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African heritage sites, coastal erosion

20% of African heritage sites threatened by climate change

The African coast ­– along with its numerous heritage sites – are at risk of being damaged and lost to extreme sea levels and erosion.
moderate calorie restrictions, chronic inflammation

What are the health benefits of moderate calorie restrictions?

Researchers find that moderate calorie restrictions – with no specific diet – can shift the immuno-metabolic state in a way which can be protective of human health.
science and evidence, social contract education

A new social contract for education: Science & evidence

Anantha Duraiappah, Director at UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP), describes a new social contract for education, including why science and evidence matter.
child poverty mental health, externalising disorders

Can child poverty stimulate mental health disorders in adulthood?

Children who grew up in poverty have a higher likelihood of developing externalising disorders when in adulthood, especially amongst girls.

Giuseppe Guerini – EESC

Giuseppe Guerini is President of CECOP-CICOPA Europe, the European Confederation of Industrial and Social Cooperatives, and board member of Cooperatives Europe As a representative of Confcooperative Italy, he has been an EESC member since September 2010, dealing in particular with social economy and social enterprises, employment and finance for SMEs....
digital platform, digital

Solution to make “non-standard employment” sustainable

Giuseppe Guerini discusses platform cooperatives for the digital age: a solution to making "non-standard employment" sustainable, and to sharing their value chains.
huntington's disease covid-19, huntington's disease

Huntington’s disease: Post-pandemic predictions

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechCasting Group, provides a fresh perspective on predictions concerning Huntington’s disease in a post-pandemic era.

Innovation in procurement & procuring innovation

Craig Elder, Partner and Danny O’Brien, Associate from Browne Jacobson LLP, highlight both innovation in procurement and procuring innovation
girls education covid-19, teachers covid-19

85% of teachers in the Global South provided extra care for girls in education

Many teachers took on ‘humanitarian roles’ during COVID-19 school closures, aiming to improve girls’ education - as well as providing healthcare and safeguarding.
social value public sector

Solving social value in the public sector

Gavin Rimmington, the Head of Public Sector at YPO, explains how to solve social value in the public sector
tail spend, public sector

Managing Tail Spend effectively in the public sector

Crown Commercial Service (CCS) describes here what we need to know about managing Tail Spend effectively in the public sector.
dismantle crime, levelling up

Levelling Up promises £3 billion on drug enforcement

Neighbourhood crime is at the heart of the policy, with the UK promising to cut homicide, serious violence and more by 2030.
covid-19 variants, covid pandemic

COVID-19 variants and vaccines

Academic Research Scholar Dr Wendy Purcell, places the spotlight on COVID-19 variants and vaccines.
Medical cannabis bill

The UK’s doomed Medical Cannabis (Access) Bill

Senior Associate, David Hardstaff and Partner, John Binns of BCL Solicitors LLP, explore the UK’s doomed Medical Cannabis (Access) Bill
healthcare transformation, public sector talent gap

How technology partners can help tackle the public sector talent gap

Simon Collinson, Head of UK Public Sector at Salesforce, explains how technology partners can help tackle the public sector talent gap, including a look at healthcare transformation.
nuclear energy clean, nuclear fission

Why nuclear energy is not clean or green

Dr Chanda Siddoo-Atwal, primary biochemist of Moondust Cosmetics Ltd, examines the realities of nuclear energy.
cyber procurement

Building resilience & strengthening your cyber procurement

Elizabeth Giugno, Cyber Security at CCS, details the importance of the public sector building resilience & strengthening cyber procurement
reproductive obesity, endometriosis

Female reproductive disorders may be heightened by obesity

Researchers find a link between obesity, metabolic hormones, and female reproductive disorders - suggesting obesity may elevate the risk.

Reducing malnutrition in care homes using AI

Possible new tech could help reduce malnutrition, improving overall health in long-term care homes using Artificial Intelligence

Men at higher risk of “sextortion” since the COVID pandemic

Men, Black and Native American women, and LGBTQ Individuals at high risk of falling victim to online extortion

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