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Should we incorporate animal welfare in sustainable governance?

Experts have called on international governments to include animal welfare policies in sustainable governance, to promote better animal health in future politics.
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Microbial electrosynthesis: Achieving a sustainable economy

Aarthi JanakiRaman, Research Director, argues that microbial electrosynthesis is a way to achieve a sustainable economy.
monkeypox symptoms, lymph nodes

What are five common monkeypox symptoms?

Here, we look at five key monkeypox symptoms and discuss potential consequences of infection.
resilience and efficiency

Selecting for resilience and efficiency: The solution for European cattle farming

Nicolas Friggens at the French Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE) discusses cattle farming resilience and efficiency with genomics in breeding programmes
renewable energy production, Ireland

Ireland could become European leader in renewable energy production

Ian O’Hora, Head of Green Economy at IDA Ireland, discusses renewable energy production and exports, and how Ireland is gradually excelling in its climate action strategies.
horizon europe budget, eu

Horizon Europe budget expanded by nearly €562 million

The Horizon Europe budget is now at nearly €16 billion for 2021 and 2022, with the EU pushing for innovation in climate, health and digital.
sustainable finance, financial sector

£1.2 million sustainable finance pledge against greenhouse gases

The Bank of America and the University of Oxford pledge £1.2 million to support greenhouse gas removal and sustainable finance research.
bee bus stops, living roofs

‘Bee bus stops’ with living roofs can improve city wildlife

Bee bus stops are to become a new feature around UK cities, as they support wildlife and bees in city areas with their living roofs.
tropical malaria, geoengineering, climate change

How could geoengineering worsen the tropical malaria outbreak?

A geoengineering strategy to inject aerosols into the stratosphere could have repercussions, with the potential worsening of a tropical malaria outbreak.

SACIDS Foundation for One Health – tackling infectious diseases

As an inter-institutional network dealing with infectious diseases, SACIDS focuses on both individual and institutional development.
new animal viruses, public health

Scientists predict 4,000 new animal viruses by 2070

Scientists say that 2°C of warming by 2070 could create 4,000 new animal viruses, which could become COVID-level outbreaks.
blue hydrogen

‘Blue’ hydrogen may be worse than gas and coal, say researchers

Cornell and Stanford University researchers believe blue hydrogen may be harming the climate more than burning fossil fuels

Ozone is heating the planet more than scientists previously thought

NSF Funded research reveals Ozone in the atmosphere has weakened one of the Earth’s main cooling mechanisms.
megafires, forest microbes

Forest microbes that can survive and even thrive from megafires

Research from UC Riverside finds that fungi and bacteria can survive redwood tanoak forest megafires – they can even increase in number after feeling the flames.
perovskite solar cells, ferrocenes

Researchers improve energy efficiency of perovskite solar cells

Scientists have found a way to push perovskite solar cells to an energy efficiency of 25% - which could eventually lead to a replacement of silicon solar cells.

Restoring biodiversity: Ecological value of hedgerows

Laura Arneson Horn, Owner of the Wild Bee Project considers the ecological value of hedgerows, crop pollination by diverse wild bees and restoring biodiversity
environmental websites, carbon emissions

43% of major environmental websites make mass carbon emissions

An analysis of the ‘cleanest’ environmental websites reveals that over 57% of major environmental websites run on sustainable energy.
antarctic sea ice

Antarctic sea ice shrunk to less than 2 million square kilometres

The lowest record yet of Antarctic Sea ice has shown that its rapid decline due to global warming is cyclical – and is bound to drop again soon.
resource extraction, ecological damage

US and EU responsible for 74% of global resource extraction

Higher-income countries, such as the USA and nations of the EU, are responsible for excess resource extraction of raw materials which has led to ecological damage.

Understanding Flaviviruses: Deciphering insect-borne virus strategies

Understanding the infection strategy of mosquito-borne viruses known as flaviviruses is key in the future development of treatments and possible vaccines

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