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Adult social care old lady

LGA social care report highlights funding crisis

A report released by the Local Government Association (LGA) today highlights a chronic lack of funding for adult social care in England and Wales The Adult social care funding: 2016 state of the nation report outlines the repercussions for social care of the 40 per cent real terms reduction to...
Labrador Institute of Memorial University

Implementing a community-driven environment and health surveillance program with Inuit in Rigolet, Nunatsiavut

For Inuit across the Canadian North, notions of good wellbeing are multi-faceted – including physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions – and are rooted in deep, intrinsic connections with the environment. Thus, any stresses on the environment, such as climate change and resource development, necessarily have complex, widespread...

Managing for mental health

Bob Grove, Senior Policy Adviser, Mental Health Europe, outlines how mental health can impact a workplace and why it’s important to ensure your workers are mentally healthy The costs to employers and to national economies associated with mental ill health in the workplace are huge. However, when figures of hundreds...
The eNuk program

The eNuk program: Climate Change Impacts on Inuit Health

The Canadian North is experiencing intense and rapid socio-cultural stresses resulting from various shifts in the environment, including climate change and resource extraction and development.
patient centred care

How GoTreatIT is supporting patient-centered care

Fighting vague and imprecise answers when measuring the quality of care – GoTreatIT software creates visual overview of already completed or ongoing treatment, including effects or adverse reactions to it. "Is it sufficient to ask how are you doing?”  Professor Theodore Pincus, USA ”Clinicians may all too easily spend years writing ”doing...

Air quality in working environments

Blanca Beato Arribas, Asset Performance Team Leader at BSRIA sheds light on how indoor air quality can impact working environments. Indoor environments may feel like a safe haven from external pollution, however, sometimes they can be 8- 10 times more polluted than the exterior, according to the World Health Organization...

Clear and credible plan needed for digital health

According to a new briefing published by The Kings’ Fund, government minister's and NHS leaders should have a definitive plan for digital health… The briefing highlights the risk of losing credibility and commitment among frontline NHS staff if the digital health agenda continues to be subject to shifting priorities, new...

£4m boost to volunteering among over 50s

Three new grants totally £4m have been announced to boost volunteering opportunities among the over 50s… The Office for Civil Society and Nesta have today announced three new grants to explore how more charities and public services can better tap into the skills and experience of volunteers over 50. The three...

Smoking rates in England fall to lowest on record

The number of people in England smoking has fallen to the lowest ever recorded, according to Public Health England (PHE)… Compared with 19.3 percent in 2012, only 16.9 percent of adults now describe themselves as smokers, with experts suggesting the fall in numbers is due to e-cigarettes. In 2015, out of...

The measurement conundrum in healthcare    

Dr Benjamin Van Voorhees, University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, talks about the role of quantitative measurements in healthcare to ensure high standards of medical practice... “You can’t manage what you can’t measure”. “What you can’t count, doesn’t count”.  These bromides of the corporate world found a home in the...

DCMS launches museum consultation

A consultation has been launched into the future of museums, which will help shape the planned Museums Review… A new consultation has been launched by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) into the future of museums. The consultation, which runs until 31 October 2016, has called for feedback from...
Wellbeing Dynamics

Are you still affected by trauma?

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you say to yourself: “Here we go again!”?  And you wonder: “Why do I even bother when it always ends up like this?” Career, Personal Relationships, Family, Health, Confidence, Success: we all run individual patterns of behaviour time and time again...

Lincolnshire County Council urges people to take up fuel initiative

Lincolnshire County Council has reminded local residents to take advantage of a scheme to install free central heating systems… People in Lincolnshire are being urged to take advantage of a scheme that will help reduce fuel poverty in the region. The Lincolnshire Central Heating Fund could help the 33,200 households across...

An education for every child

The Ministry for Education in Ontario answers AG’s questions on the importance of every child in Canada benefiting from world class education Education in any country is important and it’s key that every child has the chance to achieve their full potential. In Canada, it is no different and the...

City of York Council releases sustainability plans

The City of York Council has revealed 10 key principles that will help improve sustainability in the area… ‘One Planet York’ is a new plan that puts sustainability at the heart of the City of York Council. The plan, which focuses on 10 key principles, aims to address how the city...

Cuts to public health budgets could impact obesity fight

The slashing of public health budgets could have a detrimental impact on the ability of councils to tackle obesity… Public health budget cuts could prevent councils from providing schemes aimed at helping people to lose weight. According to recent figures, one in 10 children aged four and five was classed as...

Welsh parents need better mental health support

Charity NCT is calling for better support for parents with mental health problems in Wales… One of the largest parent charities in the UK is calling for action to help parents with mental health problems in Wales. NCT is asking for the Welsh Assembly to reintroduce a designated Mother and...

Modelling the children’s hospital and healthcare delivery system for the next century

Dr Benjamin Van Voorhees from the Department of Paediatrics, University of Illinois at Chicago college of Medicine talks about the provision of children's healthcare... The Children’s Hospital of the University of Illinois Hospital and Health Sciences (UIH) system in Chicago is at the forefront of the dramatic changes taking place...

Health and social care services to living rooms

Eksote discusses Health and social care services for an ageing population... Eksote’s new models of mobile care and integrated service system.      The ER in Your Livingroom project delivers new model of service, where paramedical nurses in cooperation with other professions don’t just treat acute events, but enable citizen to live and...

eHealth is for citizens

Terje Peetso, MD, Policy Officer for DG CONNECT at the European Commission discusses how online healthcare can be beneficial to patients… Citizens’ participation in managing their own healthcare has consistently increased over the last decades and digital tools certainly play an important role in this. The process consists of a...

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