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Bevin Page Engelward

Bevin Page Engelward  – MIT Superfund Research Program

Bevin Page Engelward is currently Professor of Biological Engineering and Director of the MIT Superfund Research Program Center.
chemically contaminated sites

Tackling chemically contaminated sites in the United States

Jennifer Kay and Bevin Engelward walk us through how the National Institutes of Health teams up with universities to tackle some of the most chemically contaminated sites in the United States.

Introduction to e-PAIN: How can it help?

e-Learning for Healthcare introduces the online programme of learning called e-Pain, and how it can directly benefit the NHS workforce, the wider NHS and its patients.
Neil Osheroff

Neil Osheroff, PhD – Vanderbilt University School of Medicine

Neil Osheroff is Professor of Biochemistry and Medicine at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and currently holds the John G. Coniglio Chair in Biochemistry.
vitamin D supplement

New NHS recommendation – UK population needs extra vitamin D

Dr Deborah Lee of Dr Fox Online Pharmacy, highlights the importance of taking a daily vitamin D supplement following the NHS' latest recommendation.

Cannabinoids in medicine part 5: Treating COVID-19

In this final article of a series of five, Oxford Cannabinoid Technologies will discuss their expertise on the use of cannabinoids in medicine when it comes to treating COVID-19.
imaging biomarkers

Oncology: Imaging biomarkers and the Alberta Radiopharmaceutical Collaboration

Dr Frank Wuest, Professor at Department of Oncology - University of Alberta, sheds light on the imaging biomarkers and the Alberta Radiopharmaceutical Collaboration in this special oncology focus.
your mental health

How can technology help your mental health?

David Brudö, CEO of digital platform Remente, explains how COVID-19 has accelerated the need for technology to proactively address the mental health crisis.
cognitive function in older people, B vitamins,

Can B vitamins improve cognitive function in older people with mild impairment?

Therese Pei Fong Chow Research Centre for Prevention of Dementia, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, discuss if B vitamins can improve cognitive function in older people.
NHS virus frontlines, COVID

The silence before the tsunami: COVID is devastating behind NHS virus frontlines

Doctor Allon Barsam, consultant eye surgeon and founder of Ophthalmic Consultants of London, calls attention to the unexplored devastation behind the NHS virus frontlines.
CBD treatment

New study shows CBD treatment may help treat pain, anxiety, and depression

Here, OilsBySimpson explains the findings of a new study on 400 patients prescribed cannabidiol (CBD). The results show promise for pain, anxiety, and depression.
pyroptotic cell death

Pyroptotic cell death: Controlled self-destruct that causes inflammation and disease

Associate Professor Petr Broz discusses pyroptotic cell death, the controlled cellular explosion that can harm your health.
genetic research

Finland: A framework for genetic research

Mark Daly, Director of the Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM), HiLIFE at the University of Helsinki, shares his expertise on medical genetic research on a population scale in Finland.
polypharmacy and multimorbidity

Globally addressing polypharmacy and multimorbidities with computational techniques

Dr Juliana Bowles, School of Computer Science, University of St Andrews, discusses how to tackle polypharmacy and multimorbidities with computational techniques.
global climate change

A correlation between global climate change and human health

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision Group shares her perspective on the correlation between global climate change and human health.
healthy eating

Food company promises related to healthy eating are rarely met

Barry M. Popkin, The Global Food Research Program, shares the global experience with food industry self-regulation and reflects on how healthy eating promises are rarely met.
Genomics and public health

Genomics and public health: A patent attorney’s perspective

Dr Craig Titmus, Partner and UK and European Patent Attorney at intellectual property firm, Mathys & Squire, turns the spotlight on genomics and public health from a patent attorney’s perspective.
detecting pain, pain

Chemistry: Microfluidic devices for detecting pain

Jay Sibbitts, Shu Jia, Obdulia Covarrubias-Zambrano, Stefan H. Bossmann and Christopher T Culbertson from Kansas State University’s Department of Chemistry walk us through what we need to know about microfluidic devices for detecting pain.
Stephen Simpson

Stephen Simpson – Versus Arthritis

Stephen Simpson became the Director of Research at Versus Arthritis in 2012.
urgent sepsis care

What the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us about the need for urgent sepsis care

Stuart Snape, Managing Partner, Graham Coffey & Co. Solicitors, walks us through what the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us about the need for urgent sepsis care.

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