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adult ADHD, AI-enabled assessment

AI-Enabled Assessment of Adult ADHD

Prof Marios Adamou OBE and Prof Grigoris Antoniou discuss the problems and solutions of adult ADHD, using an AI-enabled assessment of data.
smarter working, Human Resources,

Smarter working from a human resources perspective

Micael Johnstone, Strategy and Future of Organisations Expert and Co-Founder of Wading Herons, provides thought leadership on smarter working from a human resources perspective.
diagnosis and treatment, lung cancer

The impact of new minimally invasive lung cancer diagnosis and treatment

Elize Sturkenboom – van de Wetering, Venture Leader of Lung Oncology at Phillips Healthcare, discusses the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer through new minimally invasive therapy.
soil health, carbon

The link between soil health and the survival of global agriculture

Here, we speak to Assistant Professor Christine Sprunger, who gives us expert insight on the universal need for soil health.

Physical destruction of SSDs: a burden to the UK economy

The UK economy is in recovery: can we be confident that the government is being prudent with the finances at their disposal? What about the physical destruction of SSDs?
Vasovagal syncope, heat, dehydration

What is vasovagal syncope and why do some people faint in the sun?

Vasovagal syncope is when a person suddenly loses consciousness and faints as a result of overheating, emotional distress, or even the sight of blood.
predictive modelling, covid-19

How predictive modelling can future-proof the public sector

Spiralling inflation, rising energy bills and an escalating cost of living crisis have left millions of people struggling to afford basic necessities; could future predictive modelling stop this from happening again.
pregnancy-specific anxiety

Pregnancy-specific anxiety

Karen L. Weis, a professor at the University of Kansas School of Nursing, discusses pregnancy-specific anxiety.
nhs data, uk government, national healthcare

The UK government to improve national healthcare through NHS data

After using NHS data to fight COVID-19, the UK government now looks toward removing restrictions and returning to normal life through data reforms in national healthcare.
germany's future

Education, science & research for Germany’s future

Promoting the policy areas of education, science and research are crucial for Germany’s future prosperity according to the BMBF.
mental well-being of young people, well-being

Support the mental well-being of young people

Laura Marchetti, Policy Manager at Mental Health Europe, states the case for supporting the mental well-being of young people.
healthcare in canada

Healthcare in Canada: Milestones & opportunities

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe turns the spotlight on healthcare in Canada, focussing on milestones & opportunities triggered by pandemics.
beating lung cancer, ai

Beating lung cancer with the AI edge

Prashant Warier, CEO and Founder, Qure.ai, explains beating lung cancer with the AI edge.
artificial intelligence in er

What should hospitals consider when using Artificial Intelligence in the ER?

Mary Hardcastle at RapidAI looks at the advancements in health tech, explaining what hospitals need to do to implement Artificial Intelligence in the ER.
Interoperable health records

Interoperable health systems needed for digital future & improved patient care

Professor Peter Bannister explores the need for interoperable health records to ensure a digital future for healthcare.
digital cytology

Digital cytology and the future of cervical cancer screening

Cervical cancer is a disease affecting thousands of women in the UK with around 3,200 new cases diagnosed every year, can developments in cervical screening and digital cytology help?
digital and data, uk government

The UK government’s 2022 to 2025 Roadmap for Digital and Data

The government’s Roadmap to digital and data involves ambitions to transform digital public services, deliver world-class digital technology and systems, and attract digital talent.
medical costs, patients with thyroid cancer

Reducing medical costs of patients with thyroid cancer by centralising medical functions

Professor Hiroki Konno at Nihon University explores proposals for reducing medical costs for patients with thyroid cancer in Japan.
mouse model, cutaneous leishmaniasis, vaccination

Lessons from the mouse model of cutaneous leishmaniasis

Peter Bretscher, from the University of Saskatchewan looks at whether mouse models of cutaneous leishmaniasis are pertinent for vaccination against and treatment of AIDS, infectious diseases, and cancer.
nhs app services, carbon emissions

NHS App services cut emissions from over 20,000 car journeys 

By using the NHS App services, fewer people are commuting to their GPs for health advice - cutting 22,000 car journeys a month.

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