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hydrogen storage project

Glasgow’s £10 million hydrogen storage project for clean energy

A new hydrogen storage project in Glasgow with nearly £10 million in UK government funding to provide zero-carbon fuel for clean energy storage.

Energy transitions: Keeping the society on board

Scientific Responsible of PARIS REINFORCE, discusses importance of an honest and inclusive conversation when considering the move to a carbon-free economy.
inclusion crisis

Fashion industry must prioritise its inclusion crisis over sustainability

Joanna Pritchard, CEO, The Valuable 500, discusses why the fashion industry will never be able to address its sustainability crisis without addressing its inclusion crisis.
global water crisis

Avoiding ‘Day Zero’: A global water crisis

Darío Soto-Abril and Johannes Cullmann, state the world is facing a global water crisis and share their views on what we can do to avoid ‘Day Zero’.
nature and oceans, cop26, land use

UK pledges to protect land use, nature and oceans at COP26

As COP26 reaches its completion in Glasgow this year, the UK pledges for more urgent action and investment protecting land, nature, and oceans on their respective summit days. Here’s the breakdown.
smart mobility

Connectivity: The fundamental ingredient of a successful smart city

Frank Stoecker, CEO and co-founder, EMnify, explores why the IoT and the future of smart cities depend on smart mobility as a key building block.
low carbon locomotive

The new locomotive contributing to net-zero carbon

A new low carbon locomotive design launched by Nuclear Transport Solutions’ (NTS) rail division is to be presented at this year’s Low Carbon Logistics event in Mossend, Scotland.
human industry

Gene editing promises to make human industry sustainable

L. Val Giddings, PhD, Senior Fellow, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, states that gene editing promises to make human industry sustainable*.
digital transition, digital europe

European Commission to invest €2 billion towards digital transition

Investing nearly €2 billion from their Digital Europe Programme, the European Commission aims to strengthen their digital solutions to benefit citizens and businesses.
sustainable food industry

Together we create a sustainable supply of skills for a sustainable food industry

Here, the Swedish Surplus Energy Collection (SSE-C) reflects on one of the most crucial issues facing humanity today - a sustainable food industry.
covid-related plastic waste, single use plastics

New ocean model traces COVID-related plastic waste

The pandemic has increased demand for single-use plastics such as face masks, gloves, and face shields – so what happens to COVID-related plastic waste?
energy storm, EESC

EU must gain global leadership to avoid the perfect energy storm

Alena Mastantuono, EESC Member, and Petr Zahradník, Economist, argue that the EU must gain global leadership to avoid the perfect energy storm
green energy transition

Energy crisis: A perfect storm for the UK’s green energy transition

Chris Bowden, Managing Director of Squeaky, explains why he believes the energy crisis we are experiencing is a perfect storm for the UK's green energy transition, albeit unintentional.
secure a sustainable future

E-waste to secure a sustainable future

Fredrik Forslund, VP Enterprise and Cloud, Blancco, argues that e-waste mustn’t be overlooked in our efforts to secure a sustainable future.
The imminent possibility of electric vehicles (EV)

All electric vehicles by 2030

Wilke Reints looks at how electric vehicles can be implemented before 2030 – especially when it comes to infrastructural necessities.
ecology and conservation, diversity in ecology

New data highlights lack of diversity in ecology and conservation

Out of the top authors in ecology and conservation journals, 11% were by women and 75% of the articles focused on five countries in the Global North.
Microbial electrosynthesis, microbes

Microbial electrosynthesis for sustainable bioproduction

Arpita Bose, PhD, Associate Professor at Washington University illustrates how microbes may prove essential for developing sustainable technologies as we strive for greener economies.

Dr Arpita Bose – Department of Biology, Washington University

Dr Arpita Bose studies the mechanisms that microbes use to survive, and how they can be exploited to address issues related to energy production, pollution, and sustainability After completing her PhD at the University of Illinois at Urbana, she worked as a research associate at institutions including MIT and Harvard...
deforestation 2030, sustainable

World leaders agree to reverse deforestation by 2030

World leaders, including Brazil and China, have agreed to stop and reverse deforestation by 2030.
UK law of protest, human rights act

Emerging threats: Recent developments in the UK law of protest

Sailesh Mehta and Tim Kiely, Barristers at Red Lion Chambers, look at the volatile landscape of UK law of protest - especially in the wake of Black Lives Matter and Extinction Rebellion.

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