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Tobacco dependency: Treat it like any other illness

Sarah MacFadyen, Vice Chair of the Taskforce for Lung Health and Head of Policy and External Affairs at Asthma UK and the British Lung Foundation, says it’s time that tobacco dependency was treated just like any other illness.
health technologies

Building readiness for innovative health technologies

Senior Researcher in Social Science Michael Morrison explains why disruptive technologies need institutional and systemic readiness to truly realise the benefits of healthcare innovation.
effects of sleep deprivation

The effects of sleep deprivation on your skin

Dr Deborah Lee, Dr Fox Online Pharmacy, explores the effects that sleep deprivation can have on your skin.
uk social care system, healthcare

Report finds UK social care system will “collapse” without unpaid carers

The Social Care 360 Report finds that unpaid carers contributed time worth ÂŁ400 million to the UK social care system - daily, since the COVID-19 pandemic begun.
medicines and vaccines

Countries denied access to vaccines they helped develop

A new study has revealed that new medicines and vaccines approved for use in the United States are often unavailable in countries that helped to develop them.
death in type-2 diabetes

Drinking tea & coffee reduces risk of death in type-2 diabetes by 63%

A new study has found that drinking 4 cups of green tea or 2 cups of coffee per day reduces the risk of death in type-2 diabetes by 63%.
the HPV vaccine

Only 16% of men received HPV vaccine

Researchers from Michigan Medicine have found that only 16% of men had received at least one dose of the HPV vaccine.
needle phobia

How patients can overcome needle phobia and get the COVID vaccine

Dr Deborah Lee, Dr Fox Online Pharmacy, explores what can be done to help patients who refuse the COVID-19 vaccination due to needle phobia.
executive dysfunction and ptsd, brain

Scientists find link between emotional regulation and PTSD

Researchers believe that they have found a PTSD marker in the brain region associated with emotional regulation - with the marker being strongest in people with "impaired executive dysfunction".
instagram for children, instagram

Mark Zuckerberg to create “Instagram for children” aged under 13

International child protection groups are speaking out about leaked plans for Facebook to create an "Instagram for children" - a separate version of the app, which would target children under the age of 13.
illegal mining in amazon, mercury amazon

Illegal mining in Amazon releases mercury into Indigenous lands

The illegal mining of the Amazon rainforest continues through the COVID pandemic, with Indigenous communities experiencing the double-hit of mercury poisoning and "imminent violence".
depression and bipolar disorder, blood biomarkers

Scientists create blood test for depression and bipolar disorder

Indiana University of Medicine researchers spent four years developing a blood test to identify depression and bipolar disorder - they say this work will bring psychiatry from "the 19th century into the 21st".
STI prevention, STI

Why does the U.S. need an STI National Strategic Plan?

Open Access Government discusses STI prevention in the U.S., and the benefits and priorities of the STI National Strategic Plan 2021-2025.
implantable sensors, gold nanoparticles

Are gold nanoparticles the next generation of implantable sensors?

Scientists have developed an implantable sensor using gold nanoparticles, which can function in the human body for "several months" to report health changes.
healthier european union

A vision for a healthier European Union

Open Access Government explores the health priorities of Stella Kyriakides, Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, asking if lessons learned from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic can help to improve European healthcare?.
healing chronic disease

A simple prescription for healing chronic disease

Dr Shireen Kassam MBBS, FRCPath, PhD, dipIBLM, Founder and Director of Plant-Based Health Professionals UK, explains a simple prescription for health as a remedy to chronic disease.
psychiatric disorders

The changing perspective of psychedelic drugs with a history of abuse

Jason W. Loxterkamp and Pamela J. Lein from University of California, Davis, explore the therapeutic potential of psychedelic drugs in patients with psychiatric disorders.
health and safety at work

COVID-19 reveals the state of health and safety at work

European Trade Union Institute’s Marian Schaapman explains how COVID-19 reveals the state of health and safety in the workplace.
protect people

How can we protect people from air pollution?

Sarah Woolnough, Chief Executive of Asthma UK and the British Lung Foundation, discusses the UK’s toxic air crisis, the invisible threat of air pollution, and outlines how policymakers must protect people’s health and create a fairer, healthier society.
clinical therapy

The mind-body concept: From philosophy to clinical therapy

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechCasting Group, explains the mind-body concept, from a philosophical question to clinical therapy.

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