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The National Mental Capacity Forum

Professor Baroness Finlay of Llandaff highlights the work of the National Mental Capacity Forum and the key priorities it aims to tackle… The National Mental Capacity Forum has started its work. In September, as the appointed chair answerable to Ministers, I began to explore the reasons that the 2005 Mental...

Cuts to public health budgets could impact obesity fight

The slashing of public health budgets could have a detrimental impact on the ability of councils to tackle obesity… Public health budget cuts could prevent councils from providing schemes aimed at helping people to lose weight. According to recent figures, one in 10 children aged four and five was classed as...

Modelling the children’s hospital and healthcare delivery system for the next century

Dr Benjamin Van Voorhees from the Department of Paediatrics, University of Illinois at Chicago college of Medicine talks about the provision of children's healthcare... The Children’s Hospital of the University of Illinois Hospital and Health Sciences (UIH) system in Chicago is at the forefront of the dramatic changes taking place...
health computer

Working towards an EU health information system

Petronille Bogaert, Robine Jean Marie, and Prof. Dr. Herman Van Oyen discuss the BRIDGE Health project and how it is developing an integrated and sustainable EU health information system Bridge Health is a European project under the third European Union (EU) Health Programme. The acronym stands for Bridging Information and...

eHealth is for citizens

Terje Peetso, MD, Policy Officer for DG CONNECT at the European Commission discusses how online healthcare can be beneficial to patients… Citizens’ participation in managing their own healthcare has consistently increased over the last decades and digital tools certainly play an important role in this. The process consists of a...
eu referendum medicine

EU Referendum: could it damage the health service?

This time next month the EU referendum vote will be over and the UK will be dealing with the fallout. Whether you are for or against staying the vote is undoubtedly a momentous event, one that has the potential to significantly change our nation. It is also an issue...

mHEALTH: Challenges, hopes and doubts

There are many hopes and at the same time, doubts related to the mHealth development. Here MEP Michal Boni explains the reasons why… Firstly, mHealth development is part of the digital revolution. It means that all aspects of the functions of the healthcare systems can be changed under the conditions related...

The brain health challenge: reducing the economic impact

Prof David Nutt, European Brain Council on the economic impact of poor brain health & how they are calling for new thinking towards how it is treated
Cognitive brain health and women

Cognitive brain health in aging: Why is it so important for women?

Yves Joanette from the Institute of Aging, and Cara Tannenbaum from the Institute of Gender and Health at the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, detail why cognitive brain health it is so important as we age, specifically for women. Remaining cognitively healthy as we age is something we all desire....
Department of Paediatrics - University of Illionois at Chicago

A Public Health Approach to Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines child maltreatment as, “… the abuse and neglect that occurs to children under 18 years of age. It includes all types of physical and/or emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect, negligence and commercial or other exploitation, which results in actual or potential harm to...
CHECK Project

Coordination of Healthcare for Complex Kids: CHECK

Multiple streams of change are impacting the provision of healthcare services in the United States and beyond. First is a renewed focus on the importance of addressing the social determinants of health on par with clinical care. Second is an increasing recognition of the negative consequences of failing to...

The impact of healthcare fraud across the NHS

Dr Martin Tunley, Senior Lecturer in Counter Fraud Studies at the University of Portsmouth’s Institute of Criminal Justice Studies outlines how healthcare fraud can be detrimental to the NHS… Healthcare fraud is a global problem, and necessitates an innovative response, because without intervention, it can easily spiral out of control. A recent...

Probiotics on poultry gut health research

The chicken industry has become one of the fastest growing livestock industries around the world due to the demand for high-quality protein by consumers. Today, modern-day broiler chickens can reach a body weight of 2 kilograms by 35 days, which represents an increase of an astonishing 5000% of their...
soil management

Soil information for European environmental policy

The recent announcement “4 pour 1000” by the French Minister of Agriculture, Stéphane Le Foll, communicating a new concept for mitigating climate change through the reduction of CO2 by an annual increase in soil organic carbon in agricultural soils by 0.4%, has demonstrated a new dimension of environmental politics....
© Kwanchaidt healthcare

Health research – the Canadian way

Open Access Government looks at how health research can play a pivotal role in preventing major diseases throughout the country  Over the decades we have changed the way we live, which can have a major impact on our health. For example, new technologies we use and the environment can all...

Translating basic immunology to innovative and sustainable solutions for animal health and welfare

Infectious diseases are a major cause for animal suffering and production losses in livestock and at the same time, often being zoonotic, represent a serious hazard for food safety. Combating infectious diseases of livestock is, therefore, a top priority on the veterinary and public health agenda. Mass use of...
Fribourg University

Unit for Clinical & Health Psychology – University of Fribourg

Mental health disorders are major causes of disability worldwide, ranking among the 10 major risk factors for disease. Professor Dr Chantal Martin-Soelch’s team in the Department of Psychology at the University of Fribourg specialise in the search for risk and vulnerability factors for mental illness, the development of preventive...
gas fire

Fuel Poverty: lower bills and healthier homes

Maria Wardrobe, Director of External Affairs at National Energy Action outlines the importance of tackling fuel poverty in the UK… Fuel poverty remains a bigger killer across the UK than road accidents, alcohol or drug abuse combined. In our UK Fuel Poverty Monitor 2014-2015 we estimated that in addition to 125,000...

Lower bills and healthier homes

Maria Wardrobe, Director of External Affairs at National Energy Action outlines the importance of tackling fuel poverty in the UK Fuel poverty remains a bigger killer across the UK than road accidents, alcohol or drug abuse combined. In our UK Fuel Poverty Monitor 2014-2015, we estimated that in addition to 125,000...

Improving healthcare in Belgium

AG outlines key priorities of the Belgian Minister for Public Health, Maggie De Block. Ensuring citizens lead a healthy lifestyle is a cornerstone of policy for governments worldwide. Throughout Europe, Ministers and MPs are bringing the issue to the forefront with proposals for healthy eating strategies and taxes on sugary food...

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