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The University of Salford: Delivering specialist education and making positive change with research

The School of Health and Society at The University of Salford details how they are delivering specialist education and making a positive change when it comes to their excellent research work.
leading well

Leading Well: Is the way you are working, working?

Alex Elmywood, Commercial Director, Organisational Improvement discusses how the workplace can be improved to help better employee mental health and wellbeing.
mental health initiatives

St John Ambulance summit reveals range of UK’s mental health initiatives

Sleep training and talking groups for people undergoing IVF were among new mental health initiatives revealed by speakers at a two-day summit hosted by health charity St John Ambulance
vacant property management

Vacant property management: Aspiring to the highest standards

Stuart Woolgar, Chief Executive of Global Guardians Management, discusses tighter regulation and higher ethical standards in the vacant property management sector
public sector

Procurement professionals gather in Manchester for public sector event

Over 1000 industry professionals from across the region gathered in Manchester to discuss digital, financial, procurement and infrastructure issues within the public sector.
normal blood pressure

Millions unaware of what their normal blood pressure should be

Millions of Brits have no idea what their normal blood pressure should be, or even how tall they are, a new study has found
HIV in the African region

Tackling HIV in the African Region: Improving the health and well-being of people

The WHO Regional Office for Africa are tackling HIV in the African Region to improve the lives and wellbeing of people dealing with the disease.
personalised medicine

Personalised medicine in Estonia: Breaking down healthcare silos

Riina Sikkut, Minister of Health and Labour of the Republic of Estonia offer her thoughts on personalised medicine and how this is breaking down healthcare silos
leadership training

Why does leadership training matter?

David Willett, Corporate Director, at The Open University explains why leadership training matters.
prescribe dance lessons

Brits approve plans for GPS to prescribe dance lessons to tackle loneliness

More than half (56%) of Brits have agreed with Prime Minister plans for GP's to prescribe dance classes to patients as part of a scheme to combat loneliness
breaking the bank

How to spread festive cheer without breaking the bank

Kelly Feehan, Service Director, CABA, provides us with some top tips on how you can still spread festive cheer without breaking the bank this Christmas 
public health concern

Mental health as a major European public health concern 

The European Commission and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have just issued their Health at a Glance: Europe 2018  joint report which looks at the state of mental health systems in EU countries
mental health training

Independent study reveals positive impact of mental health training

New research commissioned by IOSH, has shown that Mental Health First Aid training has significantly raised awareness about mental health in the workplace
stigmatisation of diabetes

Ending the stigmatisation of diabetes

Liam Sartorius, Founder at Rebelfit argues the case for ending the stigmatisation of diabetes, including the mental health aspect in this vein
disabled staff

Minister calls on businesses to reveal how many disabled staff they employ

Minister for Disabled People, Health and Work Sarah Newton has urged large employers to build more inclusive workforces and report how many disabled staff they employ

Men more likely to suffer work-related mental health issues

New research from mental health charity Mind reveals that men are twice as likely to suffer mental health problems due to their job
mental-ill health at work

How common is mental ill-health at work?

Dr Zain Sikafi, CEO and co-founder, Mynurva, discusses how common mental-ill health at work is and how it can be appropriately managed in the workplace
vocation frustration

UK office workers are suffering from vocation frustration

A new report from Staples has discovered that office workers in UK are suffering from “Vocation Frustration”. 97% feel frustrated in their work environments, with many feeling the need to escape office life as a result
primary school PE

Primary school PE could be ‘transformed for a generation’ by new funding

Training for teachers, more varied activities, and new equipment to get classes moving are helping to usher in a ‘once in a generation’ transformation of primary school PE across schools in England
Sugar intake

Sugar intake in children – more than just a weight issue

Sugar intake, particularly in children, is a hot topic in the media these days. However, government data suggests that children are still far exceeding the maximum recommended sugar consumption every day

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