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The SP System: A promising foundation for the development of human-like general AI

Dr J Gerard Wolff, Director at CognitionResearch.org describes the SP System – a promising foundation for the development of human-like general artificial intelligence.
new digital revolution

Flexible working: Ushering in a new digital revolution

In this flexible working focus, Professor Dr Kyriakos Kouveliotis focuses our thoughts on how the global health crisis is impacting the way businesses have shifted their professional activities, ushering in a new digital revolution.
managing cardiovascular disease

Managing cardiovascular disease during the COVID-19 pandemic

Dr Timothy Fairbairn, Consultant Cardiologist at Liverpool Heart & Chest Hospital and Dr Campbell Rogers, Chief Medical Officer at HeartFlow, discuss how cardiologists are responding to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and why digital innovation is crucial.
research funding in switzerland

Keeping up research funding in Switzerland

Here, Open Access Government maps out Switzerland’s research funding plans in 2020 onwards to maintain its position as a world leader in research, innovation, and education.
wind farm block development

Phase III: The future of Taiwan wind farm block development

Gwo-shyh Song, Associate Professor at the National Taiwan University and from Global Aqua Survey Ltd, walks us through the future of Taiwan wind farm block development.
US-china export controls, Huawei

New US-China export controls could backfire on US tech sector

Xiaomeng Lu, Senior Policy Manager for Asia & US at Access Partnership, examines new US-China export controls to dissect how China will retaliate.
Cancer research analysis

Cancer research analysis: A focus on innovation

Here, the International Agency for Research on Cancer and other experts provide an in-depth analysis of cancer, the second leading cause of death after cardiovascular diseases plus the role of technology and innovation in the field.
relationship with AI, pegasystems

Are we facing an ‘AI Winter’ or is our relationship with AI evolving?

Peter van der Putten, assistant professor in AI, Leiden University, Director of decisioning at Pegasystems, explores the 'AI Winter' and our relationship with AI.
machine learning

How can machine learning benefit the healthcare sector?

Machine learning has already been widely accepted in the private sector, however, it is often feared in the public sector. Here, Simon Dennis, Director of AI & Analytics Innovation, SAS UK, explores the benefits of using machine learning in healthcare.
chemistry research

Chemistry research: Driving discovery and development

The Division of Chemistry at the National Science Foundation, provides an update on their work in driving discovery and development concerning chemistry research that improves the quality of life in the United States.
energy policy in the uk

A glimpse at the priorities for energy policy in the UK

Here, we examine the priorities for energy policy in the UK, with a focus on the work of The Rt Hon Alok Sharma MP, Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy in this vein.
Interoperability in the NHS

Taking our chance with healthcare: Interoperability in the NHS beyond the cliché

Mike Odling-Smee, Technical Director at Aire Logic, takes us on a journey around interoperability in the NHS beyond the cliché when it comes to the opportunities around healthcare.
strengthening research and innovation, swiss research

Strengthening research and innovation in Switzerland

Writer Megan Warrender looks at strengthening research and innovation in strategically important areas such as automation, antibiotic resistance and quantum technology.
ethics of AI development, public policy

The ethics of AI development in public policy

Dr Emma Carmel illustrates the paradoxical realities of ethics in AI development, with recommendations for forming an effective public policy.
Digital transformation in Japan,

Digital transformation in Japan and the European Union

Agnieszka Kuczynska from AGH University of Science and Technology charts the prominence of digital transformation in Japan and the European Union today.
innovation pathway, digital health

Think Tank highlights CROs key role in optimising innovation pathways

Prof Dr Freimut Schliess, Director of Profil GmbH, discusses how CROs can play a key role for the optimisation of innovation pathways.
modern life

Social media: A central part of modern life with dangers

Social media is a central part of modern life, writes Rufus Caldecott, Operations Analyst at the security and intelligence firm, Blackstone Consultancy but there are dangers, he warns.
AI systems

The FUDIPO Project: AI systems in process industries

Here, Erik Dahlquist discusses the FUDIPO Project, touching on how facilities like oil refineries and power plants can use AI systems.
eye health

Eye health: Testing the safety of stem cell therapy for age-related macular degeneration

Kapil Bharti, PhD, Senior Investigator and Head of the Ocular and Stem Cell Translational Research Section at the National Eye Institute (NEI), explains testing the safety of a stem cell therapy for age-related macular degeneration in this special focus on eye health.
digital skills gap

Digital skills gap in Europe: Training people for the future

Nabila Salem, President of Revolent Group, discusses how training people for the future can help fill the digital skills gap in Europe.

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