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longest COVID infection, occult covid

Scientists identify longest COVID infection, at 505 days

After a study of immunocompromised patients, UK researchers found the longest COVID infection case to be 505 days.
first child, women's earnings

Women begin to earn less after having their first child

Women’s earnings have been found to decrease following the birth of their first child – but the drop in salary is not applicable to fathers.
symptomatic long covid, shortness of breath

Study says women more likely to have symptomatic Long COVID

A study finds that women are more likely to have symptomatic Long COVID, with breathlessness being the most common symptom.
brain disease

Three rare brain diseases that attack your language skills

According to NorthWestern Medicine, there are three different brain diseases that attack the language areas in the left hemisphere of the brain.
giving birth, covid restrictions

47% of UK parents had negative experiences of giving birth

Early into COVID-19 pandemic, almost half of all parents in the UK reported negative experiences of giving birth due to restrictions and poor communication.
malaria treatments

Understanding the immune system to create new malaria treatments

By analysing patient samples, researchers believe they now understand how the human immune system protects the body from malaria - opening the door to new malaria treatments.
EU pandemic committee, virus response

EU pandemic committee begins review of response to COVID

The EU pandemic committee, created in March, 2022, has elected a Chair and will now begin to look at the European response to the virus.
life expectancy in england, marmot review

What is the average life expectancy in England?

The Health Foundation says that poor women in England have the lowest life expectancy of almost all OECD countries, at 78.7 years.
uk herd immunity, covid regulations

UK herd immunity: Is the lack of COVID regulation working?

Having lifted most of its COVID regulations – spikes in infections show that UK herd immunity through vaccination programmes is not efficient in the long run.
russian gas supplies, economic output

Germany risks €220 billion with full ban on Russian gas supplies

The Joint Economic Forecast finds that €220 billion of German economic output would be at risk over 2022 and 2023, if the country cuts ties with Russian gas supplies.
hybrid working in healthcare, medical-grade VDI

5 ways to boost ROI from hybrid working in healthcare

Keith Ali, MD at Creative ITC, explains how healthcare organisations can unlock the full benefits of remote and hybrid working in healthcare.
COVID pneumonia, lung function

How long does COVID pneumonia last?

Scientists describe COVID pneumonia as "multiple wildfires spreading across a forest" - but how different is the condition from regular pneumonia?
COVID treatment

Could nanoparticle deception be a future COVID treatment?

Potential new COVID-19 treatment may see decoy nanoparticles trick the life-threatening virus and render them inactive
myopericarditis after COVID vaccination, mRNA vaccine

Scientists say low risk of myopericarditis after COVID vaccination

A study finds that the risk of myopericarditis after COVID vaccination is low, or equivalent to the risks posed by vaccines against other diseases.
new COVID treatment, sabizabulin

Powerful new COVID treatment cuts hospital deaths by 55%

So far, there is no treatment for severe cases - but now, clinical trials for a new COVID treatment show immense promise in preventing death.
XE COVID variant, Omicron variant

XE COVID variant 10% more transmissible than Omicron

The World Health Organisation (WHO) say that the XE COVID variant (a mixture of two strains of Omicron) could be 10% more transmissible than Omicron itself.
unregistered children, education

There will be 100 million unregistered children worldwide, by 2030

Obstacles to registering births across Africa has led to millions of unregistered children – potentially preventing people from attaining essential human rights later in life.
cancer referrals

Fighting against a Covid tide to deliver cancer referral innovation

PinPoint Data Science is working with the NHS to deliver much needed innovation in cancer referral pathways
meaningful activities, loneliness

Loneliness can be tackled by finding the ‘flow’ in meaningful activities

Researchers suggest that to combat loneliness, finding activities with the ‘flow’ – engaging deeply in meaningful activities – can increase leisure and reduce loneliness.

Understanding Flaviviruses: Deciphering insect-borne virus strategies

Understanding the infection strategy of mosquito-borne viruses known as flaviviruses is key in the future development of treatments and possible vaccines

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