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scottish council

Syrian refugees welcome, say Scottish council leaders

Scottish council leaders have confirmed 2,000 Syrian refugees will be offered shelter, with some arriving before Christmas. The Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) has confirmed a coordinated effort between the 32 councils in Scotland to offer shelter to at least 2,000 Syrian refugees. Many thousands more have made the...

Pesticides and sustainable agricultural productivity

Gavin Whitmore, Biodiversity Manager at the European Crop Protection Association (ECPA) explains the importance of crop protection for sustainable agriculture Pesticides are perhaps one of the most misunderstood technologies used in modern agriculture. There are currently no viable alternatives to chemical crop protection, and in spite of an enormous volume of...

Driving culture to local communities

Open Access Government outlines how DCMS and the Museums Association help to encourage local communities to engage with the culture and heritage sector Museums and galleries play an integral role in our local communities. As well as preserving local history and heritage, they also help to educate. Heritage and culture...

A reasonable approach to improving access for disabled people

Ten years after the deadline passed for businesses to make sure their premises and services were accessible, it may be considered surprising to find that many are still vulnerable to claims for discrimination Then again it may be entirely predictable. There are still many people who do not recognise the...
mental health

Tackling child mental health

Dr Alistair Thomson, MindEd Consortium Executive and Fellow of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) details the importance of tackling the growing number of child mental health cases arising in the UK  Barely a day goes by without children and young people’s mental health hitting the headlines. And...
girl sat with long sleeves looking uncomfortable

Self-harm reaches five year high in Wales

Figures have revealed the number of cases of self-harm among young people in Wales has hit a five year high... According to Welsh government figures more than 1,500 patients between 10 and 19 were treated in hospitals between 2013 and 2014 for self-harm. Almost four times as many girls were...
Tackling child mental health

Tackling child mental health

Dr Alistair Thomson, MindEd Consortium Executive and Fellow of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) details the importance of tackling the growing number of child mental health cases arising in the UK… Barely a day goes by without children and young people’s mental health hitting the headlines. And...
Saint Gobain

How To Boost Education Through Building Design

Saint-Gobain, the world leader in the sustainable habitat and construction markets, has identified five key elements that contribute to our comfort levels indoors; thermal comfort, audio comfort, visual comfort, indoor air comfort and economic comfort. Stacey Temprell, Residential Sector Director at Saint-Gobain, explains how it is bringing My Comfort,...
Why we need an Energy Union

Why we need an Energy Union

Miguel Arias Canete, European Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy gives an overview of why an Energy Union is integral to the EU… Divide et impera. Divide and rule. As simple as it may sound, this maxim summarises the key strategic approach of the most eminent leaders and statesmen throughout history....
Horizon 2020 will address major societal challenges

Horizon 2020 addresses societal challenges

Sarah Collen-Godman, Senior Policy Manager – NHS European Office at the NHS Confederation discusses how the Horizon 2020 programme will help to address major societal challenges… Horizon 2020, Europe’s research and innovation programme, was launched at the beginning of 2014 and will run until 2020. It is the EU’s overarching, multi-disciplinary...
Saint Gobain

Saint-Gobain Puts Comfort First

We spend roughly 90% of our time indoors or in vehicles, so it’s fair to say that the buildings we live, work and play in everyday can have a significant impact on our comfort, health and wellbeing. Stacey Temprell, Residential Sector Director at Saint-Gobain, discusses how Saint-Gobain is improving...

An inclusive approach to evacuation plans

It is vital for a business to have facilities and procedures in place to help disabled people move around a building – and it is even more important to have effective systems in place to help them get out. When the need arises to evacuate a building the likelihood is...
High aspirations for Norway in Horizon 2020

High aspirations for Norway in Horizon 2020

Arvid Hallén, Director General of The Research Council of Norway, sheds light on how the country will benefit from the Horizon 2020 programme and the opportunities it will present… Horizon 2020 is an extensive knowledge bank under construction, and it would be unthinkable for Norway as a nation not to...

The Green Deal – a simple and robust idea?

Steve Cole, Policy Leader at the National Housing Federation discusses whether the Green Deal has helped to improve energy efficiency in UK housing stock… Green Deal, the government’s flagship policy to improve the energy efficiency of the UK’s housing stock, has been much debated over the last few years. With...

Leicester launch campaign to tackle mental health

A new initiative has been launched in the City of Leicester to raise awareness and understanding for mental health in the city… The initiative launched by Leicester City Council aims to encourage people to start talking more about the issue, and urge people not to suffer in silence. Posters have been...

BRE puts consumers at the heart of homebuilding

A new quality mark for new houses has been launched that will transform the way consumers choose their homes to buy and rent… Leading building science centre, BRE has introduced a new national 5 star rating system – Home Quality Mark – that will give home buyers a clear indication...

Wheelchair-user won claim after being grounded by lack of lift

Most people will be aware that they must never use a lift to move around a building in the event of a fire. Some people don’t like lifts anyway, and others have no choice but to use them – unless there isn’t a lift in the first place. That last...

Case study: Team efficiency review

Improving Customer Experience Much emphasis is placed these days on improving Customer Experience – and rightly so. Happy customers cost less to care for and the department performs more efficiently as queries and problems are handled in a shorter time. And how is this improvement most commonly sought? Often it is...

Helping vulnerable adults and young people in Somerset

Advocacy in Somerset has been a registered charity since 2001 and is also a company limited by guarantee. Our mission has always been to provide an independent advocacy service to vulnerable adults and young people in Somerset, mainly but not exclusively experiencing mental health problems. To give a voice...
Manchester councils to control NHS budget

Manchester councils to control NHS budget

Regional councils are set to takeover the £6bn health budget for Greater Manchester under devolved NHS powers... Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne is expected to confirm the agreement to see regional councils takeover the NHS budget in Manchester on Friday. Under the current scheme NHS England has the power to...

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