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post pandemic health, economic recovery

Social care at the heart of post-pandemic health & economic recovery

Mitesh Dhanak, Chair of the Organising Committee of Championing Social Care and Founder of Precious Homes, states the case for putting social care at the heart of post-pandemic health and economic recovery.
simplicity, messaging

Simplicity: Making complicated messages resonate with your audience

Simplicity of messaging is one of the hardest things to achieve, but it’s essential if you want to cut through to make an impact.
health research in canada

Neuroscience and health research in Canada

Open Access Government discerns the priorities of the Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction, which examines Health research in Canada.
health worker shortage, healthcare

Global health worker shortage could deny millions of people healthcare

Over 43 million additional health workers are needed to cover the health worker shortage globally, due to political unrest, violence, and lack of training.
emerging health concerns, diagnostics

Novacyt is powering ahead and tackling emerging health concerns

Empowering employees and examining emerging health threats in a new strategy for business growth is Novacyt CEO David Allmond’s mission in the weeks ahead.
NHS diagnostic services

ScanBox: Thinking inside the box for NHS diagnostic services

NHS diagnostic services have been placed under immense pressure by the COVID-19 pandemic, now, Fairford Medical’s CT ScanBoxes can ease up resource burdens
exposome concept, human disease

Studying the exposome concept for a healthier future for all children

Dr. Irene van Kamp, from the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, discusses the exposome concept to study the role of the environment in human disease.
teleworking in health, post-pandemic

Impact of teleworking in health, wellness & well-being

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechCasting Group, describes the impact of teleworking in health, wellness & well-being, beginning with the implications of this in pandemic & post-pandemic scenarios.
girls in education, sub-saharan africa

Language can be a barrier for girls in education in Sub-Saharan Africa

Girls in education are at a higher chance of success at school in Sub-Saharan Africa if they can already speak ­­English – as taught language can affect academic accomplishment.
human welfare

Technologies improve human welfare and solve global issues

Shu Wei Goh, Co-Founder of the global AI ecosystem builder and VC firm, Skymind, explores how technologies contribute to the improvement of human welfare & solving global issues.

Should we incorporate animal welfare in sustainable governance?

Experts have called on international governments to include animal welfare policies in sustainable governance, to promote better animal health in future politics.
fish oil benefits, men's health

The link between fish oil benefits and men’s health

Dr Deborah Lee, Dr Fox Online Pharmacy, explores and examines fish oil benefits when it comes to the health of men.
contraceptive counselling, unintended pregnancies

Clinical contraceptive counselling can decrease unintended pregnancies

Contraceptive counselling for female patients who are sexually active can increase contraceptive use, without increasing the risk for sexually transmitted infections.
NHS waiting list, workforce management

Tackling NHS waiting lists through effective workforce management 

Tim Powlson and Sue Johnson Gregory, at Entec Si, discuss how a new approach to workforce management could help reduce NHS waiting lists.
long COVID symptoms, covid patients

30% of Long COVID patients had no existing illnesses

According to a US review of Long COVID patients, 30.7% of these people had no existing comorbidities that could explain their susceptibility to the virus.
childbirth black women uk, MBRRACE-UK

Is childbirth more dangerous for Black women in the UK?

A new report on maternal care reveals statistics documenting the increased danger Black women face during pregnancy and childbirth in the UK.
monkeypox symptoms, lymph nodes

What are five common monkeypox symptoms?

Here, we look at five key monkeypox symptoms and discuss potential consequences of infection.
research salaries, european innovation agenda

Leaked EU document says research salaries higher in US and Japan

The leaked draft of the European Innovation Agenda finds that research salaries are generally higher in the US and Japan, while currently 85% of start-up funding goes to all-male teams.
women in leadership, sarah jones

What is the future of women in leadership?

Women in leadership are the future and they should push for career progress, according to seasoned Leadership Coach Sarah Jones.
effective governance

Training & consultancy in effective governance, risk & compliance

Michael Wuestefeld-Gray at WuDo Solutions discusses how to deliver effective governance for the public, private and charity sectors.

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