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1.5 degree, carbon emissions

UN report: Could we be on a path to doubling the 1.5 degree limit?

The latest UN climate report warns the lack of time the world has to reduce its global warming to the 1.5 degree limit - it’s ‘now or never’ until a global environmental breakdown.
open access government april, research and innovation

Open Access Government April 2022

We welcome Spring 2022 with our April volume - this digital publication includes health & social care, then research & innovation followed by digital transformation, economic development, home affairs, HR & training, environment, energy, agriculture and much more.
sustainable resources

Europe’s ambitions to protect people and the planet through sustainable resources

Open Access Government map out some of European Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, Virginijus Sinkevičius’ priorities towards a Circular Economy Action Plan, promoting the use of sustainable resources
organic waste, biogas

Unlocking organic waste to get to a greener future, sooner

Robert Dysiewicz, World Biogas Association Advisory Council Member discusses how the transition to a new era of waste management will align with a circular economy,
sustainability in the food retail sector

Sustainability in the food retail sector: Ready, steady, GO!

Francesco Mastrapasqua, Institutional Affairs Manager at EPTA SPA, underlines what we need to know about sustainability in the food retail sector.
global agrobiodiversity, processed foods

Declining global agrobiodiversity is harmful to health and food safety

Experts warn that an increasingly unhealthy diet is not only bad for humans, but also global agrobiodiversity – slowly damaging human health and the Earth.
atlantic aquaculture

ASTRAL (2020-2024): A collaborative ecosystem for Atlantic aquaculture

Here, we discover that All Atlantic Ocean Sustainable, ProfiTable and Resilient AquacuLture (ASTRAL) involves a collaborative ecosystem for Atlantic aquaculture
global oil demand, fossil fuel

Energy experts propose four-month plan to cut global oil demand

The International Energy Agency (IEA) say that a set of actions, taken for four months, could cut global oil demand by 2.7 million barrels per day.
short sea shipping, EU emissions

How can short sea shipping emissions be reduced?

Nikolaos P. Ventikos from the School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, and Angeliki Stouraiti from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) explore the environmental footprint of short sea shipping and how the EU can reduce emissions.
heat pump technology, mitsubishi electric

The road to net-zero requires heat pump technology

Russell Dean, Head of Residential Heating and Ventilation at Mitsubishi Electric, charts the road to net-zero that requires heat pump technology.
regenerated forests, tropical reforestation

One-third of regenerated forests in Brazil are destroyed again

Reforestation efforts are not ideal for natural regeneration – as one-third of forests are cut down again, after just 4 to 8 years of regeneration.
STEM workforce, problem-solving

Training a new generation of problem solvers

How can education programmes develop the problem-solving skills of today’s schoolchildren and tomorrow’s STEM workforce?
food allergy Africa, Non-IgE mediated allergy

Food allergy in Africa

What information is available for food allergy in Africa?
tropical peatland restoration , palm oil

Tropical peatland restoration will not harm palm oil farmers

Restoring tropical peatlands - which support bird diversity - would not affect the livelihoods of palm oil farmers.
supplier diversity, supply chain

Looking to the future: Can we make supplier diversity a priority post-pandemic?

Mayank Shah, MSDUK, explores how supplier diversity could become a priority in the distant realm of the post-pandemic.
mali elephant, humans and nature

The value of nature

Recognising the complex, closely intertwined relationships between humans and nature can lead to better, more cost-effective decisions, outlines Susan Canney, Director of the Mali Elephant Project.
food production, covid-19

Why forests are good for you: Food security and nutrition in Latin America

Debbie Pierce and Winy Vasquez examine the important role  forests have played in food security during the Covid-19 pandemic.
forest biome

Earths coldest forest biome is heating up

Northern Arizona University researchers have drawn attention to rising temperatures that are causing Earths coldest forest to shift northward.
ESG strategy

COP26: Putting meaning into E, S and G

Fathia Murphy, ESG Product Specialist, NAVEX Global, discusses the importance of understanding what E, S and G means so businesses can recognise their responsibility and be prepared to tackle ESG related issues, as well as how to put effective initiatives in place.
agricultural innovation

Agricultural innovation & its challenges

David Green, Executive Director of the U.S. Sustainability Alliance, highlights agricultural innovation and its challenges, including how the USDA’s NIFA is supporting this policy area.

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