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sexual health

Sexual Health: an integral approach

Martin van Rijn, State Secretary of Health, Welfare and Sport in the Netherlands highlights how in all their programs they aim to build awareness and resilience to sexual health problems.  In the Netherlands we have found that an integral approach is the best way to promote good sexual health. Sexual health...
© Bulat Silvia ageing population

Musculoskeletal health: perspectives in an ageing society

Dr Benjamin Ellis, Senior Clinical Policy Adviser at Arthritis Research UK details the importance of good musculoskeletal health in an ageing population  Over the last century, life expectancy has steadily risen at an extraordinary rate. Yet though we live for longer, those additional years are often plagued by ill health....
Musculoskeletal health in an ageing population

Musculoskeletal health in an ageing population

Dr Benjamin Ellis, Senior Clinical Policy Adviser at Arthritis Research UK details the importance of good musculoskeletal health in an ageing population Over the last century, life expectancy has steadily risen at an extraordinary rate. Yet though we live for longer, those additional years are often plagued by ill health....
Health and the economy on the campaign agenda

Health and the economy on the campaign agenda

Party leaders have made new pledges today based on employment, taxation and health as the battle for Downing Street gets underway... On the campaign trail, the leaders of the three major parties have laid out some of their plans if they win the General Election on 7 May. Today, Liberal Democrat...
Only 17 per cent of England's rivers are in good health

Only 17 per cent of England’s rivers are in good health

Figures from the Environment Agency have revealed that only a handful of rivers and waterways across England remain free from pollution... Environmentalists have described the announcement that only 17 per cent of rivers in England are in good health as “shocking.” The figure has dropped significant since 2014, when 29 per...

AG: Health Analysis

The economic crisis forced healthcare budgets to be reduced throughout Europe, putting pressure on officials trying to tackle major health challenges. With an ever growing population, addressing these challenges has become a key priority. Health and social care is a key policy throughout Europe, and whether it be the...
Healthy workforce, happy customers, healthy bank

Healthy workforce, happy customers, healthy bank

Employee health and well-being can make a significant difference to an organisations productivity and costs. Here Dr Jill Miller, Research Adviser at CIPD explains further… Investing in employee well-being isn’t just nice to have – studies consistently show that having a well thought-out well-being strategy reaps dividends for both the...

Children’s health should be a priority says RCPCH

The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) calls on politicians to put children’s health at the forefront of their agenda’s… Following a poll commissioned by the RCPCH, member of the public showed overwhelming support to a number of policies which would considerably improve children’s health. The poll of 2,118...

Healthy workforce, happy customers, healthy bank

Employee health and well-being can make a significant difference to an organisations productivity and costs. Here Dr Jill Miller, Research Adviser at CIPD explains further Investing in employee well-being isn’t just nice to have – studies consistently show that having a well-thought-out well-being strategy reaps dividends for both the employee...
© Tortoon horizon 2020

EU funding for health, demographic change and wellbeing projects

Sarah Collen-Godman, Senior Policy Manager – NHS European Office at the NHS Confederation discusses how the Horizon 2020 programme will help to address major societal challenges Horizon 2020, Europe’s research and innovation programme, was launched at the beginning of 2014 and will run until 2020. It is the EU’s overarching, multi-disciplinary...

Why European health systems must overcome the big challenge

Seemingly unaffected by recent financial crisis and austerity measures, European healthcare keeps improving. Performance, in key terms such as infant mortality, the survival of severe conditions, access to services, patient empowerment and the rational use of pharmaceuticals, all show improvement. The dire economic situation in a few countries hit...

Estonian environmental charges

Mati Raidma, Minister for the Environment in the Republic of Estonia explains why environmental charges are crucial to help reduce the effects of climate change The purpose of imposing environmental charges is to prevent or reduce the possible damage relating to the use of natural resources, emission of pollutants into...

AG: Health Supplement

Due to the success of the Health & Social Care section within the AG publication, Adjacent Digital Politics Ltd will be producing a health analysis supplement to co-inside with the publication. Within the supplement due to be distributed at the end of March, we will include a number of feature...
Behaviour at work influences health and safety

Behaviour at work influences health and safety

Rob Burgon, Workplace Safety Manager at the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) details how our behaviour at work can influence our health and safety. In the workplace, there are human factors – such as the working environment, organisational and job factors, and human and individual characteristics – which...
Innovative technologies help to lead healthier lives

Innovative technologies help to lead healthier lives

Paul Rice, Head of Technology Strategy at NHS England outlines how innovative technologies are helping us to lead healthier and more independent lives. Information technology is playing an increasingly pervasive and enabling role in many aspects of our lives, in a host of different ways. It keeps us connected to...
Armed forces need to be mentally fit

Armed forces need to be mentally fit

Professor Jamie Hacker Hughes, Military Psychologist, and Director at the Veterans and Families Institute, Anglia Ruskin University, highlights the importance of our armed forces being in excellent mental health. The mental fitness of Britain’s Armed Forces is every bit as important as the physical fitness for which they are rightly...
The role of trauma healing in offender rehabilitation

The role of trauma healing in offender rehabilitation

Correctional leaders are confronted with implementing the goal of offender rehabilitation in the context of limited funding for treatment programs. The pursuit of rehabilitation and trauma healing is further impeded by rising mental health problems in jails and prisons.
Exploring the global history and future of psychedelics

Exploring the global history and future of psychedelics

Psychedelics have long been a topic of fascination and controversy, their use wavering between medical marvel and social menace. To delve deeper into the global history of psychedelics, their impact on mental health treatment, and their future prospects, we spoke with Professor Erika Dyck from the University of Saskatchewan.
person holding women hand in comfort

Perimenopause linked to a higher risk of depression in women

The mental health challenges women face during the perimenopause stage are often overlooked.
Music background design. Musical writing notes

Improving the wellbeing of older adults through community-based music and movement programs

Find out here about a geriatric psychiatry program at the Music and Mental Health Research Clinic that improves the wellbeing of older adults.

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