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Musculoskeletal health in an ageing population

Musculoskeletal health in an ageing population

Dr Benjamin Ellis, Senior Clinical Policy Adviser at Arthritis Research UK details the importance of good musculoskeletal health in an ageing population Over the last century, life expectancy has steadily risen at an extraordinary rate. Yet though we live for longer, those additional years are often plagued by ill health....

AG: Health Analysis

The economic crisis forced healthcare budgets to be reduced throughout Europe, putting pressure on officials trying to tackle major health challenges. With an ever growing population, addressing these challenges has become a key priority. Health and social care is a key policy throughout Europe, and whether it be the...
Musculoskeletal disorders in the working population

Musculoskeletal disorders in the working population

Vern Putz Anderson from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) details the risk factors, symptoms and prevention of musculoskeletal disorders in the workplace… Aches and pains are a part of life, but musculoskeletal disorders, or MSDs, such as back...
The value of apprenticeships

The value of apprenticeships

As National Apprenticeship Week draws to a close, Adjacent Digital Politics examines the value of these training schemes and how they can help young people... Since taking power, the coalition government has been keen to push apprenticeships as an alternative method of training for the workplace. Many of the largest...
Older workers create jobs for young people

Older workers create jobs for young people

A new government-backed report has revealed when people in their 50s maintain their employment it creates more jobs for younger people... The government-appointed champion for older workers Dr Ros Altmann said keeping older people in work can help younger employees by boosting wages and creating more roles. In her report 'A...


Safe behaviour in a workplace is critical in order for an organisation to run effectible and efficiently. Research by the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) has shown that up to 80% of work related accidents are caused by employees’ behaviour.  Behavioural safety is a tool that aims...

Leicester launch campaign to tackle mental health

A new initiative has been launched in the City of Leicester to raise awareness and understanding for mental health in the city… The initiative launched by Leicester City Council aims to encourage people to start talking more about the issue, and urge people not to suffer in silence. Posters have been...

Talent recruitment – the Bucks way

Jenny O’Neill, Workforce Management Manager at Buckinghamshire County Council, tells AG how her Council is focusing across the age spectrum in the search for talent There is a common myth that older people are no longer valued and no longer needed in the workplace. But I can assure you that is...

Engaging the new world

Nita Clarke OBE, Director at IPA details why employee engagement has never been more imperative for the sake of the UK economy and public sector As David Macleod and I were writing our 2009 report Engaging for Success, there was a widespread view that engaging employees, while possibly an interesting...

Musculoskeletal disorders in the working population

Vern Putz Anderson from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) details the risk factors, symptoms and prevention of musculoskeletal disorders in the workplace Aches and pains are a part of life, but musculoskeletal disorders, or MSDs, such as back...

Reforming the education system

Nick Gibb, Minister of State for School Reform at the Department of Education details the governments to drive to reform the education system It is no secret that this government has carried out extensive reforms to the education system. The driving aim behind our plan for education is ensuring every child,...

Implementing road safety management

Tim Sparey BSI Tutor Delivery Manager and Janine Behrens Senior Global Portfolio Manager, Risk at BSI discuss the benefits of implementing road traffic safety management systems and reducing road risk Road safety management is a concern not just for businesses and organisations who need to ensure that it is part...

CDM2015: Construction (Design and Management Regulations) 2015

Are we ready? On 29th January 2015, CDM2015 gained parliamentary approval, and will therefore come into force on 6th April 2015. As the final version of the regulations have only just been published and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) only issued the draft Guidances for CDM2015 on 9th January...
Behaviour at work influences health and safety

Behaviour at work influences health and safety

Rob Burgon, Workplace Safety Manager at the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) details how our behaviour at work can influence our health and safety. In the workplace, there are human factors – such as the working environment, organisational and job factors, and human and individual characteristics – which...
Innovative technologies help to lead healthier lives

Innovative technologies help to lead healthier lives

Paul Rice, Head of Technology Strategy at NHS England outlines how innovative technologies are helping us to lead healthier and more independent lives. Information technology is playing an increasingly pervasive and enabling role in many aspects of our lives, in a host of different ways. It keeps us connected to...

Investing in sustainable transport in Ireland

The Minister for Transport, Tourism & Sport in the Republic of Ireland, Paschal Donohoe explains how investment in transport is essential to the economy. A well-functioning transport system is essential to a well-functioning economy. If we fail to invest in, and facilitate, efficient transport, we impose a range of costs...
300,000 disabled people in unsuitable homes

300,000 disabled people in unsuitable accommodation

A new report has revealed that around 300,000 disabled people are living in accommodation that does not meet their needs. A report published by charity Leonard Cheshire Disability has accused the government and housing developers of failing disabled people. In 'No Place Like Home', the charity called for the government to...

Fire Extinguisher Training

How to ensure your employees are prepared to deal with emergencies in the workplace? The most important thing is having an fire extinguisher training program in your actual workplace. Focus your training on the type of emergencies employees may really face. When it comes to extinguisher training, nothing compares to actual...

Winter months increase mental health risks

A mental health charity said people who go without daily sunlight are at risk of mental health problems. Mental Health Research UK (MHRUK) has said through the winter months going without sunlight can lead to developing lethargy, depression and seasonal affective disorder (SAD). The charity surveyed around 2,000 British adults which...

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