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STORE&GO research

How billions of helpers are producing methane from CO2, water and renewable energy

Around 700 billion microorganisms are producing methane from CO2, water and renewable energy in the STORE&GO research facility, as Dr Frank Graf from DVGW Research Centre at Engler-Bunte-Institute of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) describes.
sustainable growth, smart city

Planting the seeds of sustainable growth in our cities

In this article, George Adams discusses how cities are the engines powering the development of the human race: How does sustainable growth factor into this vision?
neighbourhood diversity, generational differences

Perceptions of neighbourhood diversity: Are there generational differences?

Dr Kirsten Visser, Utrecht University, explores if there are generational differences in the perceptions of neighbourhood diversity.
ethics of AI use, european commission

European Commission works on ethics of AI use

The Commission presents the next steps for building trust in artificial intelligence by taking forward the work of the High-Level Expert Group aka the ethics of AI use.
brunei cruel punishments, shariah penal code

Brunei: Cruel punishments and death sentences

Brunei has finalised the implementation of a Shariah Penal Code that introduces cruel punishments such as death by stoning for same-sex sexual acts and amputation for robbery.
biomedical fields

Providing a path to advanced degrees in biomedical fields

The NYU Sackler Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences aims to train the next generation of scientists to make breakthroughs and advances in society at large, explains Naoko Tanese.
freshwater resource problems, sustainable watershed management

Understanding freshwater resource problems

Experts from Stroud Water Research Center and Kansas State University highlight the importance of addressing today’s freshwater resource problems and how to achieve sustainable watershed management.
science in policymaking, chemistry

Science in policymaking: Chemistry is everywhere

Science Communication and Policy Officer from The European Chemical Society, Alex Schiphorst offers his thoughts on the old adage that ‘chemistry is everywhere’ and on the important role of science in policymaking.
muslims leaving prison, black and ethnic minority, islamophobia

Muslims leaving prison talk about their lives

The Lammy Review in 2017 drew attention to inequalities among black, Asian and minority ethnic people in the criminal justice system: What's the truth about Muslims in prison?
global governance, ocean pollution

The return of global governance: This time it comes with many faces

The ocean’s pollution with plastics has stirred multiple promising responses across the globe: Are we on the verge of a new type of global governance? Prof Dr Raimund Bleischwitz explains how such governance may look and what is still missing.
UK pork industry

The UK pork industry: Demand, opportunities and challenges

AHDB Strategy Director – Pork, Angela Christison argues that the British pork industry has much to be proud of but while the demand is strong, so is the competition.
Common Agricultural Policy

The future of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in Europe

Commissioner Phil Hogan details what the future has in store for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in Europe, in an address to Plenary session of the EESC: “Future of CAP” on 20th February 2019.
inclusive economies

New and green and fair? Feeling our way towards greener and more inclusive economies

Steven Stone, Chief, Resources and Markets Branch, UN Environment asks if we are making progress towards greener and more inclusive economies.
Rapidly ageing population, Hong Kong

Research about Hong Kong’s rapidly ageing population

Professor Timothy Kwok, Director of the Jockey Club Centre for Osteoporosis Care and Control at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, provides a fascinating insight on the challenge of the city’s rapidly ageing population.
online mental health treatment, big white wall, white paper online harms

What is the future of online mental health treatment?

Henry Jones spoke to Nishat from Open Access Government about mental health platform Big White Wall (BWW), in light of expected UK Government White Paper on Online Harms.
the elections, democracy, European Union

Is democracy under fire? The European Union before the elections

Günther H.Oettinger, Commissioner for Budget & Human Resources at the European Commission analyses why democracy is under fire in the European Union in the lead up to the elections in May 2019 – but also underlines the strengths of Europe including competitiveness.
high street crisis

High street crisis – Is it possible to avoid the demise of retailers?

RBR Advisory highlight how retailers can avoid closing down their business as empty shop windows become a regular occurrence during the high street crisis.
Smart Working

Opportunities and challenges associated with Smart Working

Alison White of PLACEmaking asks: Are organisations focusing on the opportunities and challenges associated with Smart Working or too focused on the practical technology and property related aspects?
vacant property, vacant buildings, Brexit

Securing vacant property in uncertain UK market conditions

Stuart Woolgar, CEO of Global Guardians, considers how the uncertainty caused by Brexit has impacted on the British property market and how to manage the security of vacant buildings.
flexJET project

flexJET project: Converting flexible waste biomass into sustainable aviation fuel

The Horizon 2020 flexJET project, coordinated by the University of Birmingham, will validate a new integrated process to produce sustainable aviation fuel from waste biomass, Dr Miloud Ouadi explains here.

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