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digital health era

Cardiovascular disease: Opportunities and challenges in the digital health era

In this interview, Chair of the ESC Digital Health Committee, Professor Martin Cowie, details the opportunities and challenges in the digital health era when it comes to the field of cardiovascular disease.
clinical contact research

Clinical Contract Research: Building the digital bridge between clinical research and clinical care

Prof Dr Freimut Schliess, Director, Science & Innovation at Profil GmbH, sheds light on how Clinical Contract Research Organisations are building the digital bridge connecting clinical research and clinical care.

What is Polar Research and Expedition Consultancy?

Here, Wilson Cheung Wai Yin from the Polar Research & Expedition Consultancy (PRECON) tells us why this organisation was set up – to encourage the cost-effectiveness of scientific field research in the Polar Regions.
younger workers

Is your workplace ‘woke’ enough for younger workers?

Research carried out by Global Tolerance found that almost half of 2,000 younger workers preferred organisations that have a positive impact on the world.
anti vaccination movement, measles

UK government acts to stop anti-vaccination movement

PM Johnson wants to improve vaccination uptake after more than 230 cases of measles were reported in the UK due to the anti-vaccination movement.
fiscal and financial, environmental crises

Taxing and spending: Green fiscal and financial systems can stop environmental crises

When it comes to taxing and spending, Dominic Hogg from Eunomia Research & Consulting shares his views on how greening the fiscal and financial systems can help address environmental crises.
climate champions, eurocities

Cities proving to be the real climate champions

Anna Lisa Boni, Secretary General, EUROCITIES provides an absorbing insight into how cities in Europe are proving to be the real climate champions.
Porn risk to children: Exploited By Commercial Algorithms

What porn research for the boy scouts taught me

The Real Risk to Children: Exploited By Commercial Algorithms. How browsing habits can link to pornography and other harmful content for children.
healthcare spending

Wise healthcare spending can deliver better outcomes

Barbara Harpham, Chair of the Medical Technology Group, wants to see healthcare spending, particularly on medical technology, linked to tangible outcomes for patients, the economy and society.
legal services, crown commercial services

Wider Public Sector Legal Services (RM3788)

Mark Jones, Commercial Agreements Manager in Legal Services at the Crown Commercial Service discusses the Wider Public Sector Legal Services (RM3788).
combat climate change, global recycling day

Why championing recycling can help to combat climate change

Ranjit Baxi, comments on the link between recycling and climate change, as well as the success of the celebrated Global Recycling Day 2019 on 18th March in cities globally.
healthcare sector, cybersecurity challenges

What are the cybersecurity challenges facing the healthcare sector?

External and internal attackers are drawn to healthcare sector due to the value of the vast amounts of personal health information (PHI) these organisations manage.
digital media privacy, reward-based ecosystem

Digital Media privacy would be key to reward-based ecosystem that users deserve

Here, Christel Quek, Co-founder of BOLT, discusses the progressive potential of blockchain globally via appropriate use of digital media privacy that would open up a reward-based ecosystem.
pension change, bma

Doctors’ Union: Pension change is “step forward” but more needed

The British Medical Association (BMA) has acknowledged the pension change “step forward” by the Government, after a year’s worth of lobbying by the doctors’ union.
NHS pension change, senior doctors

NHS pension change: Senior doctors to have more flexibility

Today (7 August) Matt Hancock will propose an NHS pension change, via a public consultation over rules governing the amount that senior doctors put into their pension.
electronic patient records, NHSX

NHS launches accredited suppliers for electronic patient records

NHSX and NHS England have published a list of accredited suppliers of electronic patient record solutions, to give purchasers more confidence in their route to digital transformation.
public sector connectivity

New NHS cash injection needed to improve patient care, says NHS Confederation

Experts respond to Prime Minister Boris Johnson's announcement for a £1.8 million NHS cash injection, highlighting the desperate need for funding to improve patient care.
public sector connectivity

What does public sector connectivity mean today?

Paul Doe, Regional Director, MLL Telecom discusses how public sector connectivity means so much more to local councils than increased bandwidth, looking at how local government can tailor the procurement process to make the most of connectivity contracts to benefit local citizens.
mobile industry

How have security threats revamped the mobile industry?

Tech geek Devin Smith highlights how the mobile industry has been revamped to counter security threats posed by cyber crime in this article.
world leader in research

Ireland: A world leader in research and innovation

John Halligan TD, Minister of State for Training, Skills, Innovation, Research and Development charts the research and innovation landscape in Ireland today.

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