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inequalities in physical activity, health inequality

Tackling inequalities in physical activity

Elisabeth Morgans, Senior project manager at C3 Collaborating for Health, discusses solutions to tackle physical inactivity and overcome the ever pervasive and entrenched issue of health inequality.
the property sector, workforce

Working from home: The impact on the property sector

Stuart Woolgar, CEO of Global Guardians Management, reflects on how the pandemic has affected working patterns along with the impact of working from home on the property sector.
dementia covid-19, alzheimer's

How to help someone living with dementia understand the COVID-19 pandemic

Kym Ward, Dementia Project Coordinator at The Brain Charity, offers insight into how to support those living with dementia during times of uncertainty and isolation.
healthcare wages, covid-19

Healthcare wages and employment during the height of COVID-19

The average wages for healthcare workers rose less than wages in other industries during 2020 and the first six months of 2021 across the US – despite the pandemic causing healthcare burnout.
russian disinformation

Recognising the dangers of Russian disinformation in Ukraine

Russian forces have launched an assault on major Ukrainian cities, however, there is another battle going on online concerning Russian disinformation.
COVID brain fog, cognitive problems COVID

COVID survivors 80% more likely to experience brain fog

The virus is described as respiratory, but recovered COVID patients can experience significant cognitive problems - such as brain fog, confusion or forgetfulness.
vaccine mental health, mental distress

COVID vaccine improves both mental health and safety

Having just one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine significantly reduced multiple psychological distress factors, improving the well-being and safety of recipients.
levelling up lungs, british lung foundation

‘Levelling up’ doomed to fail unless government gives our lungs a boost

Sarah Woolnough, Asthma UK and the British Lung Foundation, says the government should not miss this vital opportunity to protect our health.
digital platform, digital

Solution to make “non-standard employment” sustainable

Giuseppe Guerini discusses platform cooperatives for the digital age: a solution to making "non-standard employment" sustainable, and to sharing their value chains.
long-term employment refugee, refugees jobs

Long-term employment prospects of refugees decline after five years

Research finds that the longer refugees are living in the U.S., the lower their likelihood of finding long-term employment becomes, even with the assistance of employment services.
Roma europe

The Roma community in Europe

Jo & Toby Gorniak from Street Factory CIC, with Rosa Cisneros (C-DaRE), shed light on the Roma community in Europe, including its diversity
sustainable batteries

The Africa connection

Finding sustainable battery materials to keep Europe’s electrification clean, its conscience clear and its energy transition on track.
Gender equality bias

Understanding equality in light of gender bias in society

Alison Kriel, Founder, Above & Beyond Education, describes the importance of understanding equality in light of gender bias in society
combined heat and power, buildings

TED Gen: The Combined heat and power revolution

Here, TED Generation (TED Gen) explains how to improve the economic and environmental future of your business – using Combined heat and power (CHP) to decrease energy costs and rewrite carbon footprints.
suicides drug overdose, intentional overdose

Suicide by intentional overdose increased in some communities

A study finds that suicides by intentional drug overdose has increased among young people, elderly people, and Black women across the US.
WHo working from home, WHO

WHO says working from home creates “blurring of boundaries”

A report by the World Health Organisation (WHO) says working from home can blur the boundaries, with individuals working longer hours than before.
units of alcohol, cardiovascular risk

Drinking can increase risk of heart issues by 23%, even in moderation

Though the UK’s recommended alcohol limit is under 14 units weekly, researchers still suggest less, as the risk of cardiovascular diseases can still be increased by even moderate amounts.
NHS fourth dose, fourth dose COVID

NHS opens fourth dose bookings for immunosuppressed people

The NHS has opened bookings for a fourth vaccine dose, to 400,000 severely immunosuppressed people across the country.
gender and health inequality, women RISE

£11.6 million available for gender and health inequality research

In Canada, a coalition of organisations are funding £11.6 million (CAD 20 million) into Women RISE - a call for gender and health equality research projects.
misogyny women's sport, misogynistic attitudes

Misogyny towards women’s sports common amongst male fans

Research analysing online message boards finds male football fans are commonly misogynistic, hostile, and sexist towards women’s sports.

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