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GERICS helps decision-makers navigate the IPCC reports

GERICS explains the basics of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) process in detail with their information leaflets.
risk of long covid

Double vaccination reduces risk of Long COVID by 49%

Double vaccinated adults are 49% less likely to have Long COVID if they were to contract COVID-19, according to a new study.
COVID vaccine safe, Pfizer COVID

Real-world study on 800,000 vaccinated people says COVID vaccine safe

An ongoing real-world study on the Israeli population finds that the Pfizer COVID vaccine is safe to use - minimal side effects were observed in over 800,000 people.
digital guidelines

NHSX publishes new digital guidelines to transform patient services

NHSX has published new digital guidelines to help NHS Trusts transform its patient services.
social engineering

Controlling the top cause of ransomware – social engineering

Javvad Malik, lead security awareness advocate at KnowBe4, explains how social engineering is the top cause of ransomware and explores the steps organisations can take to reduce the risk of attackers gaining a foothold in their networks.

Online Safety Bill poses threats to encryption

Robin Wilton, director for Internet Trust at Internet Society, discusses why governments and the private sector pose threats to encrypted communications.
volcanoes earths temperature, chemical weathering

Researchers say volcanoes once stabilised Earth’s temperature

The study, published in Nature Geoscience, says chains of volcanoes both created and removed carbon dioxide, stabilising Earth's temperature - but "the results do not mean that nature will save us from climate change”.

Apoptosis: A key alternate trigger of carcinogenesis

Chanda Siddoo-Atwal, President and Primary Biochemist of Moondust Cosmetics Ltd., explores apoptosis, a key alternate trigger of carcinogenesis.
research epilepsy

How people with epilepsy are shaping the future of research

Maxine Smeaton, Chief Executive of Epilepsy Research UK, reveals how people with epilepsy are shaping the future of research.
click fraud has worsened

How has click fraud worsened during the coronavirus pandemic?

In this Q&A interview with Stewart Boutcher, CTO and data lead of Beacon, he discusses how click fraud has worsened during the coronavirus pandemic and what e-commerce businesses can do to protect themselves.
technology procurement

Technology procurement for the public sector

Crown Commercial Service turns the spotlight on technology procurement, underlining what the public sector must know about new Memorandums of Understanding.
European Citizens’ Initiative

Supporting the European Citizens’ Initiative

Kinga Joó, President of the EESC ad hoc Group on the Citizens' Initiative, enlightens us on the role of the organisation in supporting the European Citizens’ Initiative.
long COVID patients

NHS GP says long COVID patients “shouldn’t suffer in silence”

NHS GP and lead GP at Numan, Dr Luke Pratsides tells us everything he knows about the symptoms of long COVID and what’s being done to tackle this novel disease.
regulatory systems

Benchmarking Regulatory systems governing veterinary medicines – part 3

Rick Clayton, Technical Director, AnimalhealthEurope, in the final chapter of this three-part series, examines the benefits of benchmarking regulatory systems and promoting Good Regulatory Practice.
full lifecycle

Enabling ‘full lifecycle’ technology for the public sector

Crown Commercial Service explains how the Technology Services 3 update enables ‘full lifecycle’ technology services for the public sector.
banana xanthomonas wilt

Controlling Banana Xanthomonas Wilt Disease in East Africa

Experts Leena Tripathi, Jaindra Nath Tripathi and Richard Goodman, provide a compelling analysis of controlling Banana Xanthomonas Wilt Disease in East Africa.
National Procurement Policy Statement

National Procurement Policy Statement

Crown Commercial Service (CCS) tells us what we need to know about the UK’s National Procurement Policy Statement.
carbon net-zero

Carbon net-zero: Responding with electrical vehicles

Sheila Thomas, Decarbonisation Commercial Lead at Crown Commercial Service, looks at five ways to make electrical vehicles part of your response when it comes to achieving carbon net-zero.
making flexible working work

Culture and connection’s role in making flexible working work for everyone  

Tariq Hussain, Senior Sales Director, UK Government and National Security, Dell Technologies, explores the critical factors for hybrid working to support the levelling up agenda, in this first of a 2 part series.
cannabis investments

High stakes: Is the UK finally clearing a pathway for cannabis investments?

John Binns, Partner at BCL Solicitors LLP says it’s high stakes when it comes to the UK finally clearing a pathway towards cannabis investments.

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