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Improving the state of the ocean and ensuring a future for Europe’s fisheries

Karmenu Vella, European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries charts his priorities to improve the state of the ocean and ensuring a future for Europe’s fisheries
blockchain resolution

Blockchain technology: Building the European Union’s global leadership

Eva Kaili, MEP, Rapporteur of the European Parliament's Blockchain Resolution explains the importance of building the European Union’s global leadership.
supply chains BioLife

A global biomedical ecosystem: Improving the world’s supply chains

Genevieve Leveille, Venture Partner of BioLife and Co-Chair of the TechUK DLT Working Group explores how current advances in DLT will improve the world’s biomedical supply chains when it comes to life sciences health care
personalised medicine

Personalised medicine in Estonia: Breaking down healthcare silos

Riina Sikkut, Minister of Health and Labour of the Republic of Estonia offer her thoughts on personalised medicine and how this is breaking down healthcare silos
University of Florida - Biodiversity institute

University of Florida Biodiversity Institute: Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

Professor Pamela Soltis discusses how the Biodiversity Institute at the University of Florida promotes interdisciplinary, integrative biodiversity science.
housing crisis

Why is so much of England’s housing stock empty at a time of national...

Chris Bailey of Action on Empty Homes addresses the question of exactly why is so much of England’s housing stock empty at a time of national housing crisis.
muscle-wasting conditions

The priorities for supporting people with muscle-wasting conditions

Some of the priorities for supporting people with muscle-wasting conditions and their families are explored here by Open Access Government

Regulatory policy: The key ingredient of a healthy democracy

Céline Kauffmann, Deputy Head of the OECD’s Regulatory Policy Division argues that regulatory policy is the key ingredient of a healthy democracy
dementia research

Turning up the volume of the patient voice in dementia research

Dr James Pickett, Head of Research at Alzheimer’s Society presents the case for turning up the volume of the patient voice when it comes.
empty homes

Japan’s unoccupied property crisis to rise year on year

Over eight million properties lie vacant in Japan and the problem is set to get worse due to an ageing and shrinking population.
emergency services

Digital transformation in the NHS: Interacting with the emergency services

Salvatore Sinno, Global Chief Security Architect at Unisys speaks to Open Access Government about digital transformation in the NHS, including why Brits are calling for a rapid shake-up in the way they interact with the emergency services
feel lonely

Research reveals over half of Transport workers feel lonely

Over half of people (52%) working in the transport and logistics sector always, often or sometimes feel lonely according to new research released by the British Red Cross
employee retention

5 tech-centric ways to boost employee retention

Patrick Foster provides us with 5 tech-centric ways to boost employee retention in a time where businesses compete to hire the top members of staff
modern investor

Why modern investors face greater challenges than ever before

The world keeps changing, and it sometimes seems as though the pace of change is increasing all the time. There are many problems and challenges facing modern investors that just weren't an issue 50, 20 or even ten years ago
learning disabilities

Councils warn that costs of caring for adults with learning disabilities could increase by...

The costs of caring for adults with learning disabilities is projected to increase by almost £2bn by 2025 – with England’s largest councils warning that unless these ‘enormous’ costs are recognised, the ‘long-term’ survival of councils is at risk
intensive care unit

A focus on intensive care medicine in Europe and beyond

The European Society of Intensive Care Medicine’s priorities for intensive care medicine in Europe and beyond are introduced here, focussing on sepsis research, other current research and practice in the field, as well as equality and diversity
aquaculture management

Norway’s approach to fisheries and aquaculture management

Norway’s approach to fisheries and aquaculture management is placed under the spotlight in this article, with a focus on the thoughts of Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries Director General, Vidar Landmark concerning this area of policy
local government

Increase in local government procurement in the North

The value of contracts by local government buyers in the North has increased dramatically since 2016, with £3.6bn-worth of contracts being awarded this year*, The Public Sector Solutions Expo has discovered
growing population

UK’s growing population: How much does the economy need?

UK ISA specialist, True Potential Investor, investigates the effects of the growing population in the UK and how much investment is needed for the economy.

NHS could be left short of 51,000 nurses by the end of Brexit

A new report commissioned by a coalition of 36 health and social care organisations, reveals the NHS could be short of 51,000 nurses – enough to staff 45 hospitals – by the end of the Brexit transition period

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