We need to talk about access to medical cannabis

Ramya Sriram, manager at Kolabtree, explains why many patients in the UK still cannot access medical cannabis and how scientific communication and further research can lead to change.
science in policymaking, chemistry

Science in policymaking: Chemistry is everywhere

Science Communication and Policy Officer from The European Chemical Society, Alex Schiphorst offers his thoughts on the old adage that ‘chemistry is everywhere’ and on the important role of science in policymaking.
Rapidly ageing population, Hong Kong

Research about Hong Kong’s rapidly ageing population

Professor Timothy Kwok, Director of the Jockey Club Centre for Osteoporosis Care and Control at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, provides a fascinating insight on the challenge of the city’s rapidly ageing population.
Policy objectives, conformity assessment, UKAS accreditation

Who are UKAS and how can accreditation help deliver policy objectives?

Here, Suzi Daley, External Affairs Advisor UKAS, explains the role of United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) and how accreditation can help delivery your policy objectives.
Europe in space defence, US space force, space policy directive 4

The U.S. Space Force: Rising stakes for Europe in space defence

In this article, an oncoming U.S. weaponisation of space via Trumps' Space Policy Directive 4 is examined in context of Europe in space defence.
physical and mental wellbeing

The Netherlands: Promoting physical and mental wellbeing

The Netherlands’ Ministry of Health, Welfare & Sport is responsible for promoting physical and mental wellbeing, social infrastructure and active lifestyles through participation in sport, as this article details.
tampon tax fund, period poverty

£15 million from Tampon Tax Fund for period poverty

Ten projects will receive a total of £15 million to help improve the lives of disadvantaged and vulnerable women across the UK in the latest round of funding from the Tampon Tax Fund, Minister for Civil Society Mims Davies announced.
vacant property, vacant buildings, Brexit

Securing vacant property in uncertain UK market conditions

Stuart Woolgar, CEO of Global Guardians, considers how the uncertainty caused by Brexit has impacted on the British property market and how to manage the security of vacant buildings.

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