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social exclusion, ICT

A gendered view on ICT and social inclusion

Dr Sarah Mohammad-Qureshi, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Partner at The University of Law, presents a gendered view on ICT and social inclusion.
communicable diseases, biological pathways

Cellular & biological pathways from studies on communicable diseases

Adonis Sfera and Zisis Kozlakidis provide recent insights into cellular and biological pathways from studies on communicable diseases.
prescription costs, NHS

NHS to save £17 million by freezing new prescription costs

Prescription costs will be frozen by the NHS to help ease the rising cost of living across the UK, saving £17 million overall for patients.
Diagnostic hubs

Diagnostic hubs: A short-term fix for a long-term problem?

Collette Johnson, Head of Marketing at Sanome, turns the spotlight onto diagnostic hubs. Are they a short-term fix for a long-term problem, she asks.
breakthroughs in dementia research

What we need to make breakthroughs in dementia research

David Thomas, Head of Policy (Access and Innovation) at Alzheimer’s Research UK, looks at what we need to make breakthroughs in dementia research.
imbalanced hormones, hormone replacement treatment

The link between imbalanced hormones & osteoporosis

Dr Ghazala Aziz-Scott, Hormone Specialist, examines the link between imbalanced hormones and osteoporosis and why hormone treatment is so important.
healthcare costs, pfizer vaccine

$70 billion in US healthcare costs saved by Pfizer vaccine rollout

The Pfizer vaccine saved up to $40 billion in healthcare costs and over 110,000 lives, in just one year of being rolled out to the US population.
vaccine hesitancy, social media

Negative sentiments on social media influence vaccine hesitancy

Research examining Twitter opinion about vaccines shows that social media is a considerable factor influencing vaccine hesitancy.
COVID health technologies

WHO licensing agreement can improve access to COVID health technologies

The WHO licensing agreement with the Medicines Patent Pool (MPP) and US National Institutes of Health (NIH) should improve access to some COVID health technologies, like early-stage vaccines and diagnostic tools.
cannabis plants, Thailand

Thailand gives out one million free cannabis plants to promote legalisation

One million homes will be given cannabis plants across Thailand, to mark the legalisation and attract foreign tourists – to be used for ‘medicinal purposes’ only.
emotional cities

eMOTIONAL Cities: Mapping cities through the senses of who make them

Funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, eMOTIONAL Cities is a 48-month project, with a total budget of nearly €5 million, that is designed to fully characterise the intensity and complexity of urban health challenges and inequalities.

Health Commissioner says EU will tackle “causes of vaccine hesitancy”

Speaking to COVI on Thursday (12 May), Commissioner Stella Kyriakides announced upcoming health measures for the bloc - including strategies against "causes of vaccine hesitancy."
diabetes education, nhs resources

Prioritising structured diabetes education for better health outcomes

Karrie Wallace, Education Services Clinical Lead, Spirit Health, explains the elements that comprise diabetes education & how education at an early stage can have a significant impact on health outcomes & NHS resources.
gender equality in education, female incarceration rate

Female incarceration rates decrease with gender equality in education

Research finds that with greater gender equality in education there is a lower prison admission rate for females – but not males.
early puberty, precocious puberty

Early puberty increased globally during COVID pandemic

Early puberty, which mainly impacts girls under the age of eight, surged during the COVID-19 pandemic.
effects of long covid

Understanding the effects of Long COVID on mental health

Professor Marcantonio Spada, Consultant CBT Practitioner at Onebright, helps us to understand the effects of Long COVID on mental health.
grandiose narcissism, wear a mask

People high in grandiose narcissism less likely to get COVID vaccine

Research reveals that people high in grandiose narcissism are less likely to wear a mask or get vaccinated.
sustainable mobility, transport

Learning the lessons of resilience for smart & sustainable mobility

Henrik Hololei, DG MOVE Director-General at the European Commission, outlines the importance of learning the lessons of resilience for smart & sustainable mobility.
lockdown creativity, activities

Lockdown creativity: Free time has a positive correlation with creative activities

COVID-19 lockdown creativity, blooming visibly online, demonstrated a positive correlation between free time and creative activities.
food insecurity and diabetes, likelihood of diabetes

Scientists reveal link between food insecurity and diabetes

The link between food insecurity and diabetes is stronger than previously thought - with people who are more likely to be hungry experiencing a higher rate of diabetes, ten years on.

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