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workplace benefits

What workplace benefits do our employees expect?

To understand where the UK stands on workplace benefits, Aviva surveyed 2,000 employees and over 500 employers from varying business sizes to get their thoughts on what really matters to them.
urban technology framework

Urban Technology Framework: How technology is changing cities and development

The Urban Land Institute has launched an Urban Technology Framework to help cities advance into the next generation of technology.

GDPR: One year on and where’s it gone?

Lesley Holmes, Data Protection Officer at MHR, explores the lessons learned about GDPR over the past year and the risks businesses will encounter in the future.
transform corporate banking, AI IoT

Intelligent technology can transform corporate banking

In this article, Roland Bloesch discusses his perspective on how intelligent technologies like AI, IoT, and Bots can transform corporate banking whilst the world of finance is quickly digitalising.
strategic partnership agreement

UK and Ghana sign strategic partnership agreement

UK and Ghana sign strategic partnership agreement on economic development, regional security, health, education and inclusion.
cryptos effect, crypto fraud

Crypto’s effect on the wider markets

Cryptocurrencies have been in vogue for several years, and everyone who works in the finance industry has a story or two about what the effects of crypto have looked like to them.
poverty statistics

New poverty statistics to help government target support

New poverty statistics developed and published by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) will help target support more effectively.
work from home, National work from home day, flexible working

National work from home day: Embracing flexible working

To mark National Work from Home Day, Emma Bullen from MHR explores how organisations can manage and engage their teams from afar.
play-based learning

Play-based learning to develop 21st Century Skills

Aaditya Tangri, Co-Founder & CEO of Kalebr Americas and Founder of STEAMathalon shares his thoughts on why play-based learning today is important for a brighter future tomorrow.
staff crisis

GP numbers fall as pension complexities add to looming NHS staff crisis

New research carried out by the Nuffield Trust highlights the growing staff crisis in the NHS with the first sustained fall in GP numbers in half a century.
cut food waste

Government awards £4 million to cut food waste

The government has awarded more than £4 million to four redistribution organisations across England to help overcome barriers to cut food waste.
hobby farms

Why are hobby farms growing in popularity?

Here, we highlight some of the most common reasons people start hobby farms and why you may want to consider starting one of your own.
eating disorder treatment, NHS treatment

What is the reality of eating disorder treatment?

Dr. Lynne Green speaks to Nishat from Open Access Government about NHS eating disorder treatment, what to do if someone is suffering, and how social media has changed the landscape.
talking about debt

The importance of talking about debt

Our finances are a topic that we veer away from in conversations with friends and family. This is particularly true when it comes to talking about debt – a subject still very much considered a taboo.
mindreading neurons, simulation neurons

Scientists find “mindreading” neurons in some brains

Scientists have identified special types of "mindreading" neurons that may allow us to simulate the decision-making processes of others, thereby reconstructing their state of mind and predicting their intentions.
global conservationists, conservation movement

Global conservationists have “core aims” but fight over solution

Research reveals rifts within the global conservation movement, on economic approaches to protected areas, which makes the achievement of conservation goals difficult.
waste valorisation technology

The implementation of a green waste valorisation technology

The HORIZON 2020 ToSynFuel project, coordinated by Fraunhofer UMSICHT, will demonstrate new integrated waste valorisation technologies into industrially relevant environments, says Dr-Ing Robert Daschner from Institute Branch Sulzbach-Rosenberg.
European Network on Environmental Citizenship

Environmental citizenship research and the European Network on Environmental Citizenship

Andreas Ch. Hadjichambis, Pedro Reis, Demetra Hadjichambi tell us about the research emphasis of the European Network on Environmental Citizenship.
patient information

Key patient information stored in routinely collected healthcare free-text data is still untapped

Goran Nenadic, from The University of Manchester and The Alan Turing Institute, argues for using patient information stored in routinely collected healthcare free-text data.
chronic care

A life- and disease course approach to health protection and chronic care

Taking advantage of data and trustworthy collaboration is the way to go when it comes to a life- and disease course approach to health protection and chronic care, argues Prof Dr Freimut Schliess, Director of Science & Innovation at Profil GmbH.

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