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Physical destruction of SSDs: a burden to the UK economy

The UK economy is in recovery: can we be confident that the government is being prudent with the finances at their disposal? What about the physical destruction of SSDs?
predictive modelling, covid-19

How predictive modelling can future-proof the public sector

Spiralling inflation, rising energy bills and an escalating cost of living crisis have left millions of people struggling to afford basic necessities; could future predictive modelling stop this from happening again.
lager beer, gut microbes

Lager beer can lessen risk of disease in men’s gut microbes

Both alcoholic and non-alcoholic lager beer drank in moderation can improve gut microbes in men ­– lessening the chances of developing chronic diseases.
potential of algae

The potential of algae in treating chronic inflammation

Algae has become a hot topic: it could offer new solutions for the treatment of pain, inflammation, and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
AI to fight air pollution

How can we use AI to fight air pollution?

Martin Schultz at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany, discusses the potential of AI to combat air pollution.
Shellfish poisoning

Shellfish poisoning: A neurotoxic consequence of global warming

Jeremy MacMahon, Yi-Hua Tsai, and Pamela Lein from the Department of Molecular Biosciences, UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, explore how shellfish poisoning is affecting human and animal health.
sustainable development, innovative technologies

IRODDI: New strategies for a sustainable development

Olga Gómez de Miranda, Scientific researcher from TECNALIA illustrates the innovative technologies and strategies in place to improve sustainable development.
full spectrum cbd, Cannabidiol

Full spectrum CBD: What Sets Charlotte’s Web Apart

Here, Savage Cabbage explain why their full-spectrum Cannabidiol (CBD) products are different to others on the market.
technology within agriculture, farming sector

How can we unlock smart technology within agriculture?

Looking towards technology within agriculture, smart technologies could soon be harnessed in the farming sector to benefit both businesses and societies.
freshwater wetlands,

A piece of the puzzle into climate research: freshwater wetlands microbes

Emily Davenport and Arpita Bose discuss the case for freshwater wetlands as vital pieces of the solution for climate change and sustainable energy synthesis.
personalised medicine, cannabis

The importance of personalised medicine & technology in the future of medical cannabis

Dr Stephen Barnhill M.D from Apollon Formularies Plc discusses the potential for technology to upgrade personalised medicine for cannabis treatments.
improve mental health

True or false? Can we improve mental health through diet and physical activity

Unravelling the short-term effects of diet and physical activity on their ability to improve mental health – the Eat2beNICE APPetite study.

UK Cannabis Industry – the next Scottish Whisky

Nick Morland, Tenacious Labs CEO, All-Party Parliamentary Group for CBD Products Secretariat, Jersey Cannabis Services Advisory Board Chair, writes about the UK Cannabis Industry – could this be the next Scottish Whisky?
early heat, heatwaves

Early heat in South Asia is 30 times more likely due to climate change

India and Pakistan and other significantly large parts of South Asia have experienced prolonged, early heat, due to extreme weather conditions and climate change.
Diver swimming next to giant megalodon shark

What caused the megalodon extinction?

New research using zinc stable isotope ratios suggests that great white sharks may have contributed to the extinction of megalodon sharks.
volunteering, net zero

Volunteering is vital to the UK’s environmental and social goals

Volunteering is at the forefront of how the UK can achieve its environmental and social goals, by improving the Net-Zero movement, and holding vast economic significance.
emerging health concerns, diagnostics

Novacyt is powering ahead and tackling emerging health concerns

Empowering employees and examining emerging health threats in a new strategy for business growth is Novacyt CEO David Allmond’s mission in the weeks ahead.
underwater drone, ocean acidification

An underwater drone can measure ocean acidification

An underwater drone can measure carbon dioxide levels in the ocean, and combat ocean acidification, monitoring global warming.
land restoration

Land restoration of abandoned farms can mitigate climate change

With millions of people leaving behind rural areas, land restoration of abandoned farms could help to reverse climate change.
human welfare

Technologies improve human welfare and solve global issues

Shu Wei Goh, Co-Founder of the global AI ecosystem builder and VC firm, Skymind, explores how technologies contribute to the improvement of human welfare & solving global issues.

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