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endocrine disruption looking glass

Through the looking-glass: Endocrine disruption and child health

Alberto Mantovani and Francesca Baldi at the Italian National Health Institute discuss the need for further research on endocrine disruption and child health When assessing potential health hazards in food chains or the environment, it is clear that children cannot be considered as miniature adults. In fact, children breathe more...
environmental standards UK Trump Brexit

Will Trump and Brexit wreck our environmental standards?

Sarah Marjoram at Thomson Ecology asks what impact the Trump presidency and Brexit will have on the UK’s environmental standards The inauguration of the new President of the United States, Donald Trump, comes with new uncertainties of how the UK’s relationship with the US will impact on our environment. With...
communication in healthcare people window

We need different thinking about communication in healthcare

Pfalzklinikum CEO Paul Bomke suggests that a new paradigm is needed in our thinking about communication in healthcare, especially around mental health It is increasingly clear that greater dialogue between stakeholders and innovative new approaches go far in addressing the challenges facing healthcare systems today. In an interview, Pfalzklinikum’s CEO,...
immunology, animal health

Immunology offers sustainable solutions for animal health

Artur Summerfield, the University of Bern discusses translating basic immunology to innovative and sustainable solutions for animal health and welfare.
sustainable healthy lifestyles swimming child

Promoting sustainable healthy lifestyles with a holistic and multidisciplinary approach

The PEGASO project is helping address the global obesity epidemic by promoting change towards sustainable healthy lifestyles, as Renata Guarneri describes The increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity among children and adolescents reflects a global ‘epidemic’ worldwide. Obesity in younger age groups has been recognised as an alarming key predictor...
health technology Finland former minister Olli Rehn

For health technology, Finland is a haven

In Finland, health technology benefits from research investment and a culture of collaboration, as the former Minister of Economic Affairs details here When it comes to health technology, Finland is said to be among the three strongest economies in the world, with digital health being its largest high-tech export. Innovations...
cyber security in healthcare

Cyber security in healthcare: Lessons from enterprises?

Joe Kim, CTO of SolarWinds, explores the potential learning opportunities from business for cybersecurity in healthcare organizations The cybersecurity market is currently valued at $122.45bn, with an expectation that this will rise to $202.36bn by 2021. Cybersecurity is becoming a huge concern for businesses, with so many enterprises coming under...
Suicide rates Samaritans helpline

Suicide rates are ‘unacceptably high’, say Health Committee

The Health Committee says a clear implementation strategy and increased support for public mental health services are needed to bring down suicide rates In its interim report into suicide prevention, the Health Committee outlines the main themes emerging from witnesses to its inquiry. The findings are being presented to government...
exercise research

Kid’s health and exercise research: The whole kit and caboodle

Scientists at the University of Calgary’s Human Performance Laboratory take a holistic approach to kid’s health and exercise research
Labrador Institute of Memorial University

Implementing a community-driven environment and health surveillance program with Inuit in Rigolet, Nunatsiavut

For Inuit across the Canadian North, notions of good wellbeing are multi-faceted – including physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions – and are rooted in deep, intrinsic connections with the environment. Thus, any stresses on the environment, such as climate change and resource development, necessarily have complex, widespread...
The eNuk program

The eNuk program: Climate Change Impacts on Inuit Health

The Canadian North is experiencing intense and rapid socio-cultural stresses resulting from various shifts in the environment, including climate change and resource extraction and development.

Transforming healthcare through digitalisation

Dr. Mahiben Maruthappu, Senior Fellow to the CEO at NHS England, outlines how digitalisation will transform healthcare… Digital has transformed almost every aspect of our society, from how we order a taxi, to renting accommodation, to ordering food. It has improved the efficiency of banking transactions 100-fold and saves the...
child health

Redefining child health for the 21st Century

Dr. Benjamin Van Voorhees discusses strategies for redefining child health for the 21st century in clinical practice, education, research and beyond. Since its inception more than 100 years ago, the Pediatric Program at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) has worked to stay at the forefront of the ever-changing...

What can we do to protect our lung health?

Professor Guy Joos, President of the European Respiratory Society and Dan Smyth, Chair of the European Lung Foundation, look at the importance of healthy lungs and how air pollution can affect them… Regular exposure to air pollution is linked to the development of certain lung conditions, such as chronic obstructive...

The measurement conundrum in healthcare    

Dr Benjamin Van Voorhees, University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, talks about the role of quantitative measurements in healthcare to ensure high standards of medical practice... “You can’t manage what you can’t measure”. “What you can’t count, doesn’t count”.  These bromides of the corporate world found a home in the...

Healthy in every sphere of life

Romina Männl, Project Assistant, Pfalzklinikum für Psychiatrie und Neurologie discusses ‘The Palatinate makes itself/you strong – ways to resilience’ initiative... 'The Palatinate makes itself/you strong – ways to resilience’ initiative was founded by Pfalzklinikum for psychiatry and neurology in the Palatinate, in Southwest Germany. Together with national and international project partners such as,...

Bridging the European healthcare gaps

Bridge Health Coordination highlight the three main functions of public health. Public health policy and organisations aim to prevent disease, and to promote health and the quality and quantity of the life of populations. Public health has 3 main functions: (1) the continuous follow-up of the health populations and of...

Social Innovation on active and healthy ageing for sustainable economic growth

Dr Elena Urdaneta from the Basque Culinary Center-SIforAGE Project highlights how the projects aims to strengthen cooperation among the stakeholders working on active and healthy ageing… SIforAGE - Social Innovation for Active and Healthy Ageing- project pursues to strengthen cooperation among the stakeholders working on active and healthy ageing. We aim...

Innovation in health and social care

John Bowis OBE, Honorary President of Health First Europe and former Member of the European Parliament, outlines how healthcare innovations are a key instrument to achieving sustainable healthcare solutions… “Health care providers are currently faced with an extremely complex challenge characterised by rising demand, increasing cost and insufficient funding. In...

Improving the long-term health of childhood cancer survivors

SIOPE – the European Society for Paediatric Oncology highlights the importance of strengthening collaborations to ensure childhood cancer survivors lead a healthy life… All childhood cancer survivors should be able to lead a normal life. In Europe however, in spite of the increase of the survival rates, many of them...

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