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unemployment obesity rates

What social risk factors affect obesity rates?

Risk factors such as living alone, poverty, low level of education and unemployment have all been linked to increased rates of obesity
react study omicron, delta variant

REACT study: “Almost complete replacement of Delta by Omicron”

Data from an ongoing UK trial finds 99% of COVID cases are Omicron, described as "almost complete replacement of Delta".
alcohol use disorder, alcohol abuse

A new framework identifies people with alcohol use disorder

A new framework by researchers can help identify and diagnose alcohol use disorder based on symptoms, so patients can be given personalised treatment options.
monitor lupus

New tool to boost lupus tracking to 96% accuracy

Research indicates the possibility for a new, easier and more accurate tool to measure the progress of lupus in patients
performance enhancing drugs

Performance enhancing drugs can induce eating disorders

A study finds that performance and appearance enhancing drugs are closely linked to eating disorder symptoms in the US - especially in college-age groups.
brain impact covid, long covid

COVID brain impact similar to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

It is now well-known that the virus can create severe respiratory issues - but the impact of COVID on the brain is an equally important, unanswered question.
plastic pollution policy

Plastic pollution could decrease by 85% with policy action

A new policy tool developed by scientists, ‘Plastic Drawdown’, can help governments to radically cut plastic waste by 2030.

Reversing destruction of biodiversity should be top priority

Over 50 experts say reversing biodiversity loss will take take more than placing protection on land and sea zones.
heart disease risk, healthy habits

Healthy cardiovascular habits taught young can lower heart disease risk

Teaching children about healthy habits can achieve lasting lifestyle changes, lowering cardiovascular disease risk through a multidisciplinary approach.
biodiversity extinction

Scientists warn Sixth Mass Extinction of global biodiversity is possible

Experts warn that a Sixth Mass Extinction is potentially underway, with human activities threatening species extinction.
rainy days economy, climate change rain

Climate change increases rainy days, which harm the economy

New data finds economic growth decreases with more wet days with extreme rainfall, revealing an indirect way that climate change harms the economy.
transgender mental health, hormone treatment

Transgender mental health: What age is best to begin hormone treatment?

A new study finds that transgender people who begin hormone treatment in adolescence have better mental health, than those waiting until adulthood.
online safety bill report, women online abuse

Online Safety Bill report finds 62% of women face online abuse

According to evidence in the Online Safety Bill report, 62% of women aged between 18-34 experience online abuse and harassment - with 50% of 11-16 year old girls also facing these issues online.
california drinking water, sanitary water

Californians continue to struggle with a lack of safe, sanitary drinking water

Safe drinking water in California is becoming scarce, as contaminated drinking water continues to disproportionately impact communities of colour in the state.
hemp compounds, COVID-19 virus infection

How can hemp compounds block the COVID-19 virus infection?

Research demonstrates the ability to prevent COVID-19 from entering human cells through cannabinoid acids binding to a SARS-CoV-2 protein, blocking infection from the virus.
disruption education, digital technology

True disruption in education: An opportune moment for lasting change?

Christel Wolthoorn, Managing Director of LovedBy Design, examines how the education sector dealt with COVID disruption and the work that remains.
socioeconomic vulnerability

Climate change disproportionately impacts Indigenous communities

Research by the University of Waterloo reveals that Indigenous communities are at higher risk from climate change flooding, due to pre-existing socioeconomic vulnerability.
green cities, infrastructure

How do we define green infrastructure?

An exploration of ‘green infrastructure’ plans across 20 US cities found several inconsistent and limited definitions - so researchers created a new one.
reusable packaging, encourage businesses

Why do businesses still not use reusable packaging?

Researchers suggest a digital track and trace system to encourage businesses to adopt reusable packaging and reduce waste, suggesting reasons why they may not have adopted them already.

Mental Health Europe

Open Access Government (January 2022) "The article looks great, thanks very much for giving us the opportunity to contribute. "Happy to see this topic receive visibility amongst your readership. "Looking forward to working with you again." Jackie Mellese Communications Manager Mental Health Europe www.mhe-sme.org

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